Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on String Manipulation, TechnoVlogs

Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on String Manipulation

Q1. Write a program to take a string as input and convert all its characters to uppercase using a string method.  
  - Input: "hello world"  
  - Expected Output: "HELLO WORLD" 

Q2. Write a program to count the number of times a specific substring appears in a given string.  
  - Input: "banana", "a"  
  - Expected Output: 3 

Q3. Write a program to find the position of the first occurrence of a given character in a string.  
  - Input: "python programming", "p"  
  - Expected Output: 0

Q4. Write a program to replace all occurrences of a substring in a string with another substring.  
  - Input: "I love apples", "apples", "oranges"  
  - Expected Output: "I love oranges"

Q5. Write a program to check if the given string contains only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers).  
  - Input: "Python123"  
  - Expected Output: True

Q6. Write a program to split a string into a list of words using spaces as the delimiter.  
  - Input: "Learn Python Programming"  
  - Expected Output: ['Learn', 'Python', 'Programming']

Q7. Write a program to join a list of strings into a single string, separated by a given delimiter.  
  - Input: ["a", "b", "c"], "-"  
  - Expected Output: "a-b-c"

Q8. Write a program to format a string using f-strings to display a person's name and age.  
  - Input: "Alice", 25  
  - Expected Output: "Alice is 25 years old"

Q9. Write a program to check if a string starts with a specific prefix.  
  - Input: "banana", "ban"  
  - Expected Output: True

Q10. Write a program to remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string.  
   - Input: "   hello   "  
   - Expected Output: "hello"

Q11. Write a program to validate if the given string is a valid email address using regular expressions.  
   - Input: ""  
   - Expected Output: True

Q12. Write a program to extract all numeric sequences from a given string using regular expressions.  
   - Input: "abc123xyz456"  
   - Expected Output: ['123', '456']

Q13. Write a program to check if a string contains only alphabetic characters using regular expressions.  
   - Input: "PythonProgramming"  
   - Expected Output: True

Q14. Write a program to find all words in a string that start with a given letter using regular expressions.  
   - Input: "apple banana apricot berry", "a"  
   - Expected Output: ['apple', 'apricot']

Q15. Write a program to replace all digits in a string with a specified symbol using regular expressions.  
   - Input: "I have 2 cats and 3 dogs", "#"  
   - Expected Output: "I have # cats and # dogs"

Q16. Write a program to search for the first occurrence of a numeric sequence in a given string using regular expressions.  
   - Input: "hello123world", r'\d+'  
   - Expected Output: "123"

Q17. Write a program to split a string into a list of words using multiple delimiters (spaces, commas, or semicolons).  
   - Input: "one,two;three", r'[;,\s]+'  
   - Expected Output: ['one', 'two', 'three']

Q18. Write a program to validate if the given string is a valid URL using regular expressions.  
   - Input: ""  
   - Expected Output: True

Q19. Write a program to extract the domain name from a given email address using regular expressions.  
   - Input: ""  
   - Expected Output: ""

Q20. Write a program to check if a string starts with a specific pattern using regular expressions.  
   - Input: "123abc", r'^\d+'  
   - Expected Output: "123"

Q21. Write a program to check if a string is in a specific Unicode Normal Form (NFC or NFD).  
   - Input: "café", "NFC"  
   - Expected Output: True

Q22. Write a program to remove accents and convert a Unicode string to its ASCII equivalent.  
   - Input: "naïve"  
   - Expected Output: "naive"

Q23. Write a program to decode a Unicode string from its byte representation.  
   - Input: b'\xc3\xa9'  
   - Expected Output: "é"

Q24. Write a program to count the number of characters in a Unicode string, including special characters like emojis.  
   - Input: "hello 🌎"  
   - Expected Output: 7

Q25. Write a program to convert a string into a list of its Unicode code points.  
   - Input: "hello"  
   - Expected Output: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]

Q26. Write a program to generate a string from a list of Unicode code points.  
   - Input: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]  
   - Expected Output: "hello"

Q27. Write a program to remove all accents from a given Unicode string.  
   - Input: "café"  
   - Expected Output: "cafe"

Q28. Write a program to check if the given string contains any emoji characters.  
   - Input: "Hello 🌎"  
   - Expected Output: True

Q29. Write a program to normalize a Unicode string into a specific form (e.g., NFC or NFD).  
   - Input: "café", "NFD"  
   - Expected Output: "café"

Q30. Write a program to compare two Unicode strings that might be in different normalized forms.  
   - Input: "café", "cafe\u0301"  
   - Expected Output: True

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