Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on File Handling, TechnoVlogs

Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on File Handling

Q1. Write a program to write the string "Hello, world!" to a file named output.txt.  
  - Input: None (write "Hello, world!" to output.txt)  
  - Expected Output: File output.txt contains the text:  
    Hello, world!

Q2. Write a program to read the contents of a file named input.txt. Assume the file contains the text "Python is awesome!".  
  - Input: File input.txt with content:  
    Python is awesome!
  - Expected Output: "Python is awesome!"

Q3. Write a program to write the following lines to a file named data.txt:  
  Line 1
  Line 2
  Line 3
  - Expected Output: File data.txt contains:  
    Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3

Q4. Write a program to read all lines from a file named data.txt into a list. Assume the file contains the text:  
  Line 1
  Line 2
  Line 3
  - Input: File data.txt with content above  
  - Expected Output: ['Line 1\n', 'Line 2\n', 'Line 3\n']

Q5. Write a program to append the line "Line 4" to an existing file named data.txt.  
  - Input: File data.txt initially contains:  
    Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3
  - Expected Output: File data.txt contains:  
    Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3
    Line 4

Q6. Write a program to open a file in read mode (r) and print its contents. Assume readme.txt contains:  
  Welcome to Python!
  - Input: File readme.txt  
  - Expected Output: "Welcome to Python!"

Q7. Write a program to open a file in write mode (w), write "Overwritten content" to it, and close the file.  
  - Input: File file.txt initially contains any content  
  - Expected Output: File file.txt now contains:  
    Overwritten content

Q8. Write a program to open a file in binary append mode (ab) and append the bytes b'\x00\x01\x02' to it.  
  - Input: File binary.bin initially empty  
  - Expected Output: File binary.bin contains the bytes: 
    00 01 02

Q9. Write a program to open a file in binary read mode (rb) and print its byte content. Assume binary.bin contains the bytes b'\x48\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F'.  
  - Input: File binary.bin  
  - Expected Output: b'Hello'

Q10. Write a program to create a new file named newfile.txt if it doesn’t exist and write "This is a new file" to it.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: File newfile.txt contains:  
     This is a new file

Q11. Write a program to handle the FileNotFoundError if a file named missing.txt does not exist when trying to read it.  
   - Input: File missing.txt does not exist  
   - Expected Output: "File not found!"

Q12. Write a program to handle the PermissionError if trying to write to a read-only file.  
   - Input: File readonly.txt is read-only  
   - Expected Output: "Permission denied!"

Q13. Write a program to check if a file is properly closed after reading its contents.  
   - Input: File example.txt contains:  
     Example content

   - Expected Output:  
     Example content
     File is closed: True

Q14. Write a program to read the contents of a file safely using the with statement. Assume notes.txt contains:  
   Python is great!
   - Input: File notes.txt  
   - Expected Output: "Python is great!"

Q15. Write a program to handle both FileNotFoundError and PermissionError while trying to open a file.  
   - Input: File nonexistent.txt does not exist  
   - Expected Output: "File not found!" 

Q16. Write a program to read the first 10 characters from a file named story.txt. Assume the file contains:  
   Once upon a time, in a faraway land...
   - Input: File story.txt  
   - Expected Output: "Once upon "

Q17. Write a program to write a list of strings, each on a new line, to a file named lines.txt. Use the list ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"].  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: File lines.txt contains:  

Q18. Write a program to read a file named poem.txt and print its contents line by line. Assume the file contains: 
   Roses are red,
   Violets are blue.
   Python is fun,
   And so are you!
   - Input: File poem.txt  
   - Expected Output:  
     Roses are red,
     Violets are blue.
     Python is fun,
     And so are you!

Q19. Write a program to count the total number of lines in a file named data.txt. Assume the file contains:  
   Line 1
   Line 2
   Line 3
   - Input: File data.txt  
   - Expected Output: 3

Q20. Write a program to copy the contents of a file named source.txt to a new file named destination.txt.  
   - Input: File source.txt contains:  
     This is the source file.
   - Expected Output: File destination.txt contains:  
     This is the source file.

Q21. Write a program to read a file named image.png in binary mode and count the total number of bytes. Assume the file contains 1024 bytes.  
   - Input: File image.png  
   - Expected Output: 1024

Q22. Write a program to append the following lines to a file named log.txt: 
   Log Entry 1
   Log Entry 2
   - Input: File log.txt initially contains:  
     Previous log entries
   - Expected Output: File log.txt contains:  
     Previous log entries
     Log Entry 1
     Log Entry 2

Q23. Write a program to create a binary file named data.bin and write the bytes b'\x01\x02\x03' to it.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: File data.bin contains:  
     01 02 03

Q24. Write a program to read a file in binary mode and decode its contents as UTF-8. Assume utf8.txt contains: 
   Hello, world!
   - Input: File utf8.txt  
   - Expected Output: "Hello, world!" 

Q25. Write a program to open a file in read/write mode (r+), read its contents, and append "Appended text" at the end.  
   - Input: File notes.txt contains:  
     Initial content
   - Expected Output: File notes.txt contains:  
     Initial content
     Appended text

Q26. Write a program to handle an IOError if it occurs while reading a file.  
   - Input: Simulate a hardware-related error (e.g., file locked)  
   - Expected Output: "An IOError occurred!"

Q27. Write a program to handle the error when trying to write to a directory path instead of a file.  
   - Input: Path dir_path/  
   - Expected Output: "Cannot write to a directory!"

Q28. Write a program to check if a file exists before attempting to read it.  
   - Input: File check.txt does not exist  
   - Expected Output: "File does not exist!"

Q29. Write a program to handle an error if there isn’t enough disk space while writing a file.  
   - Input: Simulate insufficient disk space  
   - Expected Output: "Not enough disk space!"

Q30. Write a program to safely delete a temporary file after its use, even if an exception occurs during file operations.  
   - Input: Temporary file tempfile.txt contains:  
     Temporary content
   - Expected Output: File tempfile.txt is deleted after execution.

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