30 Python Programming Questions on Function Arguments, TechnoVlogs

30 Python Programming Questions on Function Arguments

Q 1. Define a function with two positional arguments and call it with values 10 and 20.

Expected Output:


Q 2. Define a function with a default argument and call it without providing the default value.

Expected Output:

Hello, Guest!

Q 3. Define a function with keyword arguments and call it using named arguments.

Expected Output:

My name is Alice and I am 30 years old.

Q 4. Define a function with variable-length positional arguments and call it with multiple values.

Expected Output:

Hello world from Python

Q 5. Define a function with variable-length keyword arguments and call it with multiple named arguments.

Expected Output:

{'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'city': 'New York'}

Q 6. Define a function with both default and keyword arguments and call it with some keyword arguments.

Expected Output:

Hello, Alice!

Q 7. Define a function that uses positional arguments and keyword arguments together.

Expected Output:

Eve is 28 years old and lives in Paris.

Q 8. Define a function with variable-length positional arguments and default arguments.

Expected Output:


Q 9. Define a function that prints a list of names using variable-length positional arguments.

Expected Output:




Q 10. Define a function that returns the sum of a list of numbers and an optional multiplier.

Expected Output:


Q 11. Define a function with a required positional argument and an optional keyword argument.

Expected Output:

Hi, Dave!

Q 12. Define a function that accepts variable-length keyword arguments and returns the count of those arguments.

Expected Output:

Q 13. Define a function that combines a list of strings into a single string using variable-length arguments.

Expected Output:


Q 14. Define a function that takes a positional argument and a variable-length keyword argument and returns them as a dictionary.

Expected Output:

{'positional': 'value', 'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2'}
Q 15. Define a function that calculates the area of a rectangle using keyword arguments.

Expected Output:


Q 16. Define a function that takes a fixed positional argument and an arbitrary number of additional positional arguments, and returns their sum.

Expected Output:


Q 17. Define a function with default positional arguments and call it with and without providing values for those arguments.

Expected Output:

Hi Hi Hi

Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello

Q 18. Define a function that takes a list as a positional argument and a default value to append to the list.

Expected Output:

[1, 2, 3, 'default']

[1, 2, 3, 'extra']

Q 19. Define a function with a mix of positional and variable-length arguments, and return the total number of arguments passed.

Expected Output:


Q 20. Define a function that uses a default keyword argument and call it with and without specifying the keyword argument.

Expected Output:

Hello World

Goodbye World

Q 21. Define a function with both default and variable-length positional arguments, and call it with different numbers of arguments.

Expected Output:

Data1: 1, 2, 3, Default: N/A

Data2: 4, 5, Default: Custom
Q 22. Define a function that accepts a variable-length list of numbers and calculates their average.

Expected Output:



Q 23. Define a function that takes a positional argument and variable-length keyword arguments, and returns the positional argument and the sum of the keyword arguments' values.

Expected Output:

Alice: Total = 30

Q 24. Define a function with positional and default arguments and call it with different combinations of arguments.

Expected Output:

Option: color, Value: default

Option: size, Value: large

Q 25. Define a function that accepts a fixed number of positional arguments and an arbitrary number of keyword arguments, and returns the keyword arguments as a dictionary.

Expected Output:

{'title': 'Monthly Report', 'author': 'John Doe', 'pages': 10}
Q 26. Define a function with positional arguments and a variable-length list of default values, and call it with various arguments.

Expected Output:

[15, 25, 35]

[25, 35]

Q 27. Define a function that takes a list and a variable-length list of additional items to append to the list.

Expected Output:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Q 28. Define a function with keyword arguments to specify configuration options and call it with different configurations.

Expected Output:

{'theme': 'dark', 'language': 'English'}

{'theme': 'light'}

Q 29. Define a function with a required positional argument and variable-length keyword arguments, and print the argument names and values.

Expected Output:

Name: Alice

age: 30

city: London

Q 30. Define a function that takes a positional argument and a variable-length list of positional arguments, and returns the count of the total arguments.

Expected Output:


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Bikki Singh

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