Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on Networking, TechnoVlogs

Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on Networking

Q1. Write a Python program to create a TCP server that listens on port 12345 and prints any message it receives.  
Input (from a client):  
Hello, Server!  
Expected Output (on the server):  
Message from client: Hello, Server!

Q2. Write a Python program to create a TCP client that connects to a server at localhost on port 12345 and sends the message "Hello, Server!".  
Expected Output (on the server):  
Message from client: Hello, Server!

Q3. Write a Python program to create a TCP server that echoes back any message it receives from a client.  
Input (from the client):  
Echo this!  
Expected Output (on the client):  
Server echoed: Echo this!

Q4. Write a UDP server and client. The client sends a message, and the server responds with "Acknowledged".  
Client Input:  
Hello, UDP Server!  
Expected Output (on the client):  
Server response: Acknowledged

Q5. Write a Python program where a client sends a list of numbers to the server, and the server returns their sum.  
Input (from the client):  
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  
Expected Output (on the client):  
Sum from server: 15

Q6. Write a Python program where a client uploads a text file to a server. The server saves the file locally.  
Client Input:  
test.txt (contains Hello, this is a test.)  
Expected Output (on the server):  
A file named received_test.txt with the content:  
Hello, this is a test.

Q7. Write a Python program for a chat application using sockets. The server and client can send messages alternately.  
Client Input:  
Expected Output (on the server):  
Client: Hello!

Q8. Write a TCP server that can handle multiple clients. Each client sends its name, and the server responds with "Hello, [Name]!".  
Client Input:  
Expected Output (on the client):  
Server: Hello, Alice!

Q9. Write a program to demonstrate socket timeout. If the client doesn’t send a message within 5 seconds, the server should print "Timeout occurred".  
Expected Output (on the server):  
Timeout occurred

Q10. Write a program to check if a specific website ( is reachable.  
Expected Output:  
Website is reachable.

Q11. Write a Python program to fetch the HTML content of using the requests module.  
Expected Output (partial):  


Q12. Write a Python program to make a POST request to with data {"name": "John"}.  
Expected Output:  
 "json": {"name": "John"}

Q13. Write a Python program to fetch a webpage and print "Error occurred" if the status code is not 200.  
Expected Output:  
Error occurred

Q14. Write a Python program to fetch a JSON response from  
Expected Output:  
 "userId": 1,
 "id": 1,
 "title": "...",
 "body": "..."

Q15. Write a Python program to download an image from and save it as image.jpg.  
Expected Output:  
An image named image.jpg in the current directory.

Q16. Write a Python program to make a GET request with custom headers to  
Expected Output:  
The response JSON includes your custom headers.

Q17. Write a Python program to measure the response time of  
Expected Output:  
Response time: 0.25 seconds

Q18. Write a Python program to fetch JSON data from and print the names of all users.  
Expected Output:  
Leanne Graham
Ervin Howell

Q19. Write a Python program to print the status code of  
Expected Output:  
Status Code: 200

Q20. Write a Python program to send a GET request with basic authentication to  
Expected Output:  

Q21. Write a Python program to start an HTTP server on port 8080 that serves the current directory.  
Expected Output:  
Serving HTTP on port 8080 ...

Q22. Write a Python program to create a simple web server that serves a custom HTML page.  
Expected Output (on visiting in a browser):  


Welcome to My Server



Q23. Modify the web server to log all incoming requests.  
Expected Output (in console):  
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

Q24. Write a web server that returns a JSON response for any GET request.  
Expected Output (on visiting in a browser):  
 "message": "Hello, world!"

Q25. Write a web server that extracts and prints query parameters from the URL.  
URL Input:  
Expected Output:  
Name: John, Age: 30

Q26. Write a Python program to serve static files like images or CSS from a folder.  
Expected Output:  
Files in the folder are accessible via the browser.

Q27. Write a web server that accepts POST requests and prints the data sent by the client.  
Client Input:  
{"name": "Alice"}  
Expected Output (on the server):  
Received: {"name": "Alice"}

Q28. Write a Python program to create a web server that redirects /old to /new.  
Expected Output (in the browser):  
Navigating to /old redirects to /new.

Q29. Write a web server that returns a 404 Not Found for invalid paths.  
Expected Output (in the browser):  
404 Not Found

Q30. Write a Python program to stop the web server when the user presses a specific key (e.g., Ctrl+C).  
Expected Output:  
Server stopped.

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