Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on Modules and Packages, TechnoVlogs

Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on Modules and Packages

Q1. Write a program to calculate the square root of 16 using the math module.  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output: 4.0

Q2. Write a program to generate a random integer between 1 and 10 using the random module.  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output: Random number between 1 and 10 

Q3. Write a program to list all files in the current directory using the os module.  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output: A list of filenames (e.g., ['file1.txt', ''])

Q4. Write a program to display the current working directory using the os module.  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output: Current working directory path (e.g., /home/user)

Q5. Write a program to display today’s date using the datetime module.  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output: Current date (e.g., 2024-12-04) 

Q6.  Write a module with a function add(a, b) that returns the sum of two numbers. Import and use it in a script to calculate 5 + 7.  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output: 12

Q7. Create a module with functions add(a, b) and multiply(a, b). Use both functions in a script to calculate 2 + 3 and 2 3.  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output:  
    Addition: 5
    Multiplication: 6

Q8. Write a module with a function hello(name). Import it with an alias and call hello("Alice").  
  - Input: None  
  - Expected Output: "Hello, Alice!"

Q9. Write a program to modify a custom module and reload it using importlib.reload.  
  - Input: Modify the greeting variable in  
  - Expected Output: Updated value of greeting

Q10. Write a module with a constant PI = 3.14. Import it and calculate the circumference of a circle with radius 5.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: 31.400000000000002

Q11. Create a package mypackage with an file and a module containing a function say_hello(). Import it and call say_hello().  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: "Hello from module1!"

Q12. Create a package mypackage with submodules module1 and module2. Call functions from both submodules in a script.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: Outputs from functions in module1 and module2.

Q13. Write a program to import and call specific functions from a package mypackage.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: Outputs from the imported functions.

Q14. Write a program to dynamically import a module math and call the sqrt() function.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: Output of math.sqrt(16)

Q15. Create a package mypackage with two modules module1 and module2. Use relative imports to access functions between them.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: Outputs from functions using relative imports.

Q16. Write a program to use the Template class from the string module to substitute values into a template.  
   - Input: {'name': 'Alice'}  
   - Expected Output: "Hello, Alice!"

Q17. Write a program to count the occurrences of elements in a list using collections.Counter.  
   - Input: [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]  
   - Expected Output: Counter({3: 3, 2: 2, 1: 1})

Q18. Write a program to generate all permutations of [1, 2, 3] using itertools.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: [(1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 2), ...]

Q19. Write a program to find all occurrences of Python in the string "I love Python. Python is fun!".  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: ['Python', 'Python']

Q20. Write a program to measure the time it takes to execute a loop with time module.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: Execution time in seconds.

Q21. Write a program to make a GET request to using the requests library.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: Response data (e.g., status code 200)

Q22. Write a program to parse the string {"name": "Alice", "age": 25} into a Python dictionary.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}

Q23. Write a program to serialize a dictionary into a JSON string and deserialize it back.  
   - Input: {'key': 'value'}  
   - Expected Output: Serialized: {"key": "value"}, Deserialized: {'key': 'value'}

Q24. Write a program to create a file example.txt in the current directory using pathlib.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: File example.txt created.

Q25. Write a program to fetch the value of the environment variable HOME.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: Path to home directory.

Q26. Write a program to use lru_cache from the functools module to cache the results of a function that calculates the factorial of a number.  
   - Input: 5, then 5 again  
   - Expected Output: First call: 120, Second call: Cached result: 120

Q27. Create a package utilities with two modules:  
   - A function reverse_string(s) to reverse a string.  
   - A function square(n) to calculate the square of a number.  
   Import and use these in a script.  
   - Input: reverse_string("hello"), square(4)  
   - Expected Output: "olleh", 16

Q28. Write a program to use pkg_resources to check the version of the installed numpy package.  
   - Input: None  
   - Expected Output: "numpy version: "

Q29. Create a package shapes with the structure:  
   - A function area(radius) to calculate the area of a circle.  
   - A function area(length, width) to calculate the area of a rectangle.  
   Import and use these functions in a script.  
   - Input: circle.area(5), rectangle.area(4, 3)  
   - Expected Output: 78.5, 12

Q30. Create a package mytools and write a script to install it using pip. Include a module with a function word_count(text) to count the words in a string. Demonstrate its usage after installation.  
   - Input: "Hello world!"  
   - Expected Output: 2

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