Practice Top 30 Python Programming Questions on File and Directory Operations
Q1. Use the os module to create a new directory named new_folder in the current working directory.
Expected Output:
Directory 'new_folder' created.
Q2. Use the os module to list all files in the current directory.
Expected Output:
['file1.txt', 'file2.py', 'image.jpg']
Q3. Use the os module to delete a file named file_to_delete.txt.
Expected Output:
File 'file_to_delete.txt' deleted.
Q4. Use the os module to rename a file old_name.txt to new_name.txt.
Expected Output:
File renamed from 'old_name.txt' to 'new_name.txt'.
Q5. Use the os.path module to check if a file named check_file.txt exists in the current directory.
Expected Output:
The file 'check_file.txt' exists.
Q6. Use the os.path module to check if a directory named test_directory exists in the current working directory.
Expected Output:
The directory 'test_directory' exists.
Q7. Use the shutil module to copy a file source.txt to destination.txt.
Expected Output:
File copied from 'source.txt' to 'destination.txt'.
Q8. Use the shutil module to move a file source.txt from the current directory to the new_folder directory.
Expected Output:
File 'source.txt' moved to 'new_folder/source.txt'.
Q9. Use the open() function to create a new file named new_file.txt and write "Hello, world!" to it.
Expected Output:
File 'new_file.txt' created and written to.
Q10. Use the os.rmdir() function to delete an empty directory named empty_folder.
Expected Output:
Directory 'empty_folder' deleted.
Q11. Use the os.getcwd() function to get the current working directory.
Expected Output:
Current directory is '/home/user/projects'.
Q12. Use the os module to list all directories in a given path.
Expected Output:
['projects', 'documents', 'downloads']
Q13. Use the os.path module to get the absolute path of a file file.txt in the current directory.
Expected Output:
Absolute path: /home/user/file.txt
Q14. Use the os.path module to check if a given path is a directory.
Expected Output:
The path is a directory.
Q15. Use the os.path module to check if a given path is a file.
Expected Output:
The path is a file.
Q16. Use the os.path module to get the size of a file named example.txt.
Expected Output:
File size is 1024 bytes.
Q17. Use the os.makedirs() function to create nested directories parent_folder/child_folder.
Expected Output:
Nested directories 'parent_folder/child_folder' created.
Q18. Use the shutil module to copy a directory source_folder to destination_folder.
Expected Output:
Directory 'source_folder' copied to 'destination_folder'.
Q19. Use the os and os.path modules to remove all files from a directory named target_folder.
Expected Output:
All files in 'target_folder' removed.
Q20. Use the os.symlink() function to create a symbolic link link.txt that points to the file original.txt.
Expected Output:
Symbolic link 'link.txt' created.
Q21. Use the os.path module to check if a file named image.jpg has a .jpg extension.
Expected Output:
The file has a '.jpg' extension.
Q22. Use the pathlib module to get the parent directory of a file document.txt.
Expected Output:
Parent directory: /home/user
Q23. Use the pathlib module to get the extension of a file example.py.
Expected Output:
File extension: .py
Q24. Use the pathlib module to check if a file test_file.txt exists.
Expected Output:
The path 'test_file.txt' exists.
Q25. Use the pathlib module to join two path components folder and file.txt.
Expected Output:
Joined path: folder/file.txt
Q26. Use the pathlib module to list all files in the current directory.
Expected Output:
['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'image.jpg']
Q27. Use the pathlib module to get the directory name from a path /home/user/docs/file.txt.
Expected Output:
Directory name: docs
Q28. Use the pathlib module to check if a path /home/user/file.txt is absolute.
Expected Output:
The path is absolute.
Q29. Use the shutil module to rename a directory old_dir to new_dir.
Expected Output:
Directory renamed from 'old_dir' to 'new_dir'.
Q30. Use the shutil module to move a directory old_folder to a new location new_folder_location.
Expected Output:
Directory 'old_folder' moved to 'new_folder_location/old_folder'.