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30 Python Programming Questions on Conditional Statements , TechnoVlogs

30 Python Programming Questions on Conditional Statements

Q 1. Check if a number is positive, negative, or zero.

Input: num = 7

Expected Output:


Q 2. Determine if a year is a leap year.

Input: year = 2024

Expected Output:

Leap Year

Q 3. Check if a number is even or odd.

Input: num = 10

Expected Output:


Q 4. Determine if a number is within a specific range.

Input: num = 25

Expected Output:

Out of range

Q 5. Compare two numbers and print the greater one.

Input: a = 5, b = 8

Expected Output:


Q 6. Check if a person is eligible to vote (age >= 18).

Input: age = 16

Expected Output:

Not eligible to vote

Q 7. Check if a number is divisible by both 3 and 5.

Input: num = 15

Expected Output:

Divisible by both 3 and 5

Q 8. Determine if a number is positive or non-positive.

Input: num = -3

Expected Output:


Q 9. Check if a string length is greater than 10.

Input: string = "Hello World"

Expected Output:

Length is greater than 10

Q 10. Check if a character is a vowel.

Input: char = 'e'

Expected Output:


Q 11. Determine if a number is greater than 100.

Input: num = 150

Expected Output:

Greater than 100

Q 12. Check if a given number is between 1 and 10 inclusive.

Input: num = 7

Expected Output:

Within range

Q 13. Print the largest of three numbers.

Input: a = 10, b = 20, c = 15

Expected Output:


Q 14. Check if a number is divisible by 7.

Input: num = 14

Expected Output:

Divisible by 7

Q 15. Check if a person is an adult or a minor (age >= 18).

Input: age = 20

Expected Output:


Q 16. Determine the grade based on the score.

Input: score = 85

Expected Output:

Grade B

Q 17. Check if a number is a multiple of 10.

Input: num = 50

Expected Output:

Multiple of 10

Q 18. Determine if a number is positive and less than 100.

Input: num = 45

Expected Output:

Positive and less than 100

Q 19. Print the appropriate message for the day of the week.

Input: day = 'Wednesday'

Expected Output:


Q 20. Check if a number is positive or negative, and also if it’s even or odd.

Input: num = -8

Expected Output:

Negative Even

Q 21. Determine if a person is eligible for senior citizen benefits (age >= 65).

Input: age = 70

Expected Output:

Eligible for senior citizen benefits

Q 22. Check if a number is within 1 to 100.

Input: num = 85

Expected Output:

Number is within 1 to 100

Q 23. Print the smallest of three numbers.

Input: a = 12, b = 8, c = 15

Expected Output:


Q 24. Check if a number is positive and divisible by 3.

Input: num = 9

Expected Output:

Positive and divisible by 3

Q 25. Determine if a number is greater than or equal to 50 but less than 100.

Input: num = 75

Expected Output:

Number is in the range 50 to 99

Q 26. Check if a number is a multiple of both 2 and 5.

Input: num = 20

Expected Output:

Multiple of both 2 and 5

Q 27. Determine if a given month number corresponds to a winter month (December, January, February).

Input: month = 1

Expected Output:


Q 28. Check if a given number is a multiple of 6.

Input: num = 18

Expected Output:

Multiple of 6

Q 29. Determine if a number is either less than 10 or greater than 100.

Input: num = 5

Expected Output:

Number is less than 10 or greater than 100

Q 30. Print the message based on the grade obtained.

Input: grade = 'B'

Expected Output:


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Bikki Singh Instructor TechnoVlogs

Bikki Singh

Hi, I am the instructor of TechnoVlogs. I have a strong love for programming and enjoy teaching through practical examples. I made this site to help people improve their coding skills by solving real-world problems. With years of experience, my goal is to make learning programming easy and fun for everyone. Let's learn and grow together!