Practice 70 Java Encapsulation Programming Questions
Q1. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields name and age. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify these fields.
Set name = "John" and age = 25
Expected Output:
Name: John
Age: 25
Q2. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with private fields balance and accountNumber. Provide methods to deposit, withdraw, and check the balance.
Deposit: ₹5000, Withdraw: ₹1000
Expected Output:
Balance after deposit: ₹5000
Balance after withdrawal: ₹4000
Q3. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with private fields employeeId and salary. Provide methods to get and set these values.
Set employeeId = 101 and salary = ₹50000
Expected Output:
Employee ID: 101
Salary: ₹50000
Q4. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with private fields length and width. Provide public methods to calculate and return the area of the rectangle.
Set length = 5 and width = 3
Expected Output:
Area of Rectangle: 15
Q5. Write a Java program to create a class Student with private fields name, rollNo, and marks. Provide public methods to get and set these values and calculate the average marks.
Set name = "Alice", rollNo = 10, marks = 85, 90, 78
Expected Output:
Name: Alice
Roll No: 10
Average Marks: 84.33
Q6. Write a Java program to create a class Product with private fields productName, price, and quantity. Provide public methods to set and get these fields, and calculate the total value of the product.
Set productName = "Laptop", price = ₹50000, quantity = 2
Expected Output:
Product Name: Laptop
Total Value: ₹100000
Q7. Write a Java program to create a class Car with private fields brand, model, and year. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify these fields.
Set brand = "Toyota", model = "Camry", year = 2020
Expected Output:
Brand: Toyota
Model: Camry
Year: 2020
Q8. Write a Java program to create a class Book with private fields title, author, and price. Provide getter and setter methods for these fields and a method to calculate the discounted price.
Set title = "Java Programming", author = "John Doe", price = ₹300, discount = 10%
Expected Output:
Discounted Price: ₹270
Q9. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with private fields title, director, and rating. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to display movie details.
Set title = "Inception", director = "Christopher Nolan", rating = 8.8
Expected Output:
Movie Title: Inception
Director: Christopher Nolan
Rating: 8.8
Q10. Write a Java program to create a class Account with private fields accountHolderName and balance. Provide methods to deposit and withdraw money, ensuring the balance never goes below zero.
Deposit: ₹1000, Withdraw: ₹2000
Expected Output:
Balance after deposit: ₹1000
Balance after withdrawal: ₹0
Q11. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with a private field radius. Provide a public method to calculate and return the area of the circle.
Set radius = 7
Expected Output:
Area of Circle: 153.94
Q12. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with private fields accountHolder and balance. Provide public methods to deposit, withdraw, and check balance, ensuring that balance cannot be negative.
Deposit: ₹5000, Withdraw: ₹7000
Expected Output:
Balance after deposit: ₹5000
Balance after withdrawal: ₹0
Q13. Write a Java program to create a class Date with private fields day, month, and year. Provide public methods to set and get the date, ensuring the day is valid for the given month.
Set day = 30, month = 2, year = 2022
Expected Output:
Invalid Date (February doesn't have 30 days in 2022)
Q14. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields age and name. Provide a public method to check if the person is eligible to vote (age >= 18).
Set name = "John", age = 20
Expected Output:
John is eligible to vote
Q15. Write a Java program to create a class Library with private fields bookTitle, authorName, and availability. Provide public methods to get and set these fields, and check if the book is available.
Set bookTitle = "Java Basics", authorName = "Alice", availability = true
Expected Output:
Java Basics by Alice is available
Q16. Write a Java program to create a class Account with private fields accountNumber and accountHolderName. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to display account details.
Set accountNumber = 12345, accountHolderName = "John Doe"
Expected Output:
Account Number: 12345
Account Holder: John Doe
Q17. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with private fields employeeId and name. Provide setter and getter methods for these fields and display the employee details.
Set employeeId = 1001, name = "David"
Expected Output:
Employee ID: 1001
Name: David
Q18. Write a Java program to create a class Vehicle with private fields make and model. Provide setter and getter methods for these fields and a method to display vehicle details.
Set make = "Honda", model = "Civic"
Expected Output:
Make: Honda
Model: Civic
Q19. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields name, age, and address. Provide getter and setter methods for each field and display the person's details.
Set name = "Sam", age = 30, address = "123 Main St."
Expected Output:
Name: Sam
Age: 30
Address: 123 Main St.
Q20. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with private fields accountHolderName and balance. Provide methods to check if there are sufficient funds before withdrawal.
Deposit: ₹5000, Withdraw: ₹7000
Expected Output:
Insufficient funds for withdrawal
Q21. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields firstName, lastName, and age. Provide getter and setter methods for these fields and display the full name of the person.
Set firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe", age = 30
Expected Output:
Full Name: John Doe
Q22. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with a private field radius. Provide getter and setter methods for radius, and a method to calculate the circumference of the circle.
Set radius = 7
Expected Output:
Circumference: 43.98
Q23. Write a Java program to create a class Car with private fields make, model, year, and price. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display car details.
Set make = "Toyota", model = "Corolla", year = 2020, price = ₹1500000
Expected Output:
Make: Toyota
Model: Corolla
Year: 2020
Price: ₹1500000
Q24. Write a Java program to create a class Book with private fields title, author, and price. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display book details.
Set title = "Java Programming", author = "John Doe", price = ₹500
Expected Output:
Title: Java Programming
Author: John Doe
Price: ₹500
Q25. Write a Java program to create a class Student with private fields name, rollNo, and marks. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate total marks.
Set name = "Alice", rollNo = 12, marks = 85, 90, 78
Expected Output:
Name: Alice
Roll No: 12
Total Marks: 253
Q26. Write a Java program to create a class Account with private fields accountNumber and balance. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to check the balance before withdrawing.
Set accountNumber = 101, balance = ₹10000
Withdraw: ₹2000
Expected Output:
Balance after withdrawal: ₹8000
Q27. Write a Java program to create a class Laptop with private fields brand, model, and price. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to apply a discount to the price.
Set brand = "Dell", model = "XPS 13", price = ₹80000
Discount: 10%
Expected Output:
Discounted Price: ₹72000
Q28. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with private fields title, director, and releaseYear. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display movie details.
Set title = "Inception", director = "Christopher Nolan", releaseYear = 2010
Expected Output:
Title: Inception
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Year: 2010
Q29. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with private fields employeeId, name, and salary. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to calculate annual salary.
Set employeeId = 101, name = "David", salary = ₹50000
Expected Output:
Annual Salary: ₹600000
Q30. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with private fields accountHolderName, accountNumber, and balance. Provide methods to deposit and withdraw money. Ensure that the balance is updated properly after each transaction.
Deposit: ₹2000, Withdraw: ₹500
Expected Output:
Balance after deposit: ₹2000
Balance after withdrawal: ₹1500
Q31. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields name and age. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to check if the person is a minor (age < 18).
Set name = "John", age = 16
Expected Output:
John is a minor
Q32. Write a Java program to create a class Product with private fields productId, productName, and price. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to calculate discount on the product.
Set productId = 101, productName = "Mobile", price = ₹20000
Discount: 15%
Expected Output:
Discounted Price: ₹17000
Q33. Write a Java program to create a class Library with private fields bookTitle and authorName. Provide setter and getter methods for these fields and a method to check if the book is available in the library.
Set bookTitle = "Java Basics", authorName = "Alice", available = true
Expected Output:
Book "Java Basics" by Alice is available
Q34. Write a Java program to create a class Shape with a private field color. Provide setter and getter methods for color and a method to display the color of the shape.
Set color = "Red"
Expected Output:
Shape color is Red
Q35. Write a Java program to create a class Student with private fields name, rollNo, and marks. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate the grade based on the marks.
Set name = "Alice", rollNo = 10, marks = 85
Expected Output:
Grade: A
Q36. Write a Java program to create a class Account with private fields accountHolderName, accountNumber, and balance. Provide setter and getter methods for these fields and a method to check the balance after a deposit.
Set accountHolderName = "John", accountNumber = 101, balance = ₹5000
Deposit: ₹2000
Expected Output:
Balance after deposit: ₹7000
Q37. Write a Java program to create a class Car with private fields brand, model, and year. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to display car details.
Set brand = "BMW", model = "X5", year = 2022
Expected Output:
Brand: BMW
Model: X5
Year: 2022
Q38. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields firstName, lastName, and age. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to check if the person is eligible for a senior citizen discount (age >= 60).
Set firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe", age = 65
Expected Output:
John Doe is eligible for a senior citizen discount
Q39. Write a Java program to create a class Product with private fields productName and productPrice. Provide getter and setter methods for these fields and a method to calculate the total price of multiple products.
Set productName = "Laptop", productPrice = ₹50000
Quantity = 3
Expected Output:
Total Price: ₹150000
Q40. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with private fields title, director, and rating. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to display movie details.
Set title = "The Matrix", director = "Wachowski", rating = 8.7
Expected Output:
Title: The Matrix
Director: Wachowski
Rating: 8.7
Q41. Write a Java program to create a class Library with private fields bookTitle and bookAuthor. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display the book's details.
Set bookTitle = "Effective Java", bookAuthor = "Joshua Bloch"
Expected Output:
Book Title: Effective Java
Author: Joshua Bloch
Q42. Write a Java program to create a class Student with private fields name, age, and grade. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to check if the student is passing (grade >= 50).
Set name = "Alice", age = 18, grade = 60
Expected Output:
Alice is passing
Q43. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with private fields accountHolderName and balance. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to check if the balance is positive.
Set accountHolderName = "John", balance = ₹2000
Expected Output:
Balance is positive: ₹2000
Q44. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with private fields name, employeeId, and salary. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate annual salary.
Set name = "David", employeeId = 1001, salary = ₹50000
Expected Output:
Annual Salary: ₹600000
Q45. Write a Java program to create a class Product with private fields productName and productPrice. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate discounted price.
Set productName = "Smartphone", productPrice = ₹20000
Discount: 10%
Expected Output:
Discounted Price: ₹18000
Q46. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields name, age, and address. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display the full address.
Set name = "Alice", age = 25, address = "123 Main Street"
Expected Output:
Name: Alice
Age: 25
Address: 123 Main Street
Q47. Write a Java program to create a class Student with private fields name, rollNo, and marks. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate the average of marks.
Set name = "John", rollNo = 12, marks = 85, 90, 78
Expected Output:
Average Marks: 84.33
Q48. Write a Java program to create a class Car with private fields make, model, year, and price. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to calculate the age of the car based on the current year.
Set make = "Toyota", model = "Camry", year = 2015, price = ₹1000000
Current Year: 2025
Expected Output:
Age of the car: 10 years
Q49. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with private fields length and width. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.
Set length = 10, width = 5
Expected Output:
Perimeter of Rectangle: 30
Q50. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with private fields title, director, releaseYear, and rating. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display movie details.
Set title = "The Matrix", director = "Wachowski", releaseYear = 1999, rating = 8.7
Expected Output:
Title: The Matrix
Director: Wachowski
Release Year: 1999
Rating: 8.7
Q51. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with private fields name, employeeId, and department. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display employee details.
Set name = "Sarah", employeeId = 101, department = "HR"
Expected Output:
Employee Name: Sarah
Employee ID: 101
Department: HR
Q52. Write a Java program to create a class Product with private fields productName and productPrice. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to apply a discount to the price.
Set productName = "Headphones", productPrice = ₹1500
Discount: 20%
Expected Output:
Discounted Price: ₹1200
Q53. Write a Java program to create a class Customer with private fields name, address, and contactNumber. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display customer details.
Set name = "James", address = "456 Oak Street", contactNumber = "1234567890"
Expected Output:
Name: James
Address: 456 Oak Street
Contact Number: 1234567890
Q54. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with private fields radius and color. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate the area of the circle.
Set radius = 5, color = "Blue"
Expected Output:
Area of Circle: 78.54
Circle Color: Blue
Q55. Write a Java program to create a class Account with private fields accountNumber, accountHolder, and balance. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to deposit money into the account.
Set accountNumber = 2021, accountHolder = "Tom", balance = ₹3000
Deposit: ₹1000
Expected Output:
Balance after deposit: ₹4000
Q56. Write a Java program to create a class Book with private fields title, author, and price. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to check if the book is available in stock.
Set title = "Java Basics", author = "Mark", price = ₹500
Availability: true
Expected Output:
Book "Java Basics" by Mark is available
Q57. Write a Java program to create a class Student with private fields name, rollNo, and marks. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate the grade based on marks (>= 80 = A, 60 to 79 = B, < 60 = C).
Set name = "Anna", rollNo = 23, marks = 75
Expected Output:
Grade: B
Q58. Write a Java program to create a class Shape with private fields color and type. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display shape details.
Set color = "Red", type = "Circle"
Expected Output:
Shape: Circle
Color: Red
Q59. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with private fields name, employeeId, and salary. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to calculate the monthly salary after tax deduction (10% tax).
Set name = "David", employeeId = 101, salary = ₹50000
Expected Output:
Monthly Salary after tax: ₹45000
Q60. Write a Java program to create a class Order with private fields orderId, customerName, and orderAmount. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to apply a discount to the order.
Set orderId = 1001, customerName = "John", orderAmount = ₹2000
Discount: 15%
Expected Output:
Discounted Order Amount: ₹1700
Q61. Write a Java program to create a class Transaction with private fields transactionId, amount, and transactionDate. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display transaction details.
Set transactionId = 201, amount = ₹1500, transactionDate = "2025-01-02"
Expected Output:
Transaction ID: 201
Amount: ₹1500
Date: 2025-01-02
Q62. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with private fields radius and color. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to calculate the diameter of the circle.
Set radius = 7, color = "Green"
Expected Output:
Diameter of Circle: 14
Circle Color: Green
Q63. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with private fields employeeId, employeeName, and employeeSalary. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display employee details.
Set employeeId = 101, employeeName = "Sarah", employeeSalary = ₹40000
Expected Output:
Employee ID: 101
Employee Name: Sarah
Employee Salary: ₹40000
Q64. Write a Java program to create a class Account with private fields accountHolderName and balance. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to withdraw money from the account, ensuring that the balance is sufficient.
Set accountHolderName = "Tom", balance = ₹3000
Withdraw: ₹1000
Expected Output:
Balance after withdrawal: ₹2000
Q65. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with private fields length and width. Provide getter and setter methods and a method to calculate the area and perimeter of the rectangle.
Set length = 10, width = 5
Expected Output:
Area: 50
Perimeter: 30
Q66. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with private fields movieTitle, director, and releaseYear. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display movie details.
Set movieTitle = "Titanic", director = "James Cameron", releaseYear = 1997
Expected Output:
Movie Title: Titanic
Director: James Cameron
Release Year: 1997
Q67. Write a Java program to create a class Person with private fields firstName, lastName, and age. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display the full name and age.
Set firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe", age = 30
Expected Output:
Full Name: John Doe
Age: 30
Q68. Write a Java program to create a class Product with private fields productName and productPrice. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display the product details.
Set productName = "Washing Machine", productPrice = ₹15000
Expected Output:
Product Name: Washing Machine
Product Price: ₹15000
Q69. Write a Java program to create a class Order with private fields orderId, productName, and quantity. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to calculate total price for the order.
Set orderId = 123, productName = "Shampoo", quantity = 3, price = ₹200
Expected Output:
Total Price: ₹600
Q70. Write a Java program to create a class Customer with private fields customerName, address, and email. Provide setter and getter methods and a method to display customer details.
Set customerName = "James", address = "789 Pine Street", email = ""
Expected Output:
Customer Name: James
Address: 789 Pine Street
Bikki Singh
Hi, I am the instructor of TechnoVlogs. I have a strong love for programming and enjoy teaching through practical examples. I made this site to help people improve their coding skills by solving real-world problems. With years of experience, my goal is to make learning programming easy and fun for everyone. Let's learn and grow together!