Practice 70 Java Polymorphism Programming Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 70 Java Polymorphism Programming Questions

Q1. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding using a base class Animal with a method makeSound() and a derived class Dog that overrides the makeSound() method.  
Dog calls makeSound()  
Expected Output:  
Woof! Woof!  

Q2. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Calculator that has multiple add methods to perform addition with different data types (int, double).  
Add two integers: 5 + 7  
Add two doubles: 5.5 + 7.2  
Expected Output:  
Sum (int): 12  
Sum (double): 12.7  

Q3. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding using a Shape class and derived classes Circle and Rectangle. Each class has an area() method that calculates the area.  
Circle with radius 5  
Rectangle with length 10 and width 4  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 78.54  
Area of Rectangle: 40  

Q4. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Vehicle with a method move(). Create subclasses Car and Bicycle that override the move() method.  
Call move() for Car and Bicycle  
Expected Output:  
Car is moving on four wheels  
Bicycle is moving on two wheels  

Q5. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading using a class Display that has multiple show() methods to display different data types.  
Display integer: 5  
Display string: "Hello"  
Expected Output:  
Displaying integer: 5  
Displaying string: Hello  

Q6. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a Payment interface with methods payOnline() and payOffline(). Create classes CreditCardPayment and CashPayment implementing the interface.  
Call payOnline() and payOffline() for each class.  
Expected Output:  
Credit card payment done online  
Cash payment done offline  

Q7. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Bird and derived class Sparrow. Both classes have a method fly().  
Call fly() for Bird and Sparrow  
Expected Output:  
Bird is flying  
Sparrow is flying  

Q8. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Printer that has multiple print() methods to print different data types (int, string, and boolean).  
Print an integer: 10  
Print a string: "Hello"  
Print a boolean: true  
Expected Output:  
Integer: 10  
String: Hello  
Boolean: true  

Q9. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Shape with a method draw(). Create subclasses Circle, Square, and Triangle that override the draw() method.  
Call draw() for each shape  
Expected Output:  
Drawing Circle  
Drawing Square  
Drawing Triangle  

Q10. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Employee with a method salary(). Create subclasses Manager and Engineer that override the salary() method.  
Call salary() for Manager and Engineer  
Expected Output:  
Manager salary is ₹70000  
Engineer salary is ₹50000  

Q11. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a class Animal with a method speak(). Create subclasses Dog and Cat that override the speak() method.  
Call speak() for Dog and Cat  
Expected Output:  
Dog says Woof  
Cat says Meow  

Q12. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class MathOperations that has multiple multiply() methods for integers, doubles, and strings.  
Multiply two integers: 3 * 4  
Multiply two doubles: 5.5 * 2.2  
Expected Output:  
Multiplying integers: 12  
Multiplying doubles: 12.1  

Q13. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class BankAccount with a method calculateInterest(). Create subclasses SavingsAccount and FixedDepositAccount that override the calculateInterest() method.  
Call calculateInterest() for SavingsAccount and FixedDepositAccount  
Expected Output:  
Interest for SavingsAccount: ₹500  
Interest for FixedDepositAccount: ₹1000  

Q14. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Appliance with a method turnOn(). Create subclasses Fan and AirConditioner that override the turnOn() method.  
Call turnOn() for Fan and AirConditioner  
Expected Output:  
Fan is now turned on  
AirConditioner is now turned on  

Q15. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Calculator that has multiple subtract() methods for integers and floats.  
Subtract two integers: 10 - 5  
Subtract two floats: 15.5 - 5.5  
Expected Output:  
Result (int): 5  
Result (float): 10.0  

Q16. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding using a base class Device with a method turnOn(). Create subclasses Laptop and Smartphone that override the turnOn() method.  
Call turnOn() for Laptop and Smartphone  
Expected Output:  
Laptop is now on  
Smartphone is now on  

Q17. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Transport with a method travel(). Create subclasses Car and Bus that override the travel() method.  
Call travel() for Car and Bus  
Expected Output:  
Car is traveling on road  
Bus is traveling on road  

Q18. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Math that has multiple divide() methods for integers, doubles, and strings.  
Divide two integers: 10 / 5  
Divide two doubles: 10.5 / 2.0  
Expected Output:  
Result (int): 2  
Result (double): 5.25  

Q19. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Product with a method price(). Create subclasses Electronics and Furniture that override the price() method.  
Call price() for Electronics and Furniture  
Expected Output:  
Price of Electronics: ₹20000  
Price of Furniture: ₹5000  

Q20. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Bird and a derived class Penguin. Both classes have a method fly().  
Call fly() for Bird and Penguin  
Expected Output:  
Bird is flying  
Penguin cannot fly  

Q21. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a class Shape with a method calculateArea(). Create subclasses Square and Circle that override the calculateArea() method.  
Call calculateArea() for Square and Circle  
Expected Output:  
Area of Square: 25  
Area of Circle: 78.54  

Q22. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Calculator that has multiple add() methods for integers, doubles, and strings.  
Add two integers: 10 + 5  
Add two doubles: 2.5 + 4.5  
Expected Output:  
Sum of integers: 15  
Sum of doubles: 7.0  

Q23. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Employee with a method work(). Create subclasses Manager and Developer that override the work() method.  
Call work() for Manager and Developer  
Expected Output:  
Manager is managing tasks  
Developer is writing code  

Q24. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Animal and derived classes Dog and Cat. Each class has a method sound().  
Call sound() for Dog and Cat  
Expected Output:  
Dog barks  
Cat meows  

Q25. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Shape with a method area(). Create derived classes Circle and Square that override the area() method.  
Call area() for Circle with radius 7  
Call area() for Square with side 4  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 153.94  
Area of Square: 16  

Q26. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class MathOperation that has a method multiply() for integers and doubles.  
Multiply two integers: 4 * 5  
Multiply two doubles: 2.5 * 4.0  
Expected Output:  
Multiplication of integers: 20  
Multiplication of doubles: 10.0  

Q27. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Person with a method getInfo(). Create subclasses Student and Teacher that override the getInfo() method.  
Call getInfo() for Student and Teacher  
Expected Output:  
Student: Name - John, Age - 20  
Teacher: Name - Mr. Smith, Age - 40  

Q28. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Printer that has a method printMessage() for strings and integers.  
Print string message: "Hello"  
Print integer message: 100  
Expected Output:  
Message: Hello  
Message: 100  

Q29. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a class Payment with a method process(). Create subclasses CreditCard and PayPal that override the process() method.  
Call process() for CreditCard and PayPal  
Expected Output:  
Processing CreditCard payment  
Processing PayPal payment  

Q30. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a class BankAccount with a method calculateFees(). Create subclasses CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount that override the calculateFees() method.  
Call calculateFees() for CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount  
Expected Output:  
Fees for CheckingAccount: ₹20  
Fees for SavingsAccount: ₹10  

Q31. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Vehicle and a derived class Car. Both classes have a method fuelType().  
Call fuelType() for Vehicle and Car  
Expected Output:  
Vehicle uses Petrol  
Car uses Diesel  

Q32. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading using a class Converter that has multiple convert() methods to convert different data types (e.g., from inches to centimeters and kilograms to pounds).  
Convert inches to centimeters: 5 inches  
Convert kilograms to pounds: 3 kg  
Expected Output:  
5 inches = 12.7 cm  
3 kg = 6.61 lbs  

Q33. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Employee with a method work(). Create subclasses Manager and Salesperson that override the work() method.  
Call work() for Manager and Salesperson  
Expected Output:  
Manager is managing the team  
Salesperson is making sales  

Q34. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Employee and derived class Manager. Both classes have a method salary().  
Call salary() for Employee and Manager  
Expected Output:  
Employee salary is ₹40000  
Manager salary is ₹80000  

Q35. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Book that has multiple read() methods for reading books in different formats (e.g., physical, eBook).  
Read a physical book: "Java Programming"  
Read an eBook: "Data Structures"  
Expected Output:  
Reading physical book: Java Programming  
Reading eBook: Data Structures  

Q36. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Shape with a method area(). Create subclasses Rectangle and Triangle that override the area() method.  
Call area() for Rectangle with length 5 and width 3  
Call area() for Triangle with base 6 and height 4  
Expected Output:  
Area of Rectangle: 15  
Area of Triangle: 12  

Q37. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding using a base class Appliance and derived class WashingMachine. Both classes have a method operation().  
Call operation() for Appliance and WashingMachine  
Expected Output:  
Appliance is working  
WashingMachine is washing clothes  

Q38. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Shape with a method draw(). Create subclasses Circle, Square, and Rectangle that override the draw() method.  
Call draw() for Circle, Square, and Rectangle  
Expected Output:  
Drawing Circle  
Drawing Square  
Drawing Rectangle  

Q39. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading using a class MathOperation that has multiple subtract() methods for integers and doubles.  
Subtract two integers: 15 - 7  
Subtract two doubles: 9.5 - 4.2  
Expected Output:  
Result (int): 8  
Result (double): 5.3  

Q40. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a class Shape with a method area(). Create derived classes Square and Circle that override the area() method.  
Call area() for Square with side 4  
Call area() for Circle with radius 7  
Expected Output:  
Area of Square: 16  
Area of Circle: 153.94  

Q41. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Animal and derived class Dog. Both classes have a method sound().  
Call sound() for Animal and Dog  
Expected Output:  
Animal makes a sound  
Dog barks  

Q42. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Payment with a method processPayment(). Create subclasses CreditCardPayment and CashPayment that override the processPayment() method.  
Call processPayment() for CreditCardPayment and CashPayment  
Expected Output:  
Processing Credit Card Payment  
Processing Cash Payment  

Q43. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Printer that has multiple print() methods for integers and strings.  
Print integer: 100  
Print string: "Java Programming"  
Expected Output:  
Printing integer: 100  
Printing string: Java Programming  

Q44. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Shape with a method area(). Create subclasses Circle and Square that override the area() method.  
Call area() for Circle with radius 3  
Call area() for Square with side 4  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 28.27  
Area of Square: 16  

Q45. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Employee with a method work(). Create subclasses Manager and Secretary that override the work() method.  
Call work() for Manager and Secretary  
Expected Output:  
Manager is managing tasks  
Secretary is scheduling meetings  

Q46. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading using a class DistanceConverter that has multiple convert() methods for converting units (miles to kilometers and pounds to kilograms).  
Convert miles to kilometers: 5 miles  
Convert pounds to kilograms: 10 pounds  
Expected Output:  
5 miles = 8.05 km  
10 pounds = 4.54 kg  

Q47. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Transport and derived class Car. Both classes have a method fuelEfficiency().  
Call fuelEfficiency() for Transport and Car  
Expected Output:  
Transport has average fuel efficiency  
Car has high fuel efficiency  

Q48. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Device with a method powerOn(). Create subclasses Laptop and Smartphone that override the powerOn() method.  
Call powerOn() for Laptop and Smartphone  
Expected Output:  
Laptop is powered on  
Smartphone is powered on  

Q49. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a class Machine with a method start(). Create subclasses WashingMachine and Refrigerator that override the start() method.  
Call start() for WashingMachine and Refrigerator  
Expected Output:  
WashingMachine started  
Refrigerator started  

Q50. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Display that has multiple showMessage() methods for different data types (string, integer, and boolean).  
Show string message: "Welcome"  
Show integer message: 2025  
Expected Output:  
Displaying string: Welcome  
Displaying integer: 2025  

Q51. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class BankAccount with a method calculateBalance(). Create subclasses SavingsAccount and CurrentAccount that override the calculateBalance() method.  
Call calculateBalance() for SavingsAccount and CurrentAccount  
Expected Output:  
Balance in SavingsAccount: ₹5000  
Balance in CurrentAccount: ₹2000  

Q52. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Shape with a method draw(). Create subclasses Rectangle and Circle that override the draw() method.  
Call draw() for Rectangle and Circle  
Expected Output:  
Drawing Rectangle  
Drawing Circle  

Q53. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Rectangle that has multiple calculateArea() methods for different input types (length and width, radius).  
Calculate area of rectangle with length 5 and width 4  
Calculate area of circle with radius 3  
Expected Output:  
Area of Rectangle: 20  
Area of Circle: 28.27  

Q54. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a class Shape with a method calculateArea(). Create subclasses Square and Circle that override the calculateArea() method.  
Call calculateArea() for Square with side 6  
Call calculateArea() for Circle with radius 5  
Expected Output:  
Area of Square: 36  
Area of Circle: 78.54  

Q55. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Transport with a method move(). Create subclasses Car and Bicycle that override the move() method.  
Call move() for Car and Bicycle  
Expected Output:  
Car moves on four wheels  
Bicycle moves on two wheels  

Q56. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading using a class AreaCalculator that has multiple calculate() methods for calculating the area of a square, rectangle, and circle.  
Calculate area of square with side 4  
Calculate area of rectangle with length 4 and width 5  
Calculate area of circle with radius 3  
Expected Output:  
Area of Square: 16  
Area of Rectangle: 20  
Area of Circle: 28.27  

Q57. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Employee with a method getDetails(). Create subclasses Manager and Developer that override the getDetails() method.  
Call getDetails() for Manager and Developer  
Expected Output:  
Manager: Name - John, Role - Manager  
Developer: Name - Alice, Role - Developer  

Q58. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Instrument with a method play(). Create subclasses Guitar and Drums that override the play() method.  
Call play() for Guitar and Drums  
Expected Output:  
Playing Guitar  
Playing Drums  

Q59. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Vehicle with a method move(). Create subclasses Truck and Bus that override the move() method.  
Call move() for Truck and Bus  
Expected Output:  
Truck moves on the road  
Bus moves on the road  

Q60. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class DisplayMessage that has multiple show() methods for displaying messages of different data types.  
Display message: "Welcome"  
Display number: 1234  
Expected Output:  
Displaying message: Welcome  
Displaying number: 1234  

Q61. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Animal and derived class Lion. Both classes have a method sound().  
Call sound() for Animal and Lion  
Expected Output:  
Animal makes a sound  
Lion roars  

Q62. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Person with a method showInfo(). Create subclasses Student and Teacher that override the showInfo() method.  
Call showInfo() for Student and Teacher  
Expected Output:  
Student: Name - Alice, Age - 21  
Teacher: Name - Mr. Brown, Age - 45  

Q63. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Employee with a method work(). Create subclasses Intern and Manager that override the work() method.  
Call work() for Intern and Manager  
Expected Output:  
Intern is learning  
Manager is overseeing the project  

Q64. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading with a class Math that has a multiply() method for integers, doubles, and floats.  
Multiply two integers: 5 * 2  
Multiply two doubles: 3.2 * 4.1  
Expected Output:  
Multiplication of integers: 10  
Multiplication of doubles: 13.12  

Q65. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding using a base class Transport and derived class Bike. Both classes have a method speed().  
Call speed() for Transport and Bike  
Expected Output:  
Transport speed: 60 km/h  
Bike speed: 80 km/h  

Q66. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class Shape with a method area(). Create subclasses Rectangle and Circle that override the area() method.  
Call area() for Rectangle with length 7 and width 5  
Call area() for Circle with radius 3  
Expected Output:  
Area of Rectangle: 35  
Area of Circle: 28.27  

Q67. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overloading using a class Calculator that has divide() methods for integers, floats, and doubles.  
Divide two integers: 10 / 2  
Divide two floats: 5.5 / 2.5  
Expected Output:  
Division of integers: 5  
Division of floats: 2.2  

Q68. Write a Java program to demonstrate method overriding with a base class Vehicle and derived class Motorcycle. Both classes have a method horn().  
Call horn() for Vehicle and Motorcycle  
Expected Output:  
Vehicle horn sound  
Motorcycle horn sound  

Q69. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a base class Animal with a method makeSound(). Create subclasses Dog and Cat that override the makeSound() method.  
Call makeSound() for Dog and Cat  
Expected Output:  
Dog barks  
Cat meows  

Q70. Write a Java program to demonstrate polymorphism using a base class ElectronicDevice with a method turnOn(). Create subclasses TV and Radio that override the turnOn() method.  
Call turnOn() for TV and Radio  
Expected Output:  
Turning on TV  
Turning on Radio  

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Bikki Singh Instructor TechnoVlogs

Bikki Singh

Hi, I am the instructor of TechnoVlogs. I have a strong love for programming and enjoy teaching through practical examples. I made this site to help people improve their coding skills by solving real-world problems. With years of experience, my goal is to make learning programming easy and fun for everyone. Let's learn and grow together!