Practice 70 Java Abstract Classes Programming Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 70 Java Abstract Classes Programming Questions

Q1. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shape with an abstract method calculateArea(). Create two subclasses, Circle and Rectangle, and calculate the area of a circle with radius 5 and a rectangle with width 4 and height 6.  
Radius: 5  
Width: 4  
Height: 6  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 78.54  
Area of Rectangle: 24  

Q2. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Animal with an abstract method sound(). Implement this method in subclasses Dog and Cat to display respective sounds.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Dog: Woof  
Cat: Meow  

Q3. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Vehicle with an abstract method move(). Create subclasses Car and Bike and override move() to print specific movements.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Car is moving on four wheels.  
Bike is moving on two wheels.  

Q4. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Account with an abstract method calculateInterest(). Create subclasses SavingsAccount and CurrentAccount. Calculate interest for a savings account with balance 10000 and a rate of 5%.  
Balance: 10000  
Rate: 5%  
Expected Output:  
Interest: 500  

Q5. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Employee with an abstract method calculateSalary(). Create subclasses Manager and Developer and calculate salaries with respective bonuses.  
Base Salary: 30000 for Manager  
Base Salary: 25000 for Developer  
Bonus: 5000 for Manager, 3000 for Developer  
Expected Output:  
Manager's Total Salary: 35000  
Developer's Total Salary: 28000  

Q6. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Appliance with an abstract method getPowerConsumption(). Implement subclasses WashingMachine and Refrigerator to calculate power consumption.  
WashingMachine Power: 500W for 2 hours  
Refrigerator Power: 150W for 24 hours  
Expected Output:  
WashingMachine: 1000W  
Refrigerator: 3600W  

Q7. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Food with an abstract method getCalories(). Implement subclasses Pizza and Salad to calculate respective calories.  
Pizza: 300 calories per slice, 3 slices  
Salad: 150 calories per bowl, 2 bowls  
Expected Output:  
Pizza: 900 calories  
Salad: 300 calories  

Q8. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shape with an abstract method calculatePerimeter(). Create subclasses Triangle and Square to calculate the perimeter.  
Triangle sides: 3, 4, 5  
Square side: 4  
Expected Output:  
Triangle Perimeter: 12  
Square Perimeter: 16  

Q9. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Device with an abstract method getSpecification(). Implement subclasses Mobile and Laptop to display specifications.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Mobile: 6GB RAM, 128GB Storage  
Laptop: 16GB RAM, 1TB Storage  

Q10. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Game with an abstract method play(). Create subclasses Cricket and Football to display gameplay.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Playing Cricket  
Playing Football  

Q11. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Instrument with an abstract method playSound(). Implement subclasses Guitar and Piano to simulate sound output.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Guitar sound: Strum  
Piano sound: Ding  

Q12. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Transport with an abstract method fuelEfficiency(). Implement subclasses Bus and Train to calculate fuel efficiency.  
Bus: 10 km/l for 100 km  
Train: 20 km/l for 200 km  
Expected Output:  
Bus Fuel Used: 10 liters  
Train Fuel Used: 10 liters  

Q13. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Appliance with an abstract method getWarranty(). Implement subclasses TV and Microwave to display warranty details.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
TV Warranty: 2 years  
Microwave Warranty: 1 year  

Q14. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Person with an abstract method getDetails(). Create subclasses Student and Teacher to display respective details.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Student: Name: John, Grade: A  
Teacher: Name: Sarah, Subject: Math  

Q15. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Animal with an abstract method eat(). Implement subclasses Herbivore and Carnivore to define specific eating habits.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Herbivore: Eating plants.  
Carnivore: Eating meat.  

Q16. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Bank with an abstract method getInterestRate(). Implement subclasses HDFC and SBI to display interest rates.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
HDFC Interest Rate: 6.5%  
SBI Interest Rate: 5.5%  

Q17. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Game with an abstract method start(). Create subclasses Chess and Carrom to display the start message.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Starting Chess...  
Starting Carrom...  

Q18. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Payment with an abstract method processPayment(). Implement subclasses CreditCard and PayPal to process payments.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Payment processed via Credit Card.  
Payment processed via PayPal.  

Q19. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Vehicle with an abstract method fuelType(). Implement subclasses ElectricCar and DieselTruck to display fuel type.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
ElectricCar: Electricity  
DieselTruck: Diesel  

Q20. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shape with an abstract method getType(). Implement subclasses Polygon and Ellipse to display the type.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Polygon: Has straight sides.  
Ellipse: Has curved sides.  

Q21. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Order with an abstract method calculateTotal(). Create subclasses OnlineOrder and StoreOrder to calculate total amounts.  
OnlineOrder: Item Price = 100, Quantity = 2, Shipping = 20  
StoreOrder: Item Price = 80, Quantity = 3  
Expected Output:  
OnlineOrder Total: 220  
StoreOrder Total: 240  

Q22. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Browser with an abstract method renderPage(). Implement subclasses Chrome and Firefox to simulate rendering.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Rendering page in Chrome...  
Rendering page in Firefox...  

Q23. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Document with an abstract method printDetails(). Implement subclasses PDF and Word to print document details.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
PDF Document: Portable File  
Word Document: Editable File  

Q24. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Pet with an abstract method performAction(). Implement subclasses Dog and Parrot to display actions.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Dog: Fetching a stick.  
Parrot: Talking to humans.  

Q25. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Vehicle with an abstract method getSpeed(). Implement subclasses Train and Plane to display speeds.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Train Speed: 100 km/h  
Plane Speed: 800 km/h  

Q26.Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shape with an abstract method draw(). Implement subclasses Line and Circle to draw respective shapes.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Drawing a Line  
Drawing a Circle  

Q27. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Device with an abstract method getDetails(). Implement subclasses Smartphone and Tablet to display device details.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Smartphone: 8GB RAM, 128GB Storage  
Tablet: 4GB RAM, 64GB Storage  

Q28. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Appliance with an abstract method getCost(). Implement subclasses Fan and Heater to calculate and display costs.  
Fan: 1200 INR  
Heater: 2500 INR  
Expected Output:  
Fan Cost: 1200 INR  
Heater Cost: 2500 INR  

Q29. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Employee with an abstract method getRole(). Implement subclasses Engineer and Designer to display roles.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Engineer: Responsible for development.  
Designer: Responsible for creativity.  

Q30. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Account with an abstract method withdraw(). Implement subclasses SavingsAccount and FixedDeposit to handle respective withdrawals.  
SavingsAccount: Balance = 20000, Withdraw = 5000  
FixedDeposit: Balance = 100000, Withdraw = 20000  
Expected Output:  
SavingsAccount Balance: 15000  
FixedDeposit Balance: 80000  

Q31. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Transport with an abstract method speed(). Implement subclasses Aeroplane and Ship to display respective speeds.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Aeroplane: Speed 900 km/h  
Ship: Speed 60 km/h  

Q32. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Game with an abstract method rules(). Implement subclasses Basketball and Tennis to display game rules.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Basketball Rules: 5 players per team.  
Tennis Rules: Played in sets.  

Q33. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shape with an abstract method getColor(). Implement subclasses Square and Circle to return colors.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Square Color: Red  
Circle Color: Blue  

Q34. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Furniture with an abstract method materialUsed(). Implement subclasses Chair and Table to display materials used.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Chair: Wood  
Table: Metal  

Q35. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shop with an abstract method getProduct(). Implement subclasses ClothingStore and ElectronicsStore to list products.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
ClothingStore: Shirts, Pants  
ElectronicsStore: Mobiles, Laptops  

Q36. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Food with an abstract method getIngredients(). Implement subclasses Cake and Sandwich to list respective ingredients.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Cake Ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Eggs  
Sandwich Ingredients: Bread, Lettuce, Cheese  

Q37. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Bank with an abstract method createAccount(). Implement subclasses PrivateBank and PublicBank to create accounts.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
PrivateBank Account Created  
PublicBank Account Created  

Q38. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Transport with an abstract method capacity(). Implement subclasses Train and Bus to display seating capacity.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Train: 1000 seats  
Bus: 50 seats  

Q39. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Product with an abstract method calculatePrice(). Implement subclasses Electronics and Grocery to calculate prices.  
Electronics: Price = 5000  
Grocery: Price = 1000  
Expected Output:  
Electronics Total Price: 5000  
Grocery Total Price: 1000  

Q40. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Job with an abstract method getResponsibility(). Implement subclasses Developer and Tester to display respective responsibilities.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Developer: Writing code.  
Tester: Testing code.  

Q41. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Animal with an abstract method getLifespan(). Implement subclasses Elephant and Turtle to calculate their lifespan.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Elephant Lifespan: 60-70 years  
Turtle Lifespan: 80-150 years  

Q42. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shape with an abstract method calculateArea(). Implement a subclass Ellipse to calculate its area.  
Semi-major axis: 6  
Semi-minor axis: 4  
Expected Output:  
Area of Ellipse: 75.36  

Q43. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Bank with an abstract method deposit(). Implement subclasses HDFC and ICICI to deposit money and display balance.  
HDFC: Deposit 10000  
ICICI: Deposit 5000  
Expected Output:  
HDFC Balance: 10000  
ICICI Balance: 5000  

Q44. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Person with an abstract method getIncome(). Implement subclasses Doctor and Artist to calculate and display income.  
Doctor: Fixed salary = 80000, Bonus = 20000  
Artist: Per artwork = 15000, Artworks sold = 5  
Expected Output:  
Doctor Income: 100000  
Artist Income: 75000  

Q45. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Vehicle with an abstract method getMaxSpeed(). Implement subclasses SUV and SportsCar to display maximum speeds.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
SUV Max Speed: 180 km/h  
SportsCar Max Speed: 300 km/h  

Q46. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Device with an abstract method batteryLife(). Implement subclasses Laptop and Tablet to display battery life.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Laptop Battery Life: 6 hours  
Tablet Battery Life: 10 hours  

Q47. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Food with an abstract method getCalories(). Implement subclasses Burger and Smoothie to calculate and display calories.  
Burger: 250 calories per patty, 2 patties  
Smoothie: 200 calories per glass, 2 glasses  
Expected Output:  
Burger Calories: 500  
Smoothie Calories: 400  

Q48. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Payment with an abstract method processPayment(). Implement subclasses UPI and Cash to process payments and display messages.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Payment processed via UPI.  
Payment processed in Cash.  

Q49. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Game with an abstract method getRules(). Implement subclasses Hockey and Badminton to display their rules.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Hockey Rules: 11 players per team, two halves of 35 minutes.  
Badminton Rules: Played in sets of 21 points each.  

Q50. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Furniture with an abstract method material(). Implement subclasses Couch and Bookshelf to display materials used.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Couch: Leather  
Bookshelf: Wood  

Q51. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Appliance with an abstract method getRuntime(). Implement subclasses AirConditioner and VacuumCleaner to calculate runtime.  
AirConditioner: 5 hours daily for 30 days  
VacuumCleaner: 2 hours weekly for 4 weeks  
Expected Output:  
AirConditioner Runtime: 150 hours  
VacuumCleaner Runtime: 8 hours  

Q52. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Employee with an abstract method getPerks(). Implement subclasses HR and Admin to calculate perks.  
HR: Basic salary = 50000, Perks = 20%  
Admin: Basic salary = 40000, Perks = 15%  
Expected Output:  
HR Total Salary: 60000  
Admin Total Salary: 46000  

Q53. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Browser with an abstract method getDataUsage(). Implement subclasses Edge and Opera to calculate data usage.  
Edge: 500MB  
Opera: 300MB  
Expected Output:  
Edge Data Usage: 500MB  
Opera Data Usage: 300MB  

Q54. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shop with an abstract method applyDiscount(). Implement subclasses Mall and StreetVendor to calculate total after discounts.  
Mall: Item Price = 1000, Discount = 10%  
StreetVendor: Item Price = 500, Discount = 5%  
Expected Output:  
Mall Total: 900  
StreetVendor Total: 475  

Q55. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Shape with an abstract method getDimensions(). Implement subclasses Trapezium and Rhombus to calculate areas.  
Trapezium: Bases = 6, 4, Height = 5  
Rhombus: Diagonals = 8, 6  
Expected Output:  
Trapezium Area: 25  
Rhombus Area: 24  

Q56. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Pet with an abstract method feedingSchedule(). Implement subclasses Fish and Rabbit to display schedules.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Fish: Feed twice a day.  
Rabbit: Feed thrice a day.  

Q57. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Account with an abstract method performTransaction(). Implement subclasses ForexAccount and CryptoAccount to simulate transactions.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Forex Transaction: 500 USD to EUR  
Crypto Transaction: 0.01 BTC  

Q58. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Vehicle with an abstract method getGearSystem(). Implement subclasses Truck and Scooter to display gear systems.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Truck: Manual Gear System  
Scooter: Automatic Gear System  

Q59. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Document with an abstract method getVersion(). Implement subclasses PDF and Spreadsheet to display versions.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
PDF Version: 1.4  
Spreadsheet Version: Excel 2020  

Q60. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Instrument with an abstract method getSoundType(). Implement subclasses Flute and Drum to display sound types.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Flute: Melodious  
Drum: Percussive  

Q61. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Food with an abstract method checkFreshness(). Implement subclasses Fruit and Vegetable to display freshness.  
Fruit: Purchased 2 days ago  
Vegetable: Purchased 5 days ago  
Expected Output:  
Fruit: Fresh  
Vegetable: Not Fresh  

Q62. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Bank with an abstract method getSavingsPlan(). Implement subclasses PostOffice and CooperativeBank to display savings plans.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
PostOffice: Interest Rate = 4%  
CooperativeBank: Interest Rate = 5%  

Q63. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Transport with an abstract method calculatePollutionLevel(). Implement subclasses Car and Boat to display pollution levels.  
Car: Fuel = Petrol  
Boat: Fuel = Diesel  
Expected Output:  
Car Pollution Level: Moderate  
Boat Pollution Level: High  

Q64. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Game with an abstract method gameDuration(). Implement subclasses Chess and Racing to calculate game durations.  
Chess: 90 minutes  
Racing: 120 minutes  
Expected Output:  
Chess Duration: 90 minutes  
Racing Duration: 120 minutes  

Q65. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Furniture with an abstract method calculateWeight(). Implement subclasses Bed and Wardrobe to calculate and display weights.  
Bed: 100kg  
Wardrobe: 150kg  
Expected Output:  
Bed Weight: 100kg  
Wardrobe Weight: 150kg  

Q66. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Animal with an abstract method getHabitat(). Implement subclasses PolarBear and Camel to display their respective habitats.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
PolarBear Habitat: Arctic Region  
Camel Habitat: Desert  

Q67. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Device with an abstract method repair(). Implement subclasses Phone and Printer to simulate repair processes.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Phone: Repaired at Service Center  
Printer: Repaired by Technician  

Q68. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Appliance with an abstract method calculatePowerCost(). Implement subclasses Iron and Kettle to calculate power costs based on usage.  
Iron: 2 hours daily, 30 days, 1000W  
Kettle: 1 hour daily, 30 days, 1500W  
Expected Output:  
Iron Power Cost: 60 units  
Kettle Power Cost: 45 units  

Q69. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Employee with an abstract method assignProject(). Implement subclasses Developer and Manager to assign projects.  
Input: None  
Expected Output:  
Developer: Assigned a coding project.  
Manager: Assigned a team management project.  

Q70. Write a Java program to create an abstract class Vehicle with an abstract method fuelEfficiency(). Implement subclasses ElectricBike and HybridCar to calculate and display fuel efficiency.  
ElectricBike: 100km per charge  
HybridCar: 25km per liter of fuel  
Expected Output:  
ElectricBike Fuel Efficiency: 100km/charge  
HybridCar Fuel Efficiency: 25km/liter  

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