Practice 70 Java Data Types Programming Questions
Q1. Write a Java program to declare and initialize all primitive data types and print their default values.
Expected Output:
Default values:
byte: 0
short: 0
int: 0
long: 0
float: 0.0
double: 0.0
boolean: false
Q2. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of type casting from `int` to `double`.
Enter an integer: 10
Expected Output:
Integer: 10
Converted to double: 10.0
Q3. Write a Java program to convert a `double` value to `int`.
Enter a double value: 10.99
Expected Output:
Double value: 10.99
Converted to integer: 10
Q4. Write a Java program to find the size of each primitive data type in Java using the `Byte.SIZE` and related constants.
Expected Output:
byte: 8 bits
short: 16 bits
int: 32 bits
long: 64 bits
float: 32 bits
double: 64 bits
char: 16 bits
boolean: 1 bit
Q5. Write a Java program to add two integer variables and print the sum.
Enter first integer: 10
Enter second integer: 20
Expected Output:
Sum: 30
Q6. Write a Java program to demonstrate the implicit type promotion in expressions.
Enter a byte value: 10
Enter an int value: 100
Expected Output:
Result of addition (byte + int): 110
Q7. Write a Java program to check the maximum and minimum values of `int` data type.
Expected Output:
Integer MAX value: 2147483647
Integer MIN value: -2147483648
Q8. Write a Java program to find the ASCII value of a character.
Enter a character: A
Expected Output:
ASCII value of 'A': 65
Q9. Write a Java program to demonstrate the usage of `float` and `double` data types in a division operation.
Enter two numbers: 5, 2
Expected Output:
Float result: 2.5
Double result: 2.5
Q10. Write a Java program to convert a `char` to its numeric value using type casting.
Enter a character: 9
Expected Output:
Numeric value of character '9': 57
Q11. Write a Java program to perform arithmetic operations on two `float` variables.
Enter first float: 5.5
Enter second float: 2.2
Expected Output:
Sum: 7.7
Difference: 3.3
Product: 12.1
Quotient: 2.5
Q12. Write a Java program to print a Unicode character using its code point.
Enter Unicode code point: 65
Expected Output:
Unicode character: A
Q13. Write a Java program to demonstrate the difference between `float` and `double` precision.
Enter a number: 1.123456789
Expected Output:
Float: 1.1234568
Double: 1.123456789
Q14. Write a Java program to demonstrate the overflow of `byte` data type.
Expected Output:
Byte value before overflow: 127
Byte value after overflow: -128
Q15. Write a Java program to check if a `char` is a digit or a letter using `Character` methods.
Enter a character: 5
Expected Output:
Is digit: true
Is letter: false
Q16. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of the `boolean` data type.
Enter a boolean value: true
Expected Output:
Boolean value: true
Q17. Write a Java program to convert a `String` to `int` and print the result.
Enter a string: 123
Expected Output:
Converted integer: 123
Q18. Write a Java program to calculate the area of a rectangle using `float` data type for dimensions.
Enter length: 5.5
Enter width: 3.2
Expected Output:
Area of the rectangle: 17.6
Q19. Write a Java program to check if a number is divisible by both 5 and 3 using `int` data type.
Enter a number: 15
Expected Output:
The number is divisible by both 5 and 3: true
Q20. Write a Java program to find the square of a `double` number.
Enter a number: 4.5
Expected Output:
Square of the number: 20.25
Q21. Write a Java program to display the current system time in milliseconds using `long` data type.
Expected Output:
Current time in milliseconds: 1625248930000
Q22. Write a Java program to check if a character is a lowercase letter using `Character` methods.
Enter a character: a
Expected Output:
Is lowercase: true
Q23. Write a Java program to find the average of three `int` numbers.
Enter first number: 10
Enter second number: 20
Enter third
Enter first number: 10
Enter second number: 20
Enter third number: 30
Expected Output:
Average: 20
Q24. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of the `long` data type for storing large numbers.
Enter a long number: 1234567890123
Expected Output:
Long number: 1234567890123
Q25. Write a Java program to perform division of two integers and display the quotient and remainder.
Enter first number: 15
Enter second number: 4
Expected Output:
Quotient: 3
Remainder: 3
Q26. Write a Java program to convert a `boolean` value to its string equivalent.
Enter a boolean value: true
Expected Output:
Boolean as String: true
Q27. Write a Java program to check if a number is positive, negative, or zero using `int` data type.
Enter a number: -5
Expected Output:
The number is negative
Q28. Write a Java program to check if a given `char` is a digit or a special character.
Enter a character: #
Expected Output:
The character is a special character.
Q29. Write a Java program to convert a `String` containing a floating-point number to `float`.
Enter a string: 12.34
Expected Output:
Converted float value: 12.34
Q30. Write a Java program to find the cube of a `double` number.
Enter a number: 3.0
Expected Output:
Cube of the number: 27.0
Q31. Write a Java program to check the maximum and minimum values of `short` data type.
Expected Output:
Short MAX value: 32767
Short MIN value: -32768
Q32. Write a Java program to perform addition and multiplication using `int` data type.
Enter first number: 5
Enter second number: 7
Expected Output:
Sum: 12
Product: 35
Q33. Write a Java program to demonstrate the type promotion in arithmetic operations with `byte`, `short`, and `int`.
Enter first byte value: 5
Enter second short value: 15
Expected Output:
Result of addition: 20
Q34. Write a Java program to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle using `float` data type.
Enter length: 8.5
Enter width: 3.2
Expected Output:
Perimeter of the rectangle: 23.4
Q35. Write a Java program to demonstrate the precision loss when converting from `double` to `float`.
Enter a double value: 12.3456789
Expected Output:
Double: 12.3456789
Float (after conversion): 12.345679
Q36. Write a Java program to convert a `long` to `int` and display the result.
Enter a long value: 10000000000
Expected Output:
Converted int value: 1410065408
Q37. Write a Java program to demonstrate `float` precision in division.
Enter numerator: 5
Enter denominator: 2
Expected Output:
Float result: 2.5
Q38. Write a Java program to check if a `boolean` value is true or false.
Enter a boolean value: false
Expected Output:
The boolean value is: false
Q39. Write a Java program to determine whether a `char` represents a vowel or consonant.
Enter a character: E
Expected Output:
The character is a vowel.
Q40. Write a Java program to demonstrate the difference between `double` and `float` in precision.
Enter a number: 7.123456789
Expected Output:
Double: 7.123456789
Float: 7.123457
Q41. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of `char` for storing a character and print its value.
Enter a character: G
Expected Output:
Character value: G
Q42. Write a Java program to find the product of three `int` values.
Enter first number: 2
Enter second number: 3
Enter third number: 4
Expected Output:
Product: 24
Q43. Write a Java program to check if a `double` value is greater than or equal to a given threshold.
Enter a double value: 4.5
Enter a threshold: 3.0
Expected Output:
The value is greater than or equal to the threshold.
Q44. Write a Java program to calculate the simple interest using `float` values for principal, rate, and time.
Enter principal amount: 10000
Enter rate of interest: 5
Enter time in years: 2
Expected Output:
Simple interest: 1000.0
Q45. Write a Java program to find the length of a `String` and its character at a specified index using `charAt()` method.
Enter a string: Hello
Expected Output:
Length of the string: 5
Character at index 1: e
Q46. Write a Java program to convert an integer to a string using `String.valueOf()` method.
Enter an integer: 123
Expected Output:
Converted string: 123
Q47. Write a Java program to perform modulus operation on two `int` values and display the result.
Enter first number: 10
Enter second number: 3
Expected Output:
Remainder: 1
Q48. Write a Java program to find the average of an array of `double` values.
Array: {2.5, 3.5, 4.0}
Expected Output:
Average: 3.3333335
Q49. Write a Java program to calculate the area of a circle using `double` data type for radius.
Enter radius: 5.5
Expected Output:
Area of the circle: 95.03318
Q50. Write a Java program to convert a `String` containing a `boolean` value to a `boolean`.
Enter a string: true
Expected Output:
Converted boolean value: true
Q51. Write a Java program to find the cube root of a `double` number.
Enter a number: 27.0
Expected Output:
Cube root: 3.0
Q52. Write a Java program to demonstrate automatic type promotion in expressions with `byte` and `char`.
Enter a byte value: 5
Enter a char value: 10
Expected Output:
Result: 15
Q53. Write a Java program to check if a given number is even or odd using `int` data type.
Enter a number: 4
Expected Output:
The number is even.
Q54. Write a Java program to find the maximum of three `int` numbers.
Enter first number: 5
Enter second number: 10
Enter third number: 7
Expected Output:
Maximum number: 10
Q55. Write a Java program to find the minimum of three `double` numbers.
Enter first number: 3.5
Enter second number: 4.0
Enter third number: 2.5
Expected Output:
Minimum number: 2.5
Q56. Write a Java program to convert a `double` value to an `int` using explicit casting.
Enter a double value: 10.99
Expected Output:
Converted integer value: 10
Q57. Write a Java program to check if a given number is divisible by 7 using `int` data type.
Enter a number: 14
Expected Output:
The number is divisible by 7.
Q58. Write a Java program to calculate the perimeter of a triangle using `double` data type for sides.
Enter side1: 3.0
Enter side2: 4.0
Enter side3: 5.0
Expected Output:
Perimeter of the triangle: 12.0
Q59. Write a Java program to display the reverse of a `String` using `charAt()` method.
Enter a string: Hello
Expected Output:
Reversed string: olleH
Q60. Write a Java program to demonstrate the usage of `boolean` values in logical operations.
Enter first boolean value: true
Enter second boolean value: false
Expected Output:
AND operation result: false
OR operation result: true
Q61. Write a Java program to perform a type conversion from `int` to `byte`.
Enter an integer: 300
Expected Output:
Converted byte value: 44
Q62. Write a Java program to calculate the area of a triangle using `float` data type for base and height.
Enter base: 6.5
Enter height: 4.5
Expected Output:
Area of the triangle: 14.625
Q63. Write a Java program to find the remainder when one `double` is divided by another.
Enter numerator: 10.5
Enter denominator: 3.2
Expected Output:
Remainder: 0.9
Q64. Write a Java program to check if a `long` value is even or odd.
Enter a long number: 1234567890123
Expected Output:
The number is odd.
Q65. Write a Java program to find the product of two `double` numbers.
Enter first number: 2.5
Enter second number: 3.4
Expected Output:
Product: 8.5
Q66. Write a Java program to demonstrate the effect of `char` values in mathematical operations.
Enter a character: A
Expected Output:
Numeric value of 'A': 65
Q67. Write a Java program to find the sum of an array of `int` values.
Array: {1, 2, 3, 4}
Expected Output:
Sum: 10
Q68. Write a Java program to calculate the circumference of a circle using `double` data type.
Enter radius: 7.0
Expected Output:
Circumference: 43.9823
Q69. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of `long` data type to store large numbers.
Enter a long number: 99999999999
Expected Output:
Long number: 99999999999
Q70. Write a Java program to find the absolute value of a number using `Math.abs()` method.
Enter a number: -20
Expected Output:
Absolute value: 20