Practice 70 Java Object Oriented Programming Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 70 Java Object Oriented Programming Questions

Q1. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name, age, and rollNumber. Implement a constructor to initialize these properties and display them.  
Name: John, Age: 20, Roll Number: 101  
Expected Output:  
Student Name: John  
Age: 20  
Roll Number: 101  

Q2. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Initialize these properties using the constructor and display them.  
Title: Java Basics, Author: Alice, Price: 500  
Expected Output:  
Book Title: Java Basics  
Author: Alice  
Price: 500  

Q3. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with properties length and width. Implement a method calculateArea() to compute the area of the rectangle.  
Length: 5, Width: 4  
Expected Output:  
Area of Rectangle: 20  

Q4. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties name, age, and salary. Write a method displayDetails() to display the details of an employee.  
Name: Sarah, Age: 30, Salary: 40000  
Expected Output:  
Employee Name: Sarah  
Age: 30  
Salary: 40000  

Q5. Write a Java program to create a class Car with properties brand, model, and year. Implement a constructor to initialize these properties.  
Brand: Toyota, Model: Camry, Year: 2020  
Expected Output:  
Car Brand: Toyota  
Model: Camry  
Year: 2020  

Q6. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties firstName and lastName. Implement a method fullName() that returns the full name.  
First Name: John, Last Name: Doe  
Expected Output:  
Full Name: John Doe  

Q7. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with properties accountNumber and balance. Implement a method deposit() to deposit money into the account and a method withdraw() to withdraw money.  
Account Number: 12345, Initial Balance: 10000, Deposit: 5000, Withdrawal: 3000  
Expected Output:  
Balance after deposit: 15000  
Balance after withdrawal: 12000  

Q8. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Create an object of Book and display its details.  
Title: Data Structures, Author: Bob, Price: 600  
Expected Output:  
Book Title: Data Structures  
Author: Bob  
Price: 600  

Q9. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with a method calculateArea(). Use a constructor to initialize the radius.  
Radius: 7  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 153.94  

Q10. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties name, age, and address. Implement a constructor to initialize these properties and display them.  
Name: Emma, Age: 25, Address: 123 Street, City  
Expected Output:  
Name: Emma  
Age: 25  
Address: 123 Street, City  

Q11. Write a Java program to create a class Account with properties accountHolderName and balance. Create a method withdraw() and deposit() to manage the account balance.  
Account Holder: Alex, Initial Balance: 10000, Deposit: 2000, Withdrawal: 3000  
Expected Output:  
Balance after deposit: 12000  
Balance after withdrawal: 9000  

Q12. Write a Java program to create a class Product with properties productName and price. Implement a method to display the product's details.  
Product Name: Laptop, Price: 50000  
Expected Output:  
Product Name: Laptop  
Price: 50000  

Q13. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Write a method applyDiscount() to apply a discount to the book price.  
Title: Java Programming, Author: Alice, Price: 700, Discount: 10%  
Expected Output:  
Discounted Price: 630  

Q14. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name, age, and marks. Create a method calculateGrade() based on the marks.  
Name: Mark, Age: 20, Marks: 85  
Expected Output:  
Grade: A  

Q15. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties name and salary. Implement a method increaseSalary() to increase the salary of an employee.  
Name: Linda, Salary: 30000, Increment: 5000  
Expected Output:  
Salary after increment: 35000  

Q16. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with methods setLength() and setWidth(). Implement a method calculatePerimeter() to calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.  
Length: 5, Width: 3  
Expected Output:  
Perimeter of Rectangle: 16  

Q17. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Create a method applyTax() to apply a tax to the book price.  
Title: Java Basics, Author: John, Price: 500, Tax: 15%  
Expected Output:  
Price after tax: 575  

Q18. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with properties radius and a method calculateArea().  
Radius: 5  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 78.54  

Q19. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties name, age, and city. Implement a constructor to initialize these properties.  
Name: Jack, Age: 28, City: New York  
Expected Output:  
Name: Jack  
Age: 28  
City: New York  

Q20. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with properties length and width. Implement a method calculateArea() to calculate and display the area.  
Length: 7, Width: 4  
Expected Output:  
Area of Rectangle: 28  

Q21. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name, rollNo, and marks. Implement a method to display student details.  
Name: Tom, Roll No: 10, Marks: 90  
Expected Output:  
Student Name: Tom  
Roll Number: 10  
Marks: 90  

Q22. Write a Java program to create a class Product with properties productName and price. Write a method to display the product's details.  
Product Name: Smartphone, Price: 20000  
Expected Output:  
Product Name: Smartphone  
Price: 20000  

Q23. Write a Java program to create a class Account with properties accountHolderName and balance. Write a method transferMoney() to transfer money from one account to another.  
Account Holder 1: Steve, Initial Balance: 10000, Transfer Amount: 2000  
Account Holder 2: Rachel, Initial Balance: 5000  
Expected Output:  
Balance after transfer: Steve - 8000, Rachel - 7000  

Q24. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties firstName, lastName, and address. Implement a method to display full name and address.  
First Name: Amy, Last Name: Johnson, Address: 12 Baker Street  
Expected Output:  
Full Name: Amy Johnson  
Address: 12 Baker Street  

Q25. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Write a method to calculate the discounted price after applying a percentage discount.  
Title: Data Science, Author: Clara, Price: 900, Discount: 20%  
Expected Output:  
Discounted Price: 720  

Q26. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties employeeId and salary. Write a method giveBonus() to give a bonus to the employee's salary.  
Employee ID: E123, Salary: 30000, Bonus: 5000  
Expected Output:  
Salary after Bonus: 35000  

Q27. Write a Java program to create a class Teacher with properties name and subject. Create an object and display the teacher's details.  
Name: Dr. Smith, Subject: Math  
Expected Output:  
Teacher Name: Dr. Smith  
Subject: Math  

Q28. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name and marks. Create a method determineGrade() based on the student's marks.  
Name: Lucy, Marks: 75  
Expected Output:  
Grade: B  

Q29. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with properties title and rating. Implement a method displayInfo() to show the movie details.  
Title: Inception, Rating: 9  
Expected Output:  
Movie Title: Inception  
Rating: 9  

Q30. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties name, age, and salary. Create a method to calculate the annual salary.  
Name: Alice, Age: 35, Salary: 50000  
Expected Output:  
Annual Salary: 600000  

Q31. Write a Java program to create a class Laptop with properties brand, model, and price. Create a method displayDetails() to display the laptop's details.  
Brand: Dell, Model: XPS, Price: 120000  
Expected Output:  
Laptop Brand: Dell  
Model: XPS  
Price: 120000  

Q32. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with properties radius. Implement a method calculateCircumference() to compute the circumference.  
Radius: 10  
Expected Output:  
Circumference of Circle: 62.83  

Q33. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name, age, and marks. Create a method isPassed() to determine whether the student passed or failed based on marks.  
Name: Emma, Marks: 65  
Expected Output:  
Emma passed  

Q34. Write a Java program to create a class Account with properties accountHolderName and balance. Create a method transferAmount() to transfer money from one account to another.  
Account Holder: Alice, Balance: 5000, Transfer Amount: 1000  
Expected Output:  
Balance after transfer: 4000  

Q35. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties firstName, lastName, and age. Write a method displayInfo() to display the person's details.  
First Name: John, Last Name: Doe, Age: 25  
Expected Output:  
Name: John Doe  
Age: 25  

Q36. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with properties length and width. Create a method isSquare() to check whether the rectangle is a square.  
Length: 4, Width: 4  
Expected Output:  
It is a square.  

Q37. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with properties title, genre, and rating. Create a method displayInfo() to display the movie information.  
Title: Avatar, Genre: Action, Rating: 8.5  
Expected Output:  
Movie Title: Avatar  
Genre: Action  
Rating: 8.5  

Q38. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties firstName, lastName, and age. Implement a method isAdult() to check if the person is an adult (age >= 18).  
First Name: Tim, Last Name: Brown, Age: 20  
Expected Output:  
Tim Brown is an adult.  

Q39. Write a Java program to create a class Car with properties brand, model, and year. Implement a method to display car details.  
Brand: Audi, Model: A6, Year: 2022  
Expected Output:  
Car Brand: Audi  
Model: A6  
Year: 2022  

Q40. Write a Java program to create a class Course with properties courseName and duration. Write a method to display the course details.  
Course Name: Java Programming, Duration: 3 months  
Expected Output:  
Course Name: Java Programming  
Duration: 3 months  

Q41. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties name, age, and city. Create a method greet() to print a greeting message. 
Name: Maria, Age: 29, City: Paris  
Expected Output:  
Hello, Maria from Paris!  

Q42. Write a Java program to create a class Product with properties name, price, and quantity. Write a method to calculate the total price of a product based on quantity.  
Product Name: T-shirt, Price: 500, Quantity: 2  
Expected Output:  
Total Price: 1000  

Q43. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with properties radius. Implement a method calculateArea() to calculate the area of the circle. 
Radius: 8  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 201.06  

Q44. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Write a method to calculate the discounted price.  
Title: Learn Java, Author: John, Price: 300, Discount: 15%  
Expected Output:  
Discounted Price: 255  

Q45. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with properties accountNumber and balance. Implement a method deposit() to deposit an amount into the account.  
Account Number: 1001, Initial Balance: 15000, Deposit: 5000  
Expected Output:  
Balance after deposit: 20000  

Q46. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name, age, and marks. Create a method isPassed() to check if the student has passed.  
Name: Oliver, Marks: 40  
Expected Output:  
Oliver has passed.  

Q47. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties employeeId and salary. Write a method displayInfo() to display the employee's information.  
Employee ID: E789, Salary: 40000  
Expected Output:  
Employee ID: E789  
Salary: 40000  

Q48. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with a method calculateCircumference(). Use a constructor to initialize the radius.  
Radius: 5  
Expected Output:  
Circumference of Circle: 31.42  

Q49. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Write a method to calculate the total price after applying a discount and tax.  
Title: Advanced Java, Author: Emily, Price: 400, Discount: 20%, Tax: 15%  
Expected Output:  
Total Price: 380  

Q50. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name, marks, and status. Create a method determineStatus() based on marks (pass or fail).  
Name: Nora, Marks: 45  
Expected Output:  
Nora has passed.  

Q51. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties firstName, lastName, and age. Implement a method isMinor() to check if the person is under 18.  
First Name: Max, Last Name: Stone, Age: 16  
Expected Output:  
Max Stone is a minor.  

Q52. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties name, age, and salary. Create a method calculateBonus() based on salary. 
Name: James, Salary: 50000, Bonus Percentage: 10%  
Expected Output:  
Bonus: 5000  

Q53. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with properties length and width. Create a method to calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.  
Length: 6, Width: 4  
Expected Output:  
Perimeter of Rectangle: 20  

Q54. Write a Java program to create a class Course with properties courseName and duration. Create a method to display the course information.  
Course Name: Java Programming, Duration: 6 months  
Expected Output:  
Course Name: Java Programming  
Duration: 6 months  

Q55. Write a Java program to create a class Product with properties productName and price. Create a method to calculate the total price after applying a discount.  
Product Name: Phone, Price: 20000, Discount: 10%  
Expected Output:  
Total Price after Discount: 18000  

Q56. Write a Java program to create a class Car with properties brand, model, and year. Create a method to display the car's details.  
Brand: BMW, Model: X5, Year: 2021  
Expected Output:  
Car Brand: BMW  
Model: X5  
Year: 2021  

Q57. Write a Java program to create a class Teacher with properties name and subject. Implement a method teach() to display the teacher's lesson.  
Name: Mr. Brown, Subject: Physics  
Expected Output:  
Mr. Brown teaches Physics.  

Q58. Write a Java program to create a class Circle with properties radius. Implement a method to calculate the area.  
Radius: 12  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 452.38  

Q59. Write a Java program to create a class BankAccount with properties accountNumber and balance. Create a method checkBalance() to display the account balance.  
Account Number: 123456, Balance: 15000  
Expected Output:  
Account Balance: 15000  

Q60. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties name and age. Create a method to display employee details.  
Name: Brian, Age: 32  
Expected Output:  
Employee Name: Brian  
Age: 32  

Q61. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties firstName, lastName, and city. Create a method displayDetails() to display the person's information.  
First Name: Susan, Last Name: Clark, City: Los Angeles  
Expected Output:  
Name: Susan Clark  
City: Los Angeles  

Q62. Write a Java program to create a class Rectangle with properties length and width. Write a method isSquare() to check if the rectangle is a square.  
Length: 6, Width: 6  
Expected Output:  
It is a square.  

Q63. Write a Java program to create a class Person with properties firstName, lastName, and address. Implement a method fullName() to return the full name.  
First Name: Mary, Last Name: Adams  
Expected Output:  
Full Name: Mary Adams  

Q64. Write a Java program to create a class Course with properties courseName and duration. Implement a method to display the course duration.  
Course Name: Python Programming, Duration: 4 months  
Expected Output:  
Course Duration: 4 months  

Q65. Write a Java program to create a class Student with properties name, rollNo, and marks. Create a method passOrFail() to determine whether the student passed or failed.  
Name: Chris, Marks: 30  
Expected Output:  
Chris has failed.  

Q66. Write a Java program to create a class Product with properties productName and price. Write a method to display the product details.  
Product Name: Television, Price: 30000  
Expected Output:  
Product Name: Television  
Price: 30000  

Q67. Write a Java program to create a class Movie with properties title, genre, and rating. Create a method displayInfo() to show the movie information.  
Title: Interstellar, Genre: Sci-Fi, Rating: 9.5  
Expected Output:  
Movie Title: Interstellar  
Genre: Sci-Fi  
Rating: 9.5  

Q68. Write a Java program to create a class Employee with properties name, age, and salary. Create a method increaseSalary() to increase the salary.  
Name: John, Salary: 30000, Increment: 4000  
Expected Output:  
Salary after increment: 34000  

Q69. Write a Java program to create a class Teacher with properties name and subject. Implement a method to introduce the teacher.  
Name: Mrs. Green, Subject: Chemistry  
Expected Output:  
I am Mrs. Green, a Chemistry teacher.  

Q70. Write a Java program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and price. Write a method to apply a discount on the book price.  
Title: Data Science, Author: Alex, Price: 1000, Discount: 15%  
Expected Output:  
Discounted Price: 850  

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Bikki Singh Instructor TechnoVlogs

Bikki Singh

Hi, I am the instructor of TechnoVlogs. I have a strong love for programming and enjoy teaching through practical examples. I made this site to help people improve their coding skills by solving real-world problems. With years of experience, my goal is to make learning programming easy and fun for everyone. Let's learn and grow together!