Practice 50 PHP Cookies and Sessions Programming Questions
Q1. Write a PHP script to set a cookie named user with the value John and an expiration time of 1 hour.
Input: None
Expected Output: Cookie user set successfully.
Q2. Write a PHP script to retrieve the value of a cookie named user.
Input: Cookie user exists with the value John.
Expected Output: Cookie value: John
Q3. Write a PHP script to check if a cookie named language exists.
Input: Cookie language does not exist.
Expected Output: Cookie language does not exist.
Q4. Write a PHP script to delete a cookie named cart.
Input: Cookie cart exists.
Expected Output: Cookie cart deleted successfully.
Q5. Write a PHP script to set a session variable named username to Alice.
Input: None
Expected Output: Session variable username set to Alice.
Q6. Write a PHP script to retrieve the value of a session variable named username.
Input: Session variable username exists with the value Alice.
Expected Output: Session value: Alice
Q7. Write a PHP script to check if a session variable named loggedIn exists.
Input: Session variable loggedIn does not exist.
Expected Output: Session variable loggedIn does not exist.
Q8. Write a PHP script to unset a session variable named email.
Input: Session variable email exists.
Expected Output: Session variable email unset successfully.
Q9. Write a PHP script to destroy a session.
Input: Session contains variables.
Expected Output: Session destroyed successfully.
Q10. Write a PHP script to set a cookie named theme with the value dark that lasts for 7 days.
Input: None
Expected Output: Cookie theme set successfully for 7 days.
Q11. Write a PHP script to update the value of a cookie named language to French.
Input: Cookie language exists with the value English.
Expected Output: Cookie language updated to French.
Q12. Write a PHP script to list all cookies stored in the browser.
Input: Cookies user=John and theme=dark exist.
Expected Output:
user: John
theme: dark
Q13. Write a PHP script to set a session variable named role to admin and retrieve its value.
Input: None
Expected Output:
Session variable role set to admin.
Session value: admin
Q14. Write a PHP script to create a session that stores an array of items in a cart.
Input: Add item1 and item2 to the session.
Expected Output: Cart contains: item1, item2
Q15. Write a PHP script to extend the expiration time of a cookie named auth by 30 minutes.
Input: Cookie auth exists.
Expected Output: Cookie auth expiration extended by 30 minutes.
Q16. Write a PHP script to set a secure cookie named secure_token accessible only via HTTPS.
Input: None
Expected Output: Secure cookie secure_token set successfully.
Q17. Write a PHP script to check if a session has started.
Input: Session has not started.
Expected Output: Session is not active.
Q18. Write a PHP script to regenerate the session ID for security purposes.
Input: Session is active.
Expected Output: Session ID regenerated successfully.
Q19. Write a PHP script to store user preferences (color and font) in a session.
Input: Color: blue, Font: Arial.
Expected Output:
Preferences set.
Color: blue
Font: Arial
Q20. Write a PHP script to store the number of page visits in a session.
Input: User visits the page 3 times.
Expected Output: Page visited 3 times.
Q21. Write a PHP script to set a cookie with a path restriction to /admin.
Input: None
Expected Output: Cookie set for /admin path only.
Q22. Write a PHP script to set a cookie with a domain restriction to example.com.
Input: None
Expected Output: Cookie set for domain example.com.
Q23. Write a PHP script to retrieve the session ID.
Input: Session is active.
Expected Output: Session ID: <unique_id>
Q24. Write a PHP script to store the current timestamp in a session and display it.
Input: None
Expected Output: Session timestamp: 1700000000
Q25. Write a PHP script to delete all cookies set by the application.
Input: Cookies user, theme, and auth exist.
Expected Output: All cookies deleted successfully.
Q26. Write a PHP script to check if cookies are enabled in the user's browser.
Input: Browser allows cookies.
Expected Output: Cookies are enabled.
Q27. Write a PHP script to check if a session variable value is empty.
Input: Session variable cart exists but is empty.
Expected Output: Session variable cart is empty.
Q28. Write a PHP script to store multiple values in a session using an associative array.
Input: name=John, age=25, city=NY.
Expected Output:
Session data:
name: John
age: 25
city: NY
Q29. Write a PHP script to set a session timeout of 15 minutes.
Input: None
Expected Output: Session timeout set to 15 minutes.
Q30. Write a PHP script to create a session and redirect the user to a welcome page.
Input: None
Expected Output: Session started. Redirecting to welcome.php.
Q31. Write a PHP script to store user login status in a session.
Input: User logs in.
Expected Output: User logged in. Session status: active.
Q32. Write a PHP script to clear all session data.
Input: Session contains variables.
Expected Output: All session data cleared.
Q33. Write a PHP script to store and retrieve the user's IP address in a session.
Input: User's IP address:
Expected Output: Session IP address:
Q34. Write a PHP script to set a session variable that expires after the browser is closed.
Input: None
Expected Output: Session variable set to expire with browser.
Q35. Write a PHP script to log out a user by destroying their session.
Input: User is logged in.
Expected Output: User logged out. Session destroyed.
Q36. Write a PHP script to set a cookie with HTTPOnly flag enabled.
Input: None
Expected Output: Cookie set with HTTPOnly flag.
Q37. Write a PHP script to set a session variable that tracks user activity (e.g., pages visited).
Input: User visits home, about, and contact.
Expected Output: Pages visited: home, about, contact
Q38. Write a PHP script to display all session variables.
Input: Session contains user=John and email=john@example.com.
Expected Output:
user: John
email: john@example.com
Q39. Write a PHP script to set a cookie that expires in the past to ensure deletion.
Input: None
Expected Output: Cookie expired and deleted.
Q40. Write a PHP script to start a session only if it is not already active.
Input: Session is not active.
Expected Output: Session started.
Q41. Write a PHP script to set a session variable and check if it is set.
Input: Set language to PHP.
Expected Output: Session variable language is set.
Q42. Write a PHP script to store user authentication token in a cookie.
Input: Token: 1234567890.
Expected Output: Authentication token stored in cookie.
Q43. Write a PHP script to set a cookie with a custom expiration date.
Input: Expiration date: 31-Dec-2024.
Expected Output: Cookie set to expire on 31-Dec-2024.
Q44. Write a PHP script to display a welcome message using a session variable.
Input: Session name=Alice.
Expected Output: Welcome, Alice!
Q45. Write a PHP script to delete a specific session variable.
Input: Delete session variable role.
Expected Output: Session variable role deleted.
Q46. Write a PHP script to set a cookie that is accessible only via JavaScript.
Input: None
Expected Output: Cookie accessible via JavaScript set.
Q47. Write a PHP script to prevent session fixation by regenerating the session ID after login.
Input: User logs in.
Expected Output: Session ID regenerated after login.
Q48. Write a PHP script to save session data to a file instead of using the default storage.
Input: None
Expected Output: Session data saved to file.
Q49. Write a PHP script to display the lifetime of the current session cookie.
Input: Default lifetime: 1440 seconds.
Expected Output: Session cookie lifetime: 1440 seconds.
Q50. Write a PHP script to redirect users to a login page if a session variable loggedIn is not set.
Input: Session variable loggedIn is not set.
Expected Output: Redirecting to login.php.