Practice 70 Java Static Members Programming Questions , TechnoVlogs

Practice 70 Java Static Members Programming Questions

Q1. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of a static variable that counts the number of instances of a class.
   Expected Output:  
   Number of instances created: 1
   Number of instances created: 2

Q2. Write a Java program to create a static method that prints a message without the need for an object of the class.
   Expected Output:  
   This is a static method.

Q3. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of a static block that initializes a static variable.
   Expected Output:  
   Static variable initialized to 10

Q4. Write a Java program to create a static variable that keeps track of the total number of employees in a company.
   Employee 1: John
   Employee 2: Alice

   Expected Output:      
   Total number of employees: 2

Q5. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of a static method to calculate the factorial of a number.
   Enter a number: 5

   Expected Output:      
   Factorial of 5 is: 120

Q6. Write a Java program to create a class with a static variable and a static method that returns the value of that variable.
   Expected Output:  
   Value of static variable is: 10

Q7. Write a Java program to demonstrate how a static variable is shared among all instances of a class.
   Expected Output:  
   Instance 1: 100
   Instance 2: 100

Q8. Write a Java program to use a static method to calculate the sum of two numbers.
   Enter first number: 4
   Enter second number: 5

   Expected Output:      
   Sum of 4 and 5 is: 9

Q9. Write a Java program to create a class with a static variable that is incremented every time a new object is created.
   Create first object
   Create second object

   Expected Output:      
   Number of objects created: 1
   Number of objects created: 2

Q10. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of a static method that does not require an object to be called.
   Expected Output:  
   Static method called without an object.

Q11. Write a Java program to create a static method that returns the square of a given number.
   Enter number: 6

   Expected Output:      
   Square of 6 is: 36

Q12. Write a Java program to create a class with a static counter that tracks how many times a specific method is called.
   Expected Output:  
   Method called: 1 time
   Method called: 2 times

Q13. Write a Java program to demonstrate how to access static members using the class name without creating an object.
   Expected Output:  
   Static value accessed: 50

Q14. Write a Java program to create a class with a static constant and print its value.
   Expected Output:  
   Value of constant is: 3.14

Q15. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks whether a given number is prime or not.
   Enter number: 7

   Expected Output:      
   7 is a prime number.

Q16. Write a Java program to use a static block to initialize a static array and display its contents.
   Expected Output:  
   Array: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

Q17. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of a static method for string concatenation.
   Enter first string: Hello
   Enter second string: World

   Expected Output:      
   Concatenated string: HelloWorld

Q18. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not.
   Enter string: madam

   Expected Output:  
   madam is a palindrome.

Q19. Write a Java program to create a static method that reverses a given string.
   Enter string: hello

   Expected Output:      
   Reversed string: olleh

Q20. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of static method to find the largest of three numbers.
   Enter first number: 10
   Enter second number: 20
   Enter third number: 15

   Expected Output:      
   Largest number is: 20

Q21. Write a Java program to use a static method to calculate the average of an array of numbers.
   Array: [5, 10, 15, 20]

   Expected Output:      
   Average is: 12.5

Q22. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks if a number is even or odd.
   Enter number: 7

   Expected Output:     
   7 is odd.

Q23. Write a Java program to create a static method that converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
   Enter Celsius: 30

   Expected Output:      
   Fahrenheit: 86.0

Q24. Write a Java program to create a static method that converts kilometers to miles.
   Enter kilometers: 5

   Expected Output:  
   Miles: 3.1

Q25. Write a Java program to demonstrate a static method that performs addition of all elements in an array.
   Array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

   Expected Output:      
   Sum of elements: 15

Q26. Write a Java program to demonstrate how to increment a static variable inside a static method.
   Expected Output:  
   Incremented value: 1
   Incremented value: 2

Q27. Write a Java program to create a static method that returns the reverse of a given number.
   Enter number: 12345

   Expected Output:      
   Reversed number: 54321

Q28. Write a Java program to demonstrate a static variable that is shared among multiple objects.
   Expected Output:  
   Object 1 count: 1
   Object 2 count: 2

Q29. Write a Java program to use a static variable to store the count of objects created in a class.
   Expected Output:  
   Number of objects created: 3
Q30. Write a Java program to demonstrate a static block for static variable initialization.
   Expected Output:  
   Static initialization block executed.

Q31. Write a Java program to create a static method that multiplies two numbers.
   Enter first number: 5
   Enter second number: 6

   Expected Output:      
   Product is: 30

Q32. Write a Java program to use a static method to find the minimum of three numbers.
   Enter first number: 2
   Enter second number: 7
   Enter third number: 5

   Expected Output:      
   Minimum number is: 2

Q33. Write a Java program to demonstrate how a static variable is accessed from another class.
   Expected Output:  
   Static value from another class: 100

Q34. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks if a number is prime.
   Enter number: 11

   Expected Output:      
   11 is a prime number.

Q35. Write a Java program to create a static method to calculate the cube of a number.
   Enter number: 3

   Expected Output:      
   Cube of 3 is: 27

Q36. Write a Java program to create a static method that finds the power of a number.
   Enter base: 2
   Enter exponent: 3

   Power is: 8

Q37. Write a Java program to create a static method that returns the smallest number in an array.
   Array: [3, 1, 5, 9]

   Expected Output:      
   Smallest number is: 1

Q38. Write a Java program to create a static method that calculates the square root of a number.
   Enter number: 16

   Expected Output:      
   Square root of 16 is: 4.0

Q39. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of static method to reverse an array of integers.
   Array: [1, 2, 3, 4]

   Expected Output:      
   Reversed array: [4, 3, 2, 1]

Q40. Write a Java program to use a static method to return the Fibonacci series up to a given number.
   Enter limit: 5

   Expected Output:      
   Fibonacci series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3

Q41. Write a Java program to use a static method to print all the even numbers between 1 and a given number.
   Enter limit: 10

   Expected Output:      
   Even numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Q42. Write a Java program to create a static method that counts the number of vowels in a string.
   Enter string: Hello World

   Expected Output:      
   Number of vowels: 3

Q43. Write a Java program to create a static method that converts binary to decimal.
   Enter binary number: 1010

   Expected Output:      
   Decimal equivalent: 10

Q44. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of static method to check if a number is divisible by another number.
   Enter first number: 10
   Enter second number: 2

   Expected Output:      
   10 is divisible by 2.

Q45. Write a Java program to create a static method that finds the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
   Enter first number: 12
   Enter second number: 15

   Expected Output:      
   GCD is: 3

Q46. Write a Java program to create a static method that returns the least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers.
   Enter first number: 4
   Enter second number: 5

   Expected Output:      
   LCM is: 20

Q47. Write a Java program to demonstrate how a static variable can be accessed and modified in a different class.
   Expected Output:  
   Static value: 30
   Static value modified: 50

Q48. Write a Java program to use a static method to convert an integer to hexadecimal.
   Enter integer: 255

   Expected Output:      
   Hexadecimal: FF

Q49. Write a Java program to use a static method to convert an integer to octal.
   Enter integer: 8

   Expected Output:      
   Octal: 10

Q50. Write a Java program to create a static method to find the length of a string.
   Enter string: Java

   Expected Output:      
   Length of the string: 4

Q51. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks if a string is empty.
   Enter string: Hello

   Expected Output:      
   String is not empty.

Q52. Write a Java program to create a static method that calculates the area of a circle.
   Enter radius: 5

   Expected Output:      
   Area of circle: 78.54

Q53. Write a Java program to create a static method that calculates the perimeter of a rectangle.
   Enter length: 4
   Enter breadth: 6

   Expected Output:      
   Perimeter of rectangle: 20

Q54. Write a Java program to use a static method to check whether a year is a leap year.
   Enter year: 2024

   Expected Output:      
   2024 is a leap year.

Q55. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks whether a string is a valid email.
   Enter email:

   Expected Output:      
   Valid email address.

Q56. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks if a number is Armstrong.
   Enter number: 153

   Expected Output:      
   153 is an Armstrong number.

Q57. Write a Java program to demonstrate how a static method can modify a static variable.
   Expected Output:  
   Static variable before modification: 10
   Static variable after modification: 20

Q58. Write a Java program to create a static method that checks if a number is perfect.
   Enter number: 6

   Expected Output:      
   6 is a perfect number.

Q59. Write a Java program to use a static method to calculate the perimeter of a square.
   Enter side length: 5

   Expected Output:      
   Perimeter of square: 20

Q60. Write a Java program to create a static method that returns the maximum element in an array.
   Array: [2, 3, 7, 1]

   Expected Output:      
   Maximum element: 7

Q61. Write a Java program to create a static method that finds the sum of digits in a number.
   Enter number: 123

   Expected Output:      
   Sum of digits: 6

Q62. Write a Java program to use a static method to check if a number is a perfect square.
   Enter number: 16

   Expected Output:      
   16 is a perfect square.

Q63. Write a Java program to create a static method that returns the absolute value of a number.
   Enter number: -5

   Expected Output:      
   Absolute value: 5

Q64. Write a Java program to create a static method to remove duplicate elements from an array.
   Array: [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]

   Expected Output:      
   Array without duplicates: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Q65. Write a Java program to create a static method that swaps two numbers.
   Enter first number: 3
   Enter second number: 5

   Expected Output:      
   After swapping: 5 3

Q66. Write a Java program to use a static method to check if a number is divisible by 5.
   Enter number: 10

   Expected Output:      
   10 is divisible by 5.

Q67. Write a Java program to create a static method that counts the number of consonants in a string.
   Enter string: Java Programming

   Expected Output:      
   Number of consonants: 10

Q68. Write a Java program to create a static method that calculates the area of a triangle.
   Enter base: 5
   Enter height: 8

   Expected Output:      
   Area of triangle: 20

Q69. Write a Java program to use a static method to check if a number is even.
   Enter number: 4

   Expected Output:      
   4 is even.

Q70. Write a Java program to create a static method that converts a string to uppercase.
   Enter string: java

   Expected Output:      
   Uppercase string: JAVA

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