Practice 50 SwiftUI Programming Questions
Q1. Write a SwiftUI program to display a simple "Hello, World!" text label.
Input: None.
Output: "Hello, World!" displayed on the screen.
Q2. Write a SwiftUI program to create a button that prints "Button clicked" when tapped.
Input: A button labeled "Click Me".
Output: "Button clicked" printed to the console.
Q3. Write a SwiftUI program to display an image from the asset catalog.
Input: Image named "exampleImage".
Output: "exampleImage" displayed on the screen.
Q4. Write a SwiftUI program to create a TextField where the user can input their name, and display it as a greeting.
Input: Name entered by the user.
Output: "Hello, [User's Name]" displayed on the screen.
Q5. Write a SwiftUI program to create a toggle that changes the background color from red to green.
Input: Toggle switch.
Output: Background color changes based on toggle state.
Q6. Write a SwiftUI program to display a vertical stack of two text labels.
Input: Two Text views with different content.
Output: Text labels displayed in a vertical stack.
Q7. Write a SwiftUI program to create a list of numbers and display them in a vertical list view.
Input: Numbers array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Output: A list displaying numbers 1 through 5.
Q8. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a button that increases a counter when pressed.
Input: Button labeled "Increment".
Output: Counter value increments by 1 on each tap.
Q9. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a slider that adjusts a text label's font size.
Input: Slider with range from 10 to 100.
Output: Font size of the text changes based on slider value.
Q10. Write a SwiftUI program to display a simple form with two text fields for first and last names, and a submit button.
Input: First name and last name entered in text fields.
Output: Names displayed on button press.
Q11. Write a SwiftUI program to create a simple progress bar that fills up as a task progresses.
Input: Progress value (0 to 1).
Output: Progress bar fills based on the value.
Q12. Write a SwiftUI program to create a rounded button that prints a message when tapped.
Input: A button labeled "Tap Me".
Output: "Button tapped!" printed when tapped.
Q13. Write a SwiftUI program to create a tab view with two tabs: one with a text label and another with an image.
Input: Two tabs with Text and Image.
Output: Display the tab view with both tabs accessible.
Q14. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a VStack with different colors as its children.
Input: VStack with three colored views.
Output: Vertical stack with colored views.
Q15. Write a SwiftUI program to create a button that toggles the visibility of a text label.
Input: Button "Show/Hide Text".
Output: Text appears or disappears when button is clicked.
Q16. Write a SwiftUI program to create a DatePicker that displays the selected date.
Input: DatePicker control.
Output: Selected date displayed below the DatePicker.
Q17. Write a SwiftUI program to create a rounded image with a border.
Input: Image to be rounded and bordered.
Output: Rounded image with a border displayed.
Q18. Write a SwiftUI program to display a list of names and allow the user to select one.
Input: List of names like ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"].
Output: Selected name displayed.
Q19. Write a SwiftUI program to create a switch that changes text color between red and blue.
Input: Switch control.
Output: Text color toggles between red and blue based on switch state.
Q20. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a circular progress indicator that shows task progress.
Input: Progress value (0 to 100).
Output: Circular progress indicator showing completion percentage.
Q21. Write a SwiftUI program to display a list of items with custom styling for each row.
Input: List of items with names and descriptions.
Output: Each item displayed with custom styling (like bold text, icons).
Q22. Write a SwiftUI program to create a simple search bar and filter a list of items based on input.
Input: A list of items and a search text field.
Output: List filtered based on search input.
Q23. Write a SwiftUI program to create a view that displays a countdown timer.
Input: Timer countdown starting from 10 seconds.
Output: Countdown timer displayed and updated.
Q24. Write a SwiftUI program to display an alert when a button is tapped.
Input: Button labeled "Show Alert".
Output: Alert with a message displayed.
Q25. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a switch that toggles between two views.
Input: A switch labeled "Toggle View".
Output: Different views displayed based on switch state.
Q26. Write a SwiftUI program to display a vertical list of items where each item is clickable.
Input: List of clickable items like ["Item 1", "Item 2"].
Output: Item clicked shows a message like "You selected Item 1".
Q27. Write a SwiftUI program to create a horizontal stack of buttons that change their background color when tapped.
Input: Buttons with labels "Button 1", "Button 2".
Output: Buttons' background colors change when tapped.
Q28. Write a SwiftUI program to create a form with a text field and a button that clears the field.
Input: Text field with input and a button labeled "Clear".
Output: Text field cleared when button tapped.
Q29. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a segmented control that displays different text based on the selected segment.
Input: Segmented control with options "First", "Second".
Output: Display text based on selected segment.
Q30. Write a SwiftUI program to create a date picker with a specific date range.
Input: DatePicker with a range from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2025.
Output: Selected date displayed.
Q31. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a view that scales up when the user taps on it.
Input: Image or text tapped.
Output: View scales up when tapped.
Q32. Write a SwiftUI program to create a custom view modifier that applies padding and a border.
Input: View with custom modifier.
Output: View with padding and border applied.
Q33. Write a SwiftUI program to create a List with sections and header titles.
Input: List of items with different categories.
Output: List with sections and corresponding headers.
Q34. Write a SwiftUI program to create a button that triggers a background color change.
Input: Button labeled "Change Color".
Output: Background color changes when button is clicked.
Q35. Write a SwiftUI program to create a carousel view with multiple images that can be swiped.
Input: List of images to be swiped through.
Output: Carousel view where images can be swiped.
Q36. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a simple drawer navigation menu.
Input: Side menu with items.
Output: Display menu that slides in and out.
Q37. Write a SwiftUI program to create a simple list view with a custom row layout.
Input: List with custom row content like images and text.
Output: List with custom styling for rows.
Q38. Write a SwiftUI program to create a checkbox view that updates a value when checked or unchecked.
Input: Checkbox control.
Output: Checkbox checked state changes.
Q39. Write a SwiftUI program to create a view that resizes according to the device orientation (portrait/landscape).
Input: View adjusted to screen orientation.
Output: View adjusts layout on rotation.
Q40. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a "Show More" button that expands a text view.
Input: Button "Show More" and text content.
Output: Text expands when the button is pressed.
Q41. Write a SwiftUI program to create a custom slider with a label showing the current value.
Input: Slider with range from 0 to 100.
Output: Label updates to show the current slider value.
Q42. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a simple refresh control to reload a list of items.
Input: List with refresh control.
Output: List reloads when user pulls to refresh.
Q43. Write a SwiftUI program to create a stacked card view with draggable elements.
Input: Draggable cards.
Output: Cards stacked and draggable.
Q44. Write a SwiftUI program to create a floating action button that performs an action when clicked.
Input: Floating button with an action.
Output: Action performed when button clicked.
Q45. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a custom font style in a text view.
Input: Text view with a custom font.
Output: Text displayed with the custom font.
Q46. Write a SwiftUI program to create a dismissable modal view.
Input: Modal view with a button to close it.
Output: Modal view closes when button tapped.
Q47. Write a SwiftUI program to create a toggle with a label that displays its state.
Input: Toggle labeled "Enable Feature".
Output: Label updates to show whether the toggle is on or off.
Q48. Write a SwiftUI program to implement a button with a custom background gradient.
Input: Button with a gradient background.
Output: Button displayed with gradient background.
Q49. Write a SwiftUI program to create a pop-up notification that appears after a delay.
Input: Timer that triggers the pop-up.
Output: Notification displayed after delay.
Q50. Write a SwiftUI program to create a custom list row with an image, title, and description.
Input: List of items with images, titles, and descriptions.
Output: List with custom-styled rows.