Practice 50 Swift Animations Programming Questions
Q1. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView from left to right across the screen.
Input: A UIView with initial position off-screen on the left.
Output: The UIView animates to the right side of the screen.
Q2. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to change its background color to red.
Input: A UIView with a background color.
Output: The UIView background color changes to red over 1 second.
Q3. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel with a fade-in effect.
Input: A UILabel with initial opacity set to 0.
Output: The UILabel fades in to full opacity over 2 seconds.
Q4. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to scale up and down.
Input: A UIButton with initial scale set to 1.
Output: The UIButton scales up and down repeatedly.
Q5. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to rotate 90 degrees.
Input: A UIView with an initial rotation angle of 0 degrees.
Output: The UIView rotates 90 degrees over 1 second.
Q6. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel to move vertically from top to bottom.
Input: A UILabel positioned at the top of the screen.
Output: The UILabel animates down to the bottom of the screen.
Q7. Write a Swift program to animate a UIImageView to change its image with a fade effect.
Input: A UIImageView with an initial image.
Output: The image fades to the new image over 1 second.
Q8. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to bounce up and down.
Input: A UIView with initial position in the center of the screen.
Output: The UIView bounces up and down repeatedly.
Q9. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel text size change.
Input: A UILabel with initial font size 20.
Output: The font size of the text increases to 40.
Q10. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to change its background color when pressed.
Input: A UIButton with initial background color.
Output: The background color of the button changes to blue when pressed.
Q11. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to change its opacity.
Input: A UIView with an initial opacity of 1.
Output: The UIView fades to 0 opacity over 2 seconds.
Q12. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to rotate continuously in a loop.
Input: A UIView with initial rotation set to 0 degrees.
Output: The UIView rotates 360 degrees continuously.
Q13. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel to move horizontally with a spring effect.
Input: A UILabel with initial position on the left side of the screen.
Output: The UILabel moves to the right side with a spring effect.
Q14. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to rotate 180 degrees when clicked.
Input: A UIButton with initial rotation of 0 degrees.
Output: The UIButton rotates 180 degrees on click.
Q15. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to shrink to 50% of its size and then grow back.
Input: A UIView with initial size of 100x100.
Output: The UIView shrinks to 50x50 and then grows back to 100x100.
Q16. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel text color change from red to green.
Input: A UILabel with initial text color red.
Output: The text color changes to green over 2 seconds.
Q17. Write a Swift program to animate a UIImageView to zoom in on an image.
Input: A UIImageView with initial scale set to 1.
Output: The image zooms in by scaling the UIImageView.
Q18. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to rotate and change its color at the same time.
Input: A UIView with initial rotation of 0 degrees and color red.
Output: The UIView rotates 90 degrees and changes color to blue.
Q19. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to change text color on hover.
Input: A UIButton with initial text color red.
Output: The text color changes to blue when hovered over.
Q20. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel from top to bottom with opacity change.
Input: A UILabel initially positioned at the top with opacity set to 0.
Output: The UILabel moves to the bottom and fades in.
Q21. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to move from one point to another.
Input: A UIView initially positioned at point (0,0).
Output: The UIView moves to point (100, 100).
Q22. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to rotate on its own axis.
Input: A UIView with initial rotation of 0 degrees.
Output: The UIView rotates 360 degrees around its own axis.
Q23. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to scale up on click.
Input: A UIButton with initial scale set to 1.
Output: The UIButton scales up by 1.5 times when clicked.
Q24. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel to change its text.
Input: A UILabel with initial text "Hello".
Output: The UILabel changes its text to "World" with a fade effect.
Q25. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to change background color with a fade effect.
Input: A UIView with initial background color red.
Output: The background color fades to green.
Q26. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to change its frame size.
Input: A UIView with initial frame size 100x100.
Output: The UIView resizes to 150x150.
Q27. Write a Swift program to animate a UIImageView to rotate and scale at the same time.
Input: A UIImageView with initial rotation of 0 degrees and scale of 1.
Output: The UIImageView rotates and scales simultaneously.
Q28. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to move in a circular path.
Input: A UIView initially positioned at the center.
Output: The UIView moves in a circular path around the center.
Q29. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to change its border color and width.
Input: A UIButton with initial border color red and width 2.
Output: The border color changes to green and width to 4 over 1 second.
Q30. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel with a bounce effect when it appears.
Input: A UILabel initially hidden.
Output: The UILabel appears with a bounce effect.
Q31. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to scale and change opacity simultaneously.
Input: A UIView with initial scale 1 and opacity 1.
Output: The UIView scales up and fades out.
Q32. Write a Swift program to animate a UIImageView to rotate continuously and change its image.
Input: A UIImageView with initial image.
Output: The UIImageView rotates continuously and changes its image.
Q33. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to rotate and change background color on click.
Input: A UIButton with initial rotation of 0 degrees and background color blue.
Output: The UIButton rotates and changes to red background color on click.
Q34. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to change its position with a spring animation.
Input: A UIView with initial position at (0, 0).
Output: The UIView moves to position (100, 100) with a spring effect.
Q35. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to shrink and change color on hover.
Input: A UIView with initial size 100x100 and color green.
Output: The UIView shrinks to 80x80 and changes color to blue.
Q36. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel to move from one point to another with fading.
Input: A UILabel with initial position at (0, 0).
Output: The UILabel moves to (200, 200) and fades in.
Q37. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to rotate on click.
Input: A UIButton with initial rotation of 0 degrees.
Output: The UIButton rotates 180 degrees on click.
Q38. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to fade in and out in a loop.
Input: A UIView with initial opacity of 0.
Output: The UIView fades in and out repeatedly.
Q39. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel to bounce vertically.
Input: A UILabel with initial position.
Output: The UILabel bounces vertically up and down.
Q40. Write a Swift program to animate a UIImageView to move diagonally.
Input: A UIImageView with initial position at (0, 0).
Output: The UIImageView moves diagonally to (200, 200).
Q41. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView with a fade-in and scale-up effect.
Input: A UIView with initial opacity 0 and scale 1.
Output: The UIView fades in and scales up simultaneously.
Q42. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to move from left to right on hover.
Input: A UIButton initially at the left.
Output: The UIButton moves to the right when hovered over.
Q43. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to rotate and change text color at the same time.
Input: A UIView with initial rotation of 0 degrees and text color red.
Output: The UIView rotates 90 degrees and text color changes to blue.
Q44. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel to scale up when tapped.
Input: A UILabel with initial scale 1.
Output: The UILabel scales up by 1.5 times when tapped.
Q45. Write a Swift program to animate a UIImageView to rotate in a continuous loop.
Input: A UIImageView with initial rotation of 0 degrees.
Output: The UIImageView rotates 360 degrees continuously.
Q46. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to change its corner radius.
Input: A UIView with initial corner radius of 0.
Output: The corner radius changes to 20.
Q47. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel with a pulsing effect.
Input: A UILabel with initial opacity set to 1.
Output: The UILabel pulses by changing its opacity.
Q48. Write a Swift program to animate a UIButton to change its text size on press.
Input: A UIButton with initial text size 14.
Output: The text size changes to 18 when the button is pressed.
Q49. Write a Swift program to animate a UIView to move in a zigzag pattern.
Input: A UIView initially positioned at (0, 0).
Output: The UIView moves in a zigzag path.
Q50. Write a Swift program to animate a UILabel to shake horizontally.
Input: A UILabel with initial position at (100, 100).
Output: The UILabel shakes horizontally.