Practice 50 Swift Object-Oriented Programming Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Swift Object-Oriented Programming Questions

Q1. Write a Swift program to create a class called Person with properties name and age, and a method greet() that prints a greeting message.  
name = "Alice", age = 25  
Expected Output:  
Hello, my name is Alice and I am 25 years old.

Q2. Write a Swift program to create a class called Circle with a property radius and a method area() to calculate the area of the circle.  
radius = 5  
Expected Output:  
Area of the circle: 78.5398

Q3. Write a Swift program to create a Car class with properties model and color and a method displayInfo() to display the car's details.  
model = "Tesla", color = "Red"  
Expected Output:  
Car Model: Tesla, Color: Red

Q4. Write a Swift program to create a Rectangle class with properties length and width, and a method area() to calculate the area of the rectangle.  
length = 10, width = 5  
Expected Output:  
Area of the rectangle: 50

Q5. Write a Swift program to create a class Book with properties title, author, and pages, and a method printDetails() to print the book's details.  
title = "Swift Programming", author = "John Doe", pages = 200  
Expected Output:  
Book Title: Swift Programming, Author: John Doe, Pages: 200

Q6. Write a Swift program to create a class Employee with properties name, position, and salary, and a method displayInfo() to display the employee's information.  
name = "Bob", position = "Manager", salary = 5000  
Expected Output:  
Employee Name: Bob, Position: Manager, Salary: 5000

Q7. Write a Swift program to create a class Student with properties name, age, and marks, and a method calculateGrade() to calculate the grade based on marks.  
marks = 85  
Expected Output:  
Grade: B

Q8. Write a Swift program to create a Person class with a method setDetails() and a method getDetails() to set and get the person's details.  
name = "David", age = 30  
Expected Output:  
Name: David, Age: 30

Q9. Write a Swift program to create a class BankAccount with properties balance and accountNumber, and a method deposit() to deposit money into the account.  
depositAmount = 1000  
Expected Output:  
New balance: 1000

Q10. Write a Swift program to create a Person class with properties firstName, lastName, and a method fullName() to return the full name.  
firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe"  
Expected Output:  
Full Name: John Doe

Q11. Write a Swift program to create a class Animal with a method makeSound() that prints a sound based on the animal type.  
animalType = "Dog"  
Expected Output:  
Woof! Woof!

Q12. Write a Swift program to create a class Shape with a method area() and a subclass Circle that implements the area() method to calculate the area of a circle.  
radius = 7  
Expected Output:  
Area of Circle: 153.938

Q13. Write a Swift program to create a Rectangle class with a method perimeter() to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle.  
length = 4, width = 6  
Expected Output:  
Perimeter of the rectangle: 20

Q14. Write a Swift program to create a Product class with properties name, price, and quantity, and a method totalPrice() to calculate the total price.  
price = 100, quantity = 3  
Expected Output:  
Total Price: 300

Q15. Write a Swift program to create a Person class with a method isAdult() that returns true if the person's age is greater than or equal to 18. 
age = 21  
Expected Output:  

Q16. Write a Swift program to create a class Shape with properties length and width, and a subclass Rectangle that calculates the area of the rectangle.  
length = 5, width = 3  
Expected Output:  
Area of Rectangle: 15

Q17. Write a Swift program to create a class Product with properties name and price, and a method applyDiscount() to apply a discount to the price.  
price = 200, discount = 10  
Expected Output:  
Discounted Price: 180

Q18. Write a Swift program to create a Car class with properties make, model, and a method startEngine() to print a message when the engine starts.  
make = "Toyota", model = "Camry"  
Expected Output:  
The engine of Toyota Camry is now running.

Q19. Write a Swift program to create a class Person with properties age and name, and a method celebrateBirthday() that increases the age by one.  
age = 25  
Expected Output:  
Happy 26th birthday!

Q20. Write a Swift program to create a class Student with properties name, grade, and a method study() to simulate studying.  
name = "Charlie", grade = "A"  
Expected Output:  
Charlie is studying for the grade A.

Q21. Write a Swift program to create a class Car with a method drive() that prints a message when the car is driven.  
carModel = "BMW"  
Expected Output:  
Driving a BMW!

Q22. Write a Swift program to create a class Employee with properties name and position, and a method promote() that changes the position of the employee.  
position = "Junior Developer"  
Expected Output:  
Promoted to Senior Developer.

Q23. Write a Swift program to create a class Laptop with properties brand and model, and a method turnOn() to turn on the laptop.  
brand = "Apple", model = "MacBook Pro"  
Expected Output:  
MacBook Pro is now powered on.

Q24. Write a Swift program to create a Vehicle class with a method start() and a subclass Truck that overrides start() with a specific message.  
vehicleType = "Truck"  
Expected Output:  
The truck is starting.

Q25. Write a Swift program to create a class Movie with properties title, director, and year, and a method getDetails() to display the movie details. 
title = "Inception", director = "Christopher Nolan", year = 2010  
Expected Output:  
Title: Inception, Director: Christopher Nolan, Year: 2010

Q26. Write a Swift program to create a Circle class with a method circumference() to calculate the circumference of the circle.  
radius = 7  
Expected Output:  
Circumference of the circle: 43.9823

Q27. Write a Swift program to create a Team class with properties teamName and players, and a method addPlayer() to add a player to the team.  
teamName = "Warriors", players = ["James", "Klay"]  
Expected Output:  
Player added: Curry

Q28. Write a Swift program to create a class Person with properties name and age, and a method isAdult() to return true if age is 18 or above. 
age = 17  
Expected Output:  

Q29. Write a Swift program to create a Rectangle class with properties length and width, and a method resize() to update the size of the rectangle.  
length = 5, width = 3  
Expected Output:  
New size: 6 x 4

Q30. Write a Swift program to create a Person class with a method updateName() that allows the name to be updated.  
oldName = "David", newName = "Mike"  
Expected Output:  
Name updated from David to Mike.

Q31. Write a Swift program to create a Book class with properties title, author, and a method updateTitle() to change the book title.  
oldTitle = "Old Book", newTitle = "New Book"  
Expected Output:  
Book title updated from Old Book to New Book.

Q32. Write a Swift program to create a class Employee with properties name and salary, and a method raiseSalary() to increase the salary.  
salary = 50000  
Expected Output:  
New Salary: 55000

Q33. Write a Swift program to create a class Rectangle with methods setWidth() and setHeight() to modify the dimensions.  
width = 10, height = 5  
Expected Output:  
Width set to 15, Height set to 8

Q34. Write a Swift program to create a class Person with properties firstName and lastName, and a method fullName() to return the full name.  
firstName = "John", lastName = "Smith"  
Expected Output:  
Full Name: John Smith

Q35. Write a Swift program to create a class Rectangle with properties length and width, and a method perimeter() to calculate the perimeter.  
length = 10, width = 2  
Expected Output:  
Perimeter of the rectangle: 24

Q36. Write a Swift program to create a Person class with properties firstName and lastName, and a method greet() to print a greeting message.  
firstName = "Emma", lastName = "Stone"  
Expected Output:  
Hello, my name is Emma Stone.

Q37. Write a Swift program to create a class Car with properties speed and a method accelerate() to increase the speed.  
speed = 50  
Expected Output:  
New speed: 60

Q38. Write a Swift program to create a Book class with properties title, author, and a method readBook() to simulate reading the book.  
title = "Swift Programming", author = "Chris"  
Expected Output:  
Reading Swift Programming by Chris.

Q39. Write a Swift program to create a Person class with properties name and age, and a method celebrateBirthday() to simulate a birthday celebration.  
name = "Alice", age = 29  
Expected Output:  
Happy 30th Birthday, Alice!

Q40. Write a Swift program to create a class Vehicle with properties model and color, and a method start() to simulate starting the vehicle.  
model = "Honda", color = "Blue"  
Expected Output:  
The Honda Blue is now started.

Q41. Write a Swift program to create a Person class with a method changeAge() that updates the age of the person.  
age = 25, newAge = 26  
Expected Output:  
Age updated from 25 to 26.

Q42. Write a Swift program to create a Shape class with properties width and height, and a subclass Rectangle that calculates the area.  
width = 8, height = 6  
Expected Output:  
Area of Rectangle: 48

Q43. Write a Swift program to create a class Person with properties firstName, lastName, and a method initials() to return the initials.  
firstName = "Sarah", lastName = "Johnson"  
Expected Output:  
Initials: SJ

Q44. Write a Swift program to create a Book class with a method read() that prints "Reading book..." when invoked.  
bookTitle = "Swift in Depth"  
Expected Output:  
Reading Swift in Depth...

Q45. Write a Swift program to create a Student class with properties name and age, and a method study() to simulate studying.  
name = "Mark", age = 20  
Expected Output:  
Mark is studying.

Q46. Write a Swift program to create a class Product with properties name and price, and a method applyDiscount() that applies a discount.  
price = 120, discount = 20  
Expected Output:  
Price after discount: 96

Q47. Write a Swift program to create a class Account with properties balance and accountNumber, and a method withdraw() to withdraw money. 
balance = 1000, amount = 200  
Expected Output:  
New balance: 800

Q48. Write a Swift program to create a Vehicle class with properties color and type, and a method info() to display the vehicle's details.  
color = "Red", type = "Sedan"  
Expected Output:  
Vehicle Type: Sedan, Color: Red

Q49. Write a Swift program to create a class Student with properties name and marks, and a method isPassed() to check if the student passed based on marks.  
marks = 60  
Expected Output:  

Q50. Write a Swift program to create a Teacher class with properties name and subject, and a method teach() that prints the subject being taught.  
subject = "Mathematics"  
Expected Output:  
Teaching Mathematics

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