Practice 100 JavaScript Fundamental(ES6) Part-II Programming Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 100 JavaScript Fundamental(ES6) Part-II Programming Questions

Q1. Declare a variable using `let` and another using `const`. Try reassigning both.

Q2. Create an arrow function that takes two numbers and returns their sum.

Q3. Write a function with a default parameter and call it without passing the parameter.

Q4. Use template literals to create a greeting message.

Q5. Destructure the first two elements from an array.

Q6. Destructure properties `a` and `b` from an object.

Q7. Merge two arrays using the spread operator.

Q8. Create a new object with additional properties using the spread operator.

Q9. Write a function that takes any number of arguments and returns their sum using rest parameters.

Q10. Create an object using property shorthand.

Q11. Define a method in an object using shorthand syntax.

Q12. Double the values of an array using `map()`.

Q13. Filter out odd numbers from an array.

Q14. Find the sum of numbers in an array using `reduce()`.

Q15. Check if a string contains a specific word.

Q16. Find the first even number in an array.

Q17. Find the index of the first number greater than 5.

Q18. Print each element of an array using `forEach()`.

Q19. Check if any number in the array is greater than 10.

Q20. Check if all numbers in the array are positive.

Q21. Merge two arrays using `concat()`.

Q22. Get all keys of an object using `Object.keys()`.

Q23. Get all values of an object using `Object.values()`.

Q24. Get key-value pairs of an object using `Object.entries()`.

Q25. Create an object using a computed property name.

Q26. Create a set and add elements to it.

Q27. Create a map and get a value by its key.

Q28. Check if a string starts with a specific substring.

Q29. Check if a string ends with a specific substring.

Q30. Repeat a string multiple times.

Q31. Use default parameters with an object argument.

Q32. Compare `this` behavior in an arrow function and a normal function.

Q33. Create a simple class with a method.

Q34. Create a subclass and call a parent class method.

Q35. Create a promise that resolves after 2 seconds.

Q36. Handle a rejected promise with `catch()`.

Q37. Create an async function to await a promise.

Q38. Use `try-catch` to handle errors in an async function.

Q39. Use rest parameters to handle a variable number of arguments.

Q40. Combine two arrays using the spread operator.

Q41. Merge two objects using the spread operator.

Q42. Destructure the first two elements of an array.

Q43. Destructure a property from an object.

Q44. Provide a default value while destructuring.

Q45. Use expressions in template literals.

Q46. Create a tagged template literal.

Q47. Create a unique symbol.

Q48. Use a symbol as a key in an object.

Q49. Add objects to a WeakSet.

Q50. Use objects as keys in a WeakMap.

Q51. Find the first number greater than 10 in an array.

Q52. Find the index of the first even number in an array.

Q53. Check if an array includes the number 10.

Q54. Create an object with shorthand property names.

Q55. Use `Object.entries()` to get an array of key-value pairs.

Q56. Use `Object.keys()` to get an array of keys from an object.

Q57. Use `Object.values()` to get an array of values from an object.

Q58. Use `reduce()` to calculate the sum of numbers in an array.

Q59. Create a function with a default parameter.

Q60. Check if some elements in an array are greater than 10.

Q61. Check if all elements in an array are less than 20.

Q62. Use `Set` to remove duplicates from an array.

Q63. Use `Map` to store key-value pairs.

Q64. Create an arrow function that implicitly returns a value.

Q65. Use `forEach()` to iterate over an array.

Q66. Safely access a nested property using optional chaining.

Q67. Use nullish coalescing to provide a default value.

Q68. Flatten a nested array.

Q69. Map and flatten an array in one step.

Q70. Check if a string includes another string.

Q71. Check if a string starts with a given substring.

Q72. Check if a string ends with a given substring.

Q73. Repeat a string multiple times.

Q74. Extract a portion of an array using `slice()`.

Q75. Add elements to an array using `splice()`.

Q76. Use template literals to create a string with expressions.

Q77. Find the first element greater than 10 in an array.

Q78. Find the index of the first element greater than 10 in an array.

Q79. Fill an array with a specific value.

Q80. Pad a string at the start to reach a specific length.

Q81. Pad a string at the end to reach a specific length.

Q82. Extract properties from a nested object.

Q83. Use destructuring in function parameters.

Q84. Create unique symbols and compare them.

Q85. Create a promise and resolve it.

Q86. Use `Promise.all()` to handle multiple promises.

Q87. Import a default export from a module.

Q88. Import a named export from a module.

Q89. Handle errors using `try...catch`.

Q90. Iterate over an array using `for...of`.

Q91. Iterate over an object's properties using ``.

Q92. Use rest parameters to gather arguments.

Q93. Use the spread operator to copy an array.

Q94. Use the spread operator to copy an object.

Q95. Check the type of a variable using `typeof`.

Q96. Check if an object is an instance of a class.

Q97. Merge two objects using `Object.assign()`.

Q98. Convert an object to a JSON string.

Q99. Convert a JSON string to an object.

Q100. Sort an array of numbers.

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