Practice 50 JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Questions

Q1. Write a JavaScript program to create a Car class with a property model and a method drive that logs "Driving!".  
Input: Create an instance of Car with model = "Tesla". Call the drive() method.  
Expected Output: Logs "Driving!".

Q2. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with properties name and age. Initialize them using the constructor.  
Input: Create an instance with name = "John", age = 30.  
Expected Output: Logs name: John, age: 30.

Q3. Write a JavaScript program to create an Animal class with a method speak() that logs "Animal speaks!".  
Input: Create an instance of Animal. Call speak().  
Expected Output: Logs "Animal speaks!".

Q4. Write a JavaScript program to create a Rectangle class with properties length and width and a method area() that returns the area of the rectangle.  
Input: Create an instance with length = 5, width = 3. Call area().  
Expected Output: Returns 15.

Q5. Write a JavaScript program to create a Book class with properties title and author and a method getDetails() that returns a string Title: <title>, Author: <author>.  
Input: Create an instance with title = "JavaScript Basics", author = "John Doe". Call getDetails().  
Expected Output: Returns "Title: JavaScript Basics, Author: John Doe".

Q6. Write a JavaScript program to demonstrate inheritance by creating a Dog class that inherits from the Animal class and has an additional method bark().  
Input: Create an instance of Dog and call bark().  
Expected Output: Logs "Woof!".

Q7. Write a JavaScript program to create a Circle class with a property radius and a method circumference() that calculates the circumference.  
Input: Create an instance with radius = 7. Call circumference().  
Expected Output: Returns 43.982297150257104.

Q8. Write a JavaScript program to demonstrate polymorphism by creating a Shape class with a method area(), and override it in Circle and Rectangle classes.  
Input: Create instances of Circle with radius = 5 and Rectangle with length = 4, width = 6. Call area().  
Expected Output: Returns 78.53981633974483 for the circle, 24 for the rectangle.

Q9. Write a JavaScript program to create a Car class with a constructor and a method start() that logs "Starting the car!".  
Input: Create an instance with model = "Toyota". Call start().  
Expected Output: Logs "Starting the car!".

Q10. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a greet() method that logs "Hello, <name>!".  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Alice". Call greet().  
Expected Output: Logs "Hello, Alice!".

Q11. Write a JavaScript program to create a BankAccount class with methods to deposit() and withdraw().  
Input: Create an instance with initial balance 1000. Deposit 500, withdraw 200.  
Expected Output: Final balance: 1300.

Q12. Write a JavaScript program to create a Student class with a method getGrade() that returns the student's grade based on the score.  
Input: Create an instance with score = 85. Call getGrade().  
Expected Output: Returns "A".

Q13. Write a JavaScript program to create an Employee class with properties name, position, and salary, and a method getDetails() that returns the employee details.  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Bob", position = "Manager", salary = 5000. Call getDetails().  
Expected Output: Returns "Name: Bob, Position: Manager, Salary: 5000".

Q14. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a birthYear property and a method getAge() that calculates the age based on the current year.  
Input: Create an instance with birthYear = 1990. Call getAge().  
Expected Output: Returns the current age.

Q15. Write a JavaScript program to create a Product class with properties name, price, and quantity, and a method totalPrice() that returns the total price.  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Laptop", price = 1000, quantity = 2. Call totalPrice().  
Expected Output: Returns 2000.

Q16. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a method introduce() that logs "Hi, my name is <name>".  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Charlie". Call introduce().  
Expected Output: Logs "Hi, my name is Charlie".

Q17. Write a JavaScript program to create a Student class with a method study() that logs "Studying...".  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Tom". Call study().  
Expected Output: Logs "Studying...".

Q18. Write a JavaScript program to create an Author class with properties name and books, and a method addBook() to add a book to the author's collection.  
Input: Create an instance with name = "J.K. Rowling". Add books ["Harry Potter", "Fantastic Beasts"].  
Expected Output: Logs the list of books.

Q19. Write a JavaScript program to create a Counter class with methods increment() and decrement().  
Input: Create an instance with value = 0. Increment once, then decrement once.  
Expected Output: Final value: 0.

Q20. Write a JavaScript program to create a Book class with properties title, author, and price, and a method applyDiscount() to apply a discount. 
Input: Create an instance with title = "JS Guide", price = 100. Apply 10% discount.  
Expected Output: Returns 90.

Q21. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a fullName getter and setter.  
Input: Create an instance with firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe". Access and modify fullName.  
Expected Output: Logs full name correctly.

Q22. Write a JavaScript program to create an Employee class with properties id and name, and a method getInfo() that returns employee details. 
Input: Create an instance with id = 123, name = "Steve". Call getInfo().  
Expected Output: Returns "ID: 123, Name: Steve".

Q23. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a method isAdult() that returns true if the person is 18 or older.  
Input: Create an instance with age = 20. Call isAdult().  
Expected Output: Returns true.

Q24. Write a JavaScript program to create a Book class with properties title, author, and price, and a method getPrice() to return the price.  
Input: Create an instance with title = "JavaScript Guide", price = 50. Call getPrice().  
Expected Output: Returns 50.

Q25. Write a JavaScript program to create a Car class with a method fuelEfficiency() that calculates fuel efficiency.  
Input: Create an instance with mileage = 15, fuel = 5. Call fuelEfficiency().  
Expected Output: Returns 3.

Q26. Write a JavaScript program to create a User class with a method isValidEmail() that checks if the email is valid.  
Input: Create an instance with email = "". Call isValidEmail().  
Expected Output: Returns true.

Q27. Write a JavaScript program to create a Library class with a method addBook() that adds a book to the collection.  
Input: Create an instance and add book = "JavaScript for Beginners".  
Expected Output: Logs "Book added to library".

Q28. Write a JavaScript program to create a Movie class with a releaseYear property and a method isOld() that returns true if the movie is older than 10 years.  
Input: Create an instance with releaseYear = 2005. Call isOld().  
Expected Output: Returns true.

Q29. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a method getGreeting() that returns a greeting message.  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Mary". Call getGreeting().  
Expected Output: Returns "Hello, Mary!".

Q30. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a property age and a method isMinor() that checks if the person is under 18.  
Input: Create an instance with age = 15. Call isMinor().  
Expected Output: Returns true.

Q31. Write a JavaScript program to create a Circle class with a method area() to calculate the area of the circle.  
Input: Create an instance with radius = 3. Call area().  
Expected Output: Returns 28.274333882308138.

Q32. Write a JavaScript program to create a Shape class with a method getArea() and override it in Circle and Rectangle classes.  
Input: Create instances of Circle with radius = 5 and Rectangle with length = 6, width = 4.  
Expected Output: Returns 78.53981633974483 for the circle, 24 for the rectangle.

Q33. Write a JavaScript program to create a Product class with a method getInfo() that returns product details.  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Laptop", price = 1500. Call getInfo().  
Expected Output: Returns "Product: Laptop, Price: 1500".

Q34. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a method isOlderThan() that compares the person's age with another person. 
Input: Create two instances: one with age = 30, another with age = 25.  
Expected Output: Returns true for the first person.

Q35. Write a JavaScript program to create a Customer class with properties name and purchaseAmount, and a method discount() that calculates a discount based on the purchase amount.  
Input: Create an instance with purchaseAmount = 1000. Call discount().  
Expected Output: Returns 100.

Q36. Write a JavaScript program to create a Vehicle class with a method start() and override it in Car and Truck classes.  
Input: Create instances of Car and Truck. Call start().  
Expected Output: Logs different messages for Car and Truck.

Q37. Write a JavaScript program to create an Account class with methods deposit() and withdraw() and a method getBalance() that returns the current balance.  
Input: Create an instance with an initial balance of 500. Deposit 200, withdraw 100.  
Expected Output: Final balance: 600.

Q38. Write a JavaScript program to create a Person class with a fullName method that returns the person's full name.  
Input: Create an instance with firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe". Call fullName().  
Expected Output: Returns "John Doe".

Q39. Write a JavaScript program to create a Task class with a property completed and a method markComplete() to mark the task as complete.  
Input: Create an instance with completed = false. Call markComplete().  
Expected Output: Final value of completed: true.

Q40. Write a JavaScript program to create a Date class with a method getDayOfWeek() that returns the day of the week.  
Input: Create an instance with the current date. Call getDayOfWeek().  
Expected Output: Returns the current day of the week.

Q41. Write a JavaScript program to create a Player class with a method play() that logs "Playing the game!".  
Input: Create an instance with name = "Tom". Call play().  
Expected Output: Logs "Playing the game!".

Q42. Write a JavaScript program to create an Employee class with a method getSalary() that returns the salary.  
Input: Create an instance with salary = 4000. Call getSalary().  
Expected Output: Returns 4000.

Q43. Write a JavaScript program to create a Song class with properties title, artist, and duration, and a method getDetails() that returns song details.  
Input: Create an instance with title = "Shape of You", artist = "Ed Sheeran". Call getDetails().  
Expected Output: Returns "Title: Shape of You, Artist: Ed Sheeran".

Q44. Write a JavaScript program to create a Item class with properties name, price, and a method applyTax() that applies a 5% tax to the price.  
Input: Create an instance with name = "T-Shirt", price = 20. Call applyTax().  
Expected Output: Returns 21.

Q45. Write a JavaScript program to create a MusicPlayer class with methods play(), pause(), and stop() that perform corresponding actions.  
Input: Create an instance with currentTrack = "Track 1". Call play(), pause(), stop().  
Expected Output: Logs corresponding actions for each method.

Q46. Write a JavaScript program to create a Movie class with properties title, director, and year, and a method getInfo() to return the movie details.  
Input: Create an instance with title = "Inception", director = "Christopher Nolan", year = 2010. Call getInfo().  
Expected Output: Returns "Title: Inception, Director: Christopher Nolan, Year: 2010".

Q47. Write a JavaScript program to create a Ticket class with properties event, date, and a method getTicketDetails() that returns the ticket details.  
Input: Create an instance with event = "Concert", date = "2024-12-01". Call getTicketDetails().  
Expected Output: Returns "Event: Concert, Date: 2024-12-01".

Q48. Write a JavaScript program to create a Product class with a method getDiscountPrice() that calculates a discount based on a given percentage.  
Input: Create an instance with price = 100, discount = 10. Call getDiscountPrice().  
Expected Output: Returns 90.

Q49. Write a JavaScript program to create a Movie class with properties name, director, and rating, and a method isHighRated() that checks if the movie has a rating greater than 8.  
Input: Create an instance with rating = 9. Call isHighRated().  
Expected Output: Returns true.

Q50. Write a JavaScript program to create a Task class with a method complete() that marks the task as complete and logs "Task completed!".  
Input: Create an instance with status = "incomplete". Call complete().  
Expected Output: Logs "Task completed!".

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