Practice 100 JavaScript Conditional statements Programming Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 100 JavaScript Conditional statements Programming Questions

Q1. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is positive, negative, or zero.  
Input: checkNumber(5)  
Expected Output: "Positive"  

Input: checkNumber(-3)  
Expected Output: "Negative"  

Input: checkNumber(0)  
Expected Output: "Zero"

Q2. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is even or odd.  
Input: checkEvenOdd(4)  
Expected Output: "Even"  

Input: checkEvenOdd(7)  
Expected Output: "Odd"

Q3. Write a JavaScript program to find the largest of two numbers.  
Input: findLargest(5, 10)  
Expected Output: 10

Q4. Write a JavaScript program to find the largest of three numbers.  
Input: findLargest(5, 10, 7)  
Expected Output: 10

Q5. Write a JavaScript program to check if a year is a leap year or not.  
Input: isLeapYear(2020)  
Expected Output: "Leap Year"  

Input: isLeapYear(2021)  
Expected Output: "Not a Leap Year"

Q6. Write a JavaScript program to check if a character is a vowel or consonant.  
Input: checkVowelConsonant('a')  
Expected Output: "Vowel"  

Input: checkVowelConsonant('b')  
Expected Output: "Consonant"

Q7. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by 5 and 11.  
Input: checkDivisibility(55)  
Expected Output: "Divisible"  

Input: checkDivisibility(23)  
Expected Output: "Not Divisible"

Q8. Write a JavaScript program to check if a character is uppercase or lowercase.  
Input: checkCase('A')  
Expected Output: "Uppercase"  

Input: checkCase('a')  
Expected Output: "Lowercase"

Q9. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is within a specified range (10 to 20).  
Input: checkRange(15)  
Expected Output: "Within Range"  

Input: checkRange(25)  
Expected Output: "Out of Range"

Q10. Write a JavaScript program to assign a grade based on marks.  
Input: assignGrade(85)  
Expected Output: "A"  

Input: assignGrade(70)  
Expected Output: "B"

Q11. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by 2 or 3.  
Input: checkDivisibility(6)  
Expected Output: "Divisible"  

Input: checkDivisibility(7)  
Expected Output: "Not Divisible"

Q12. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is a multiple of 10.  
Input: checkMultipleOf10(50)  
Expected Output: "Yes"  

Input: checkMultipleOf10(33)  
Expected Output: "No"

Q13. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string is empty.  
Input: isEmptyString("")  
Expected Output: "Empty"  

Input: isEmptyString("hello")  
Expected Output: "Not Empty"

Q14. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is between two numbers (inclusive).  
Input: isBetween(5, 1, 10)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isBetween(15, 1, 10)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q15. Write a JavaScript program to classify an angle as acute, right, obtuse, or straight.  
Input: classifyAngle(90)  
Expected Output: "Right Angle"  

Input: classifyAngle(45)  
Expected Output: "Acute Angle"

Q16. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is a single-digit number.  
Input: isSingleDigit(5)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isSingleDigit(12)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q17. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains only alphabetic characters.  
Input: isAlphabetic("hello")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isAlphabetic("hello123")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q18. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string starts with a specific letter.  
Input: startsWith("apple", "a")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: startsWith("banana", "a")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q19. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is positive and even.  
Input: isPositiveEven(4)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isPositiveEven(-4)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q20. Write a JavaScript program to check if a character is a digit.  
Input: isDigit('5')  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isDigit('a')  
Expected Output: "False"

Q21. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by 3 and 5.  
Input: checkDivisibility(15)  
Expected Output: "Divisible"  

Input: checkDivisibility(7)  
Expected Output: "Not Divisible"

Q22. Write a JavaScript program to check if a year is a century year.  
Input: isCenturyYear(2000)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isCenturyYear(2023)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q23. Write a JavaScript program to determine the quadrant of a point in a coordinate system.  
Input: findQuadrant(3, 4)  
Expected Output: "Quadrant 1"  

Input: findQuadrant(-3, -4)  
Expected Output: "Quadrant 3"

Q24. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is within a specific interval [10, 50).  
Input: checkInterval(25)  
Expected Output: "Within Interval"  

Input: checkInterval(55)  
Expected Output: "Out of Interval"

Q25. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string ends with a specific letter.  
Input: endsWith("hello", "o")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: endsWith("world", "a")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q26. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is greater than, less than, or equal to another number.  
Input: compareNumbers(3, 5)  
Expected Output: "Less Than"  

Input: compareNumbers(5, 5)  
Expected Output: "Equal"

Q27. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by 7 or ends with 7.  
Input: checkSpecialSeven(17)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkSpecialSeven(20)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q28. Write a JavaScript program to check if the length of a string is greater than 5.  
Input: checkStringLength("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"  

Input: checkStringLength("JavaScript")  
Expected Output: "True"

Q29. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number has exactly two digits.  
Input: isTwoDigit(45)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isTwoDigit(5)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q30. Write a JavaScript program to check if a person is eligible to vote (age >= 18).  
Input: isEligibleToVote(20)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isEligibleToVote(15)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q31. Write a JavaScript program to determine the category of a person based on age.  
Input: categorizeAge(10)  
Expected Output: "Child"  

Input: categorizeAge(25)  
Expected Output: "Adult"

Q32. Write a JavaScript program to check if the sum of two numbers is greater than 100.  
Input: checkSum(50, 60)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkSum(30, 40)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q33. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is a perfect square.  
Input: isPerfectSquare(16)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isPerfectSquare(20)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q34. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by 9.  
Input: isDivisibleByNine(81)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isDivisibleByNine(50)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q35. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains the word "hello".  
Input: containsHello("hello world")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: containsHello("world")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q36. Write a JavaScript program to check if two strings are equal.  
Input: areStringsEqual("hello", "hello")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: areStringsEqual("hello", "world")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q37. Write a JavaScript program to determine the smaller of two numbers.  
Input: findSmaller(10, 15)  
Expected Output: 10

Q38. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string is a palindrome.  
Input: isPalindrome("madam")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isPalindrome("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q39. Write a JavaScript program to check if the first character of a string is a digit.  
Input: startsWithDigit("123abc")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: startsWithDigit("abc123")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q40. Write a JavaScript program to check if the second number is a multiple of the first number.  
Input: isMultiple(3, 9)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isMultiple(4, 10)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q41. Write a JavaScript program to check if the absolute difference between two numbers is greater than 10.  
Input: checkDifference(15, 2)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkDifference(7, 3)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q42. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by 4 but not by 6.  
Input: checkDivisibility(8)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkDivisibility(12)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q43. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string starts and ends with the same character.  
Input: checkStartEnd("radar")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkStartEnd("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q44. Write a JavaScript program to check if the sum of digits in a number is even.  
Input: checkSumEven(123)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkSumEven(124)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q45. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is prime.  
Input: isPrime(7)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isPrime(9)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q46. Write a JavaScript program to classify a day of the week as weekday or weekend.  
Input: classifyDay("Sunday")  
Expected Output: "Weekend"  

Input: classifyDay("Monday")  
Expected Output: "Weekday"

Q47. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is a palindrome.  
Input: isPalindromeNumber(121)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isPalindromeNumber(123)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q48. Write a JavaScript program to check if the product of two numbers is greater than 100.  
Input: checkProduct(10, 15)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkProduct(5, 5)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q49. Write a JavaScript program to classify a triangle based on its sides.  
Input: classifyTriangle(3, 3, 3)  
Expected Output: "Equilateral"  

Input: classifyTriangle(3, 4, 5)  
Expected Output: "Scalene"

Q50. Write a JavaScript program to check if a year is divisible by 4 but not 100, unless divisible by 400.  
Input: checkLeapYear(2000)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkLeapYear(1900)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q51. Write a JavaScript program to check if the first number is greater than the second and the second is greater than the third.  
Input: checkOrder(5, 3, 1)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkOrder(5, 6, 4)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q52. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by both 2 and 3 but not 5.  
Input: checkSpecialDivisibility(12)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkSpecialDivisibility(30)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q53. Write a JavaScript program to check if two strings are anagrams of each other.  
Input: areAnagrams("listen", "silent")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: areAnagrams("hello", "world")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q54. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is greater than its reverse.  
Input: checkGreaterReverse(32)  
Expected Output: "False"  

Input: checkGreaterReverse(43)  
Expected Output: "True"

Q55. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains only uppercase letters.  
Input: isAllUppercase("HELLO")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isAllUppercase("Hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q56. Write a JavaScript program to check if the average of three numbers is an integer.  
Input: checkAverage(2, 4, 6)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkAverage(1, 2, 3)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q57. Write a JavaScript program to check if the last character of a string is a vowel.  
Input: endsWithVowel("hello")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: endsWithVowel("world")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q58. Write a JavaScript program to check if the sum of squares of two numbers is greater than 50.  
Input: checkSquaresSum(5, 6)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkSquaresSum(2, 3)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q59. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is within the Fibonacci sequence.  
Input: isFibonacci(8)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isFibonacci(10)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q60. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains any digits.  
Input: containsDigit("abc123")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: containsDigit("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q61. Write a JavaScript program to classify a number as small (< 10), medium (10–100), or large (> 100).  
Input: classifyNumber(5)  
Expected Output: "Small"  

Input: classifyNumber(50)  
Expected Output: "Medium"

Q62. Write a JavaScript program to check if the sum of all digits in a number is prime.  
Input: isSumPrime(23)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isSumPrime(45)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q63. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains all vowels (a, e, i, o, u).  
Input: containsAllVowels("education")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: containsAllVowels("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q64. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by either 2 or 7.  
Input: checkDivisibility(14)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkDivisibility(13)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q65. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string is a valid email address.  
Input: isValidEmail("")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isValidEmail("")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q66. Write a JavaScript program to check if the first and last digits of a number are the same.  
Input: checkFirstLastDigit(121)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkFirstLastDigit(123)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q67. Write a JavaScript program to classify a number as even or odd and positive or negative.  
Input: classifyNumber(-4)  
Expected Output: "Even Negative"  

Input: classifyNumber(3)  
Expected Output: "Odd Positive"

Q68. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string is a valid palindrome ignoring case.  
Input: isPalindromeIgnoreCase("Madam")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isPalindromeIgnoreCase("Hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q69. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is a cube of another integer.  
Input: isCube(27)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isCube(20)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q70. Write a JavaScript program to check if the length of two strings is equal.  
Input: checkEqualLength("abc", "xyz")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkEqualLength("hello", "world!")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q71. Write a JavaScript program to check if the area of a rectangle exceeds 100.  
Input: checkArea(10, 11)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkArea(5, 5)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q72. Write a JavaScript program to check if a character is a special symbol.  
Input: isSpecialSymbol("@")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isSpecialSymbol("a")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q73. Write a JavaScript program to classify a month based on its number of days.  
Input: classifyMonth("February")  
Expected Output: "28 or 29 Days"  

Input: classifyMonth("April")  
Expected Output: "30 Days"

Q74. Write a JavaScript program to check if the first three letters of two strings match.  
Input: checkPrefix("apple", "application")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkPrefix("apple", "banana")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q75. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.  
Input: hasMixedCase("Hello")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: hasMixedCase("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q76. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is a multiple of its digits.  
Input: isMultipleOfDigits(36)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isMultipleOfDigits(25)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q77. Write a JavaScript program to classify a number based on its number of digits (single, double, triple).  
Input: classifyDigits(123)  
Expected Output: "Triple Digit"  

Input: classifyDigits(45)  
Expected Output: "Double Digit"

Q78. Write a JavaScript program to check if two strings are reverse of each other.  
Input: areReverseStrings("abc", "cba")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: areReverseStrings("abc", "xyz")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q79. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is divisible by the sum of its digits.  
Input: isDivisibleBySum(18)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isDivisibleBySum(19)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q80. Write a JavaScript program to classify a number as odd, even, prime, or composite.  
Input: classifyNumberType(11)  
Expected Output: "Prime"  

Input: classifyNumberType(10)  
Expected Output: "Even Composite"

Q81. Write a JavaScript program to check if the ASCII value of a character is even or odd.  
Input: checkAscii("A")  
Expected Output: "Odd"  

Input: checkAscii("B")  
Expected Output: "Even"

Q82. Write a JavaScript program to classify a person's weight category based on BMI.  
Input: classifyBMI(25)  
Expected Output: "Overweight"  

Input: classifyBMI(18)  
Expected Output: "Underweight"

Q83. Write a JavaScript program to check if the sum of two strings' lengths is a prime number.  
Input: checkLengthSumPrime("abc", "hello")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: checkLengthSumPrime("a", "world")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q84. Write a JavaScript program to check if a word is longer than a sentence.  
Input: isWordLonger("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", "The quick brown fox.")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isWordLonger("hello", "Hello world!")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q85. Write a JavaScript program to classify a character as a letter, digit, or special character.  
Input: classifyCharacter("A")  
Expected Output: "Letter"  

Input: classifyCharacter("5")  
Expected Output: "Digit"

Q86. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is positive, negative, or zero.  
Input: checkSign(-5)  
Expected Output: "Negative"  

Input: checkSign(0)  
Expected Output: "Zero"

Q87. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is closer to 0 or 100.  
Input: checkProximity(45)  
Expected Output: "Closer to 0"  

Input: checkProximity(75)  
Expected Output: "Closer to 100"

Q88. Write a JavaScript program to determine the maximum of three numbers using conditional statements.  
Input: findMax(5, 10, 7)  
Expected Output: 10  

Input: findMax(1, 2, 3)  
Expected Output: 3

Q89. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string has all unique characters.  
Input: hasUniqueChars("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"  

Input: hasUniqueChars("world")  
Expected Output: "True"

Q90. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number ends with an odd digit.  
Input: endsWithOdd(123)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: endsWithOdd(246)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q91. Write a JavaScript program to classify a grade (A, B, C, D, F) based on a score.  
Input: classifyGrade(85)  
Expected Output: "A"  

Input: classifyGrade(60)  
Expected Output: "C"

Q92. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains alternating vowels and consonants.  
Input: hasAlternatingVowelsAndConsonants("banana")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: hasAlternatingVowelsAndConsonants("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q93. Write a JavaScript program to check if the perimeter of a rectangle is greater than its area.  
Input: checkPerimeterVsArea(4, 5)  
Expected Output: "False"  

Input: checkPerimeterVsArea(1, 2)  
Expected Output: "True"

Q94. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string is a valid hexadecimal number.  
Input: isHexadecimal("1A3F")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isHexadecimal("123G")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q95. Write a JavaScript program to check if a number is both a square and a cube of an integer.  
Input: isSquareAndCube(64)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isSquareAndCube(27)  
Expected Output: "False"

Q96. Write a JavaScript program to classify a number as even, odd, or divisible by 5.  
Input: classifyNumber(10)  
Expected Output: "Divisible by 5"  

Input: classifyNumber(3)  
Expected Output: "Odd"

Q97. Write a JavaScript program to check if a string contains more vowels than consonants.  
Input: hasMoreVowels("education")  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: hasMoreVowels("computer")  
Expected Output: "False"

Q98. Write a JavaScript program to check if the sum of ASCII values of a string is even.  
Input: isAsciiSumEven("hello")  
Expected Output: "False"  

Input: isAsciiSumEven("abcd")  
Expected Output: "True"

Q99. Write a JavaScript program to classify a number as perfect, abundant, or deficient based on its divisors' sum.  
Input: classifyNumber(6)  
Expected Output: "Perfect"  

Input: classifyNumber(12)  
Expected Output: "Abundant"

Q100. Write a JavaScript program to check if a triangle is valid based on its angles.  
Input: isTriangleValid(60, 60, 60)  
Expected Output: "True"  

Input: isTriangleValid(90, 45, 50)  
Expected Output: "False"

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