Practice 50 Message Passing Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Message Passing Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Rust program to create a basic message-passing channel.  
Expected Output:  
Message received: "Hello"

Q2. Write a Rust program to send multiple messages through a channel from one thread to another.  
Messages: "Message 1", "Message 2"  
Expected Output:  
Message received: "Message 1"
Message received: "Message 2"

Q3. Write a Rust program to demonstrate the use of channels with mpsc for sending and receiving data.  
Sender: "Task 1", Receiver: "Task 1 completed"  
Expected Output:  
Task 1 completed

Q4. Write a Rust program to create a channel and use it to pass an integer from one thread to another.  
Sender: 42  
Expected Output:  
Received number: 42

Q5. Write a Rust program to create a channel with a sender and receiver, where the sender sends strings and the receiver prints them.  
Sender: "Rust", Receiver: "Programming"  
Expected Output:  
Received message: "Rust"
Received message: "Programming"

Q6. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send data from multiple sender threads to a single receiver thread.  
Expected Output:  
Received: "Message from thread 1"
Received: "Message from thread 2"
Received: "Message from thread 3"

Q7. Write a Rust program to use a channel for communication between two threads to count the number of words in a sentence.  
Sentence: "Rust is fast and safe."  
Expected Output:  
Word count: 4

Q8. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send data between threads for calculating the factorial of a number.  
Number: 5  
Expected Output:  
Factorial result: 120

Q9. Write a Rust program to send a custom struct through a channel from one thread to another.  
Struct: Person { name: "Alice", age: 30 }  
Expected Output:  
Received person: Name: Alice, Age: 30

Q10. Write a Rust program to create a channel to pass a list of integers and compute their sum in a separate thread.  
List: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  
Expected Output:  
Sum: 15

Q11. Write a Rust program to use a mpsc channel to send a boolean value and use it to control program flow.  
Value: true  
Expected Output:  
Program flow allowed: true

Q12. Write a Rust program to use a channel to implement a producer-consumer scenario.  
Expected Output:  
Producer produced: Item 1
Consumer consumed: Item 1

Q13. Write a Rust program to use mpsc channel to send data asynchronously between threads.  
Expected Output:  
Asynchronous message received: "Hello from thread"

Q14. Write a Rust program to demonstrate a channel where the sender sends data of type f64 and the receiver prints it.  
Sender: 3.1415  
Expected Output:  
Received value: 3.1415

Q15. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send a vector from one thread to another.  
Vector: [1, 2, 3, 4]  
Expected Output:  
Received vector: [1, 2, 3, 4]

Q16. Write a Rust program to create a channel and have a thread send a result of a mathematical calculation.  
Calculation: 5  6  
Expected Output:  
Result: 30

Q17. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send strings and count how many times a string is received.  
Strings: "Hello", "Hello", "World"  
Expected Output:  
Received "Hello" 2 times
Received "World" 1 time

Q18. Write a Rust program to use a channel to implement a queue where multiple threads enqueue and dequeue data.  
Expected Output:  
Data dequeued: "Task 1"
Data dequeued: "Task 2"

Q19. Write a Rust program to use a channel for sending a result of string concatenation from one thread to another.  
Strings: "Rust", "Language"  
Expected Output:  
Concatenated result: "RustLanguage"

Q20. Write a Rust program to use a channel to pass error messages between threads.  
Error message: "An error occurred"  
Expected Output:  
Error received: "An error occurred"

Q21. Write a Rust program to use a channel to pass user inputs from the main thread to a worker thread.  
User input: "Hello"  
Expected Output:  
Worker received input: "Hello"

Q22. Write a Rust program to use a channel for passing data and check whether the receiver gets data.  
Message: "Ready"  
Expected Output:  
Receiver got message: "Ready"

Q23. Write a Rust program to create a channel that passes u32 data from a worker thread to the main thread.  
Data: 100  
Expected Output:  
Received data: 100

Q24. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send a status update message from a worker thread.  
Message: "Task in progress"  
Expected Output:  
Status update: "Task in progress"

Q25. Write a Rust program to use a channel where the sender and receiver exchange data until the sender signals completion.  
Expected Output:  
Received data: "Task 1"
Received data: "Task 2"
Sender completed.

Q26. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send and receive a tuple of (i32, i32) between threads.  
Tuple: (3, 5)  
Expected Output:  
Received tuple: (3, 5)

Q27. Write a Rust program to use a channel to pass information on whether a file exists or not between threads.  
File existence: true  
Expected Output:  
File exists: true

Q28. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send the result of an HTTP request (success or failure) between threads.  
Expected Output:  
HTTP Request result: "Success"

Q29. Write a Rust program to use a channel to pass an object of a custom type between threads.  
Custom type object: User { name: "Bob", age: 28 }  
Expected Output:  
Received user: Name: Bob, Age: 28

Q30. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send a result of a string reversal from one thread to another.  
String: "Rust"  
Expected Output:  
Reversed string: "tsuR"

Q31. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send a list of strings and count the total number of characters.  
List: ["Rust", "Programming", "is", "fun"]  
Expected Output:  
Total character count: 25

Q32. Write a Rust program to pass messages between threads to simulate a worker queue.  
Expected Output:  
Worker 1: Task 1
Worker 2: Task 2

Q33. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send and receive a boolean value for synchronization.  
Value: true  
Expected Output:  
Received value: true

Q34. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send data and use the receiver to process it asynchronously.  
Expected Output:  
Async processing: "Data received"

Q35. Write a Rust program to create a channel to send results from a computation thread.  
Computation: 5 + 3  
Expected Output:  
Computation result: 8

Q36. Write a Rust program to use a channel to handle communication between threads in a simulation of a restaurant ordering system.  
Expected Output:  
Order received: "Pizza"
Order received: "Pasta"

Q37. Write a Rust program to use a channel for sending an array of integers from one thread to another.  
Array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  
Expected Output:  
Array received: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Q38. Write a Rust program to use a channel for communication between threads to simulate an event notification system.  
Expected Output:  
Event triggered: "Button clicked"

Q39. Write a Rust program to use a channel to pass the result of a mathematical series computation between threads.  
Series: 1 + 1/2 + 1/3  
Expected Output:  
Series result: 1.83333

Q40. Write a Rust program to create a channel and send an action request from the main thread to a worker thread.  
Action: "Start task"  
Expected Output:  
Worker received action: Start task

Q41. Write a Rust program to use a channel to notify the main thread about the status of multiple threads.  
Expected Output:  
Thread 1 completed
Thread 2 completed

Q42. Write a Rust program to implement a queue-like structure using a channel.  
Expected Output:  
Queue item dequeued: "Task A"
Queue item dequeued: "Task B"

Q43. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send a result of a comparison between two strings.  
Strings: "Rust" and "Rust"  
Expected Output:  
Strings match: true

Q44. Write a Rust program to send a result from multiple threads to aggregate the sum of a list of numbers.  
Numbers: [10, 20, 30]  
Expected Output:  
Total sum: 60

Q45. Write a Rust program to use a channel to process a user's input in multiple threads.  
User input: "Process this"  
Expected Output:  
Processed input: "Process this"

Q46. Write a Rust program to use a channel for exchanging a flag between threads for synchronization.  
Flag: true  
Expected Output:  
Flag received: true

Q47. Write a Rust program to send a custom enum value through a channel.  
Enum: Message::Start  
Expected Output:  
Received message: Start

Q48. Write a Rust program to use a channel to pass a tuple (String, i32) from one thread to another.  
Tuple: ("Task", 5)  
Expected Output:  
Received tuple: ("Task", 5)

Q49. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send data and handle errors within the communication flow.  
Error message: "Connection failed"  
Expected Output:  
Error received: Connection failed

Q50. Write a Rust program to use a channel to send and process a sequence of characters.  
Characters: "A", "B", "C"  
Expected Output:  
Character received: "A"
Character received: "B"
Character received: "C"

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