Practice 50 Kotlin Testing in Kotlin Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Kotlin Testing in Kotlin Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Kotlin program to create a unit test that checks if a given string is empty.
  Input: "hello"
  Expected Output: false

Q2. Write a Kotlin program to test if a number is even or odd.
  Input: 4
  Expected Output: even

Q3. Write a Kotlin program to create a test for checking if a number is prime.
  Input: 7
  Expected Output: true

Q4. Write a Kotlin program to test if a number is a palindrome.
  Input: 121
  Expected Output: true

Q5. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string is a valid email.
  Input: ""
  Expected Output: true

Q6. Write a Kotlin program to test if a given list contains a specific element.
  Input: [1, 2, 3, 4], element: 3
  Expected Output: true

Q7. Write a Kotlin program to test if a given number is divisible by 5.
  Input: 10
  Expected Output: true

Q8. Write a Kotlin program to test the sum of two integers.
  Input: 3, 5
  Expected Output: 8

Q9. Write a Kotlin program to test if the length of a string is greater than 5.
  Input: "Hello"
  Expected Output: false

Q10. Write a Kotlin program to test if a number is within a given range.
   Input: 15, range: 10..20
   Expected Output: true

Q11. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string contains a specific substring.
   Input: "Kotlin Programming", substring: "Kotlin"
   Expected Output: true

Q12. Write a Kotlin program to test the equality of two objects.
   Input: val a = "Hello", val b = "Hello"
   Expected Output: true

Q13. Write a Kotlin program to test if an integer is a multiple of 3.
   Input: 9
   Expected Output: true

Q14. Write a Kotlin program to test if a number is greater than 0.
   Input: -5
   Expected Output: false

Q15. Write a Kotlin program to test if a list is sorted in ascending order.
   Input: [1, 2, 3]
   Expected Output: true

Q16. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string starts with a specific character.
   Input: "Kotlin", character: "K"
   Expected Output: true

Q17. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string ends with a specific character.
   Input: "Kotlin", character: "n"
   Expected Output: true

Q18. Write a Kotlin program to test if a given map contains a specific key.
   Input: {1: "One", 2: "Two"}, key: 2
   Expected Output: true

Q19. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string contains only digits.
   Input: "12345"
   Expected Output: true

Q20. Write a Kotlin program to test if a list contains only unique elements.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4]
   Expected Output: true

Q21. Write a Kotlin program to test if a given date is in the future.
   Input: "2025-01-01"
   Expected Output: true

Q22. Write a Kotlin program to test if a given number is negative.
   Input: -10
   Expected Output: true

Q23. Write a Kotlin program to test the maximum of two numbers.
   Input: 5, 10
   Expected Output: 10

Q24. Write a Kotlin program to test if an element is removed from a list.
   Input: [1, 2, 3], remove element: 2
   Expected Output: [1, 3]

Q25. Write a Kotlin program to test if a given number is a power of 2.
   Input: 8
   Expected Output: true

Q26. Write a Kotlin program to test if an array is empty.
   Input: []
   Expected Output: true

Q27. Write a Kotlin program to test if a list is null or empty.
   Input: []
   Expected Output: true

Q28. Write a Kotlin program to test the factorial of a number.
   Input: 5
   Expected Output: 120

Q29. Write a Kotlin program to test the first character of a string.
   Input: "Kotlin"
   Expected Output: K

Q30. Write a Kotlin program to test the last character of a string.
   Input: "Kotlin"
   Expected Output: n

Q31. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string contains whitespace characters.
   Input: "Hello World"
   Expected Output: true

Q32. Write a Kotlin program to test if a given number is even using assertEquals.
   Input: 4
   Expected Output: true

Q33. Write a Kotlin program to test a function that checks if a number is greater than or equal to 10.
   Input: 15
   Expected Output: true

Q34. Write a Kotlin program to test a function that adds two numbers together.
   Input: 2, 3
   Expected Output: 5

Q35. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string is a valid palindrome using assertTrue.
   Input: "madam"
   Expected Output: true

Q36. Write a Kotlin program to test if a map contains a specific value.
   Input: {1: "One", 2: "Two"}, value: "One"
   Expected Output: true

Q37. Write a Kotlin program to test if a list contains only integers.
   Input: [1, 2, 3]
   Expected Output: true

Q38. Write a Kotlin program to test if a function throws an exception.
   Input: val func = { throw IllegalArgumentException() }
   Expected Output: IllegalArgumentException

Q39. Write a Kotlin program to test if a number is divisible by both 2 and 3.
   Input: 6
   Expected Output: true

Q40. Write a Kotlin program to test the first occurrence of an element in a list.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4], element: 3
   Expected Output: 2

Q41. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string has any digits.
   Input: "Kotlin123"
   Expected Output: true

Q42. Write a Kotlin program to test if a string is not null or empty.
   Input: "Kotlin"
   Expected Output: true

Q43. Write a Kotlin program to test the reverse of a string.
   Input: "Kotlin"
   Expected Output: "niltok"

Q44. Write a Kotlin program to test the sorting of a list of strings.
   Input: ["Banana", "Apple", "Orange"]
   Expected Output: ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]

Q45. Write a Kotlin program to test a function that checks if a number is negative or positive.
   Input: -5
   Expected Output: "negative"

Q46. Write a Kotlin program to test the average of an array of integers.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4]
   Expected Output: 2.5

Q47. Write a Kotlin program to test the length of a string after modification.
   Input: "Hello Kotlin"
   Expected Output: 12

Q48. Write a Kotlin program to test if an item exists in a set.
   Input: {1, 2, 3}, element: 2
   Expected Output: true

Q49. Write a Kotlin program to test if a list of numbers is in descending order.
   Input: [9, 7, 5, 3]
   Expected Output: true

Q50. Write a Kotlin program to test if a number is within a specified range using assertTrue.
   Input: 15, range: 10..20
   Expected Output: true

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