Practice 50 Kotlin Extensions Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Kotlin Extensions Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string is a palindrome.
  Input: "racecar"
  Expected Output: true

Q2. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that returns the factorial of the number.
  Input: 5
  Expected Output: 120

Q3. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that counts the number of vowels in the string.
  Input: "hello"
  Expected Output: 2

Q4. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that returns the sum of all elements.
  Input: [1, 2, 3, 4]
  Expected Output: 10

Q5. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that returns the string reversed.
  Input: "Kotlin"
  Expected Output: "niltok"

Q6. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that converts the string to title case.
  Input: "hello world"
  Expected Output: "Hello World"

Q7. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that checks if the number is prime.
  Input: 7
  Expected Output: true

Q8. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<String> that finds the longest string in the list.
  Input: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
  Expected Output: "banana"

Q9. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that returns the number of words in the string.
  Input: "Kotlin is awesome"
  Expected Output: 3

Q10. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that returns the square of the number.
   Input: 4
   Expected Output: 16

Q11. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string contains only digits.
   Input: "1234"
   Expected Output: true

Q12. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that finds the average of the list.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
   Expected Output: 3.0

Q13. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that returns a substring from a given index.
   Input: "KotlinProgramming", index: 6
   Expected Output: "Programming"

Q14. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that returns the sum of its digits.
   Input: 123
   Expected Output: 6

Q15. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<String> that sorts the list in reverse alphabetical order.
   Input: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
   Expected Output: ["cherry", "banana", "apple"]

Q16. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string is an anagram of another string.
   Input: "listen", "silent"
   Expected Output: true

Q17. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that checks if the number is even.
   Input: 4
   Expected Output: true

Q18. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Double that rounds the number to two decimal places.
   Input: 3.14159
   Expected Output: 3.14

Q19. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that removes spaces from the string.
   Input: "Kotlin Programming"
   Expected Output: "KotlinProgramming"

Q20. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that returns the minimum value in the list.
   Input: [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
   Expected Output: 1

Q21. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that returns the character at a specific index.
   Input: "Kotlin", index: 2
   Expected Output: "t"

Q22. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that returns the largest number in the list.
   Input: [2, 5, 1, 8, 3]
   Expected Output: 8

Q23. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string contains vowels.
   Input: "kotlin"
   Expected Output: true

Q24. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that converts the number to binary.
   Input: 5
   Expected Output: "101"

Q25. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that replaces all vowels with a given character.
   Input: "hello", character: 'x'
   Expected Output: "hxllx"

Q26. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that removes all even numbers from the list.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
   Expected Output: [1, 3, 5]

Q27. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that returns the cube of the number.
   Input: 3
   Expected Output: 27

Q28. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that counts the number of occurrences of a character.
   Input: "kotlin", character: 't'
   Expected Output: 1

Q29. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<String> that concatenates all strings into a single string.
   Input: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
   Expected Output: "applebananacherry"

Q30. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Double that checks if the number is positive.
   Input: -4.5
   Expected Output: false

Q31. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that checks if the number is a perfect square.
   Input: 16
   Expected Output: true

Q32. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that returns a list of squared elements.
   Input: [1, 2, 3]
   Expected Output: [1, 4, 9]

Q33. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that converts the string to uppercase without using the built-in toUpperCase() function.
   Input: "kotlin"
   Expected Output: "KOTLIN"

Q34. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that checks if the list contains only even numbers.
   Input: [2, 4, 6, 8]
   Expected Output: true

Q35. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that returns the string with no duplicates.
   Input: "aabbcc"
   Expected Output: "abc"

Q36. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that returns the product of all elements.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4]
   Expected Output: 24

Q37. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string is a valid email address.
   Input: ""
   Expected Output: true

Q38. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that checks if the list is sorted.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4]
   Expected Output: true

Q39. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that repeats the string a given number of times.
   Input: "hello", times: 3
   Expected Output: "hellohellohello"

Q40. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string is a valid phone number (only digits).
   Input: "1234567890"
   Expected Output: true

Q41. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Int that checks if the number is a multiple of another number.
   Input: 10, multiple: 5
   Expected Output: true

Q42. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that filters out values less than a given threshold.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], threshold: 3
   Expected Output: [3, 4, 5]

Q43. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string starts with a given prefix.
   Input: "kotlin", prefix: "kot"
   Expected Output: true

Q44. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<String> that returns the first and last element as a pair.
   Input: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
   Expected Output: ("apple", "cherry")

Q45. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that returns the sum of all even numbers in the list.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
   Expected Output: 6

Q46. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string contains any digits.
   Input: "abc123"
   Expected Output: true

Q47. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for Double that converts it to a percentage with two decimal places.
   Input: 0.123
   Expected Output: "12.30%"

Q48. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<String> that converts the list into a set of unique values.
   Input: ["apple", "banana", "apple", "cherry"]
   Expected Output: {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}

Q49. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for String that checks if the string contains only lowercase letters.
   Input: "kotlin"
   Expected Output: true

Q50. Write a Kotlin program to create an extension function for List<Int> that returns the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in the list.
   Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
   Expected Output: 4

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