Practice 50 Kotlin Advanced Topics Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Kotlin Advanced Topics Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of data class.
  Input: Person(name = "Alice", age = 30)
  Expected Output: Person(name=Alice, age=30)

Q2. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of sealed class.
  Input: class Success(val message: String) : Result()
  Expected Output: Success(message=Data retrieved successfully)

Q3. Write a Kotlin program to create a singleton class using object.
  Input: object DatabaseConnection { val url = "jdbc://localhost" }
  Expected Output: DatabaseConnection(url=jdbc://localhost)

Q4. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of extension functions.
  Input: "Kotlin".reverse()
  Expected Output: "niltok"

Q5. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of companion object.
  Input: class User(val name: String) { companion object { const val userType = "Admin" } }
  Expected Output: User.userType = Admin

Q6. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of inline functions.
  Input: inline fun logExecution(block: () -> Unit) { println("Start"); block(); println("End") }
  Expected Output: Start Function executed End

Q7. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of higher-order functions.
  Input: fun processString(str: String, operation: (String) -> String) = operation(str)
  Expected Output: operation result: "HELLO"

Q8. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of type aliases.
  Input: typealias StringList = List<String>
  Expected Output: List<String>

Q9. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of lateinit.
  Input: lateinit var name: String
  Expected Output: name is initialized

Q10. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of by lazy initialization.
   Input: val greeting: String by lazy { "Hello, Kotlin!" }
   Expected Output: "Hello, Kotlin!"

Q11. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate destructuring declarations.
   Input: val person = Person("Alice", 30); val (name, age) = person
   Expected Output: "Name: Alice, Age: 30"

Q12. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of unsafe calls with !! operator.
   Input: val name: String? = "Kotlin"; val length = name!!.length
   Expected Output: 6

Q13. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of vararg.
   Input: fun sum(vararg numbers: Int): Int = numbers.sum()
   Expected Output: 15

Q14. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of apply scope function.
   Input: val person = Person("Alice", 30).apply { name = "Bob" }
   Expected Output: Person(name=Bob, age=30)

Q15. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of with scope function.
   Input: val person = Person("Alice", 30); with(person) { println(name) }
   Expected Output: Alice

Q16. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of let scope function.
   Input: val name: String? = "Alice"; name?.let { println("Name: $it") }
   Expected Output: Name: Alice

Q17. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of run scope function.
   Input: val result = run { 5 * 5 }
   Expected Output: 25

Q18. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of takeIf function.
   Input: val number = 10; val result = number.takeIf { it > 5 }
   Expected Output: 10

Q19. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of takeUnless function.
   Input: val number = 4; val result = number.takeUnless { it > 5 }
   Expected Output: 4

Q20. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of coroutines with GlobalScope.
   Input: GlobalScope.launch { println("Hello, Kotlin Coroutines!") }
   Expected Output: Hello, Kotlin Coroutines!

Q21. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of Channel in coroutines.
   Input: val channel = Channel<Int>(); launch { channel.send(10) }
   Expected Output: 10

Q22. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of CoroutineScope.
   Input: val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default); scope.launch { println("Inside Coroutine") }
   Expected Output: Inside Coroutine

Q23. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of suspend functions in coroutines.
   Input: suspend fun fetchData(): String = "Data fetched"
   Expected Output: Data fetched

Q24. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of async and await with coroutines.
   Input: val result = async { 5 * 5 }; println(result.await())
   Expected Output: 25

Q25. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate RxKotlin with observables.
   Input: Observable.just(1, 2, 3).subscribe { println(it) }
   Expected Output: 1 2 3

Q26. Write a Kotlin program to create and test an immutable list.
   Input: val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)
   Expected Output: [1, 2, 3]

Q27. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate inline classes.
   Input: inline class Name(val name: String)
   Expected Output: Name("Kotlin")

Q28. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate type checks using is operator.
   Input: val obj: Any = "Kotlin"; if (obj is String) println("It is a String")
   Expected Output: It is a String

Q29. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of map and filter functions.
   Input: val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); val result = numbers.filter { it > 3 }
   Expected Output: [4, 5]

Q30. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate lazy initialization of properties.
   Input: val name: String by lazy { "Kotlin" }
   Expected Output: "Kotlin"

Q31. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate Pair and Triple.
   Input: val pair = Pair("Hello", 123)
   Expected Output: (Hello, 123)

Q32. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate delegation using by keyword.
   Input: class MyClass(val str: String); val myInstance by lazy { MyClass("Kotlin") }
   Expected Output: MyClass(str=Kotlin)

Q33. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate usage of StringBuilder.
   Input: val sb = StringBuilder("Kotlin"); sb.append(" Programming")
   Expected Output: Kotlin Programming

Q34. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate creating a custom Iterator.
   Input: class MyIterator(val range: IntRange) : Iterator<Int> { ... }
   Expected Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Q35. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate Reflection to check class properties.
   Input: val obj = MyClass::class.memberProperties.forEach { println( }
   Expected Output: property1 property2

Q36. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate Annotation usage.
   Input: @Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS) annotation class MyAnnotation
   Expected Output: MyAnnotation applied to Class

Q37. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate a Custom Exception.
   Input: class MyException(message: String) : Exception(message)
   Expected Output: throw MyException("Custom error message")

Q38. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate an Observable pattern using LiveData.
   Input: val liveData = MutableLiveData<Int>(0); liveData.observe(...)
   Expected Output: LiveData updates

Q39. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate LocalDateTime usage.
   Input: val dateTime =
   Expected Output: 2025-01-14T10:20:30

Q40. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate UUID generation.
   Input: val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
   Expected Output: Random UUID

Q41. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of try-catch blocks in exception handling.
   Input: try { ... } catch (e: Exception) { println("Exception") }
   Expected Output: Exception caught

Q42. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the use of Transaction management in databases.
   Input: val transaction = connection.beginTransaction()
   Expected Output: Transaction started

Q43. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate SimpleDateFormat in date formatting.
   Input: val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); val formattedDate = sdf.format(Date())
   Expected Output: 2025-01-14

Q44. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate Gson serialization and deserialization.
   Input: val gson = Gson(); gson.toJson(person)
   Expected Output: {"name":"Alice","age":30}

Q45. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate JSON parsing with Moshi.
   Input: val moshi = Moshi.Builder().build()
   Expected Output: Moshi parsing result

Q46. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate ObjectMapper for JSON handling.
   Input: val objectMapper = ObjectMapper()
   Expected Output: JSON object

Q47. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate creating a custom Timer with delay.
   Input: val timer = Timer()
   Expected Output: Timer execution after delay

Q48. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate Thread.sleep with concurrency.
   Input: Thread.sleep(2000)
   Expected Output: Delayed execution

Q49. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate Thread with basic operations.
   Input: val thread = Thread(Runnable { println("Thread executed") })
   Expected Output: Thread executed

Q50. Write a Kotlin program to demonstrate the usage of CountDownLatch for synchronization.
   Input: val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
   Expected Output: Latch countdown completed

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