Practice 50 Go Lang Testing and Benchmarking Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Go Lang Testing and Benchmarking Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Go program to create a simple unit test for a function that adds two integers.  
  Add(3, 5)  
  Expected Output:  

Q2. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a number is even.  
  Expected Output:  

Q3. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that returns the square of a number.  
  Expected Output:  

Q4. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that returns the maximum of two numbers.  
  Max(8, 10)  
  Expected Output:  

Q5. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a string is empty.  
  Expected Output:  

Q6. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that returns the factorial of a number.  
  Expected Output:  

Q7. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a string contains a specific substring.  
  Contains("Go is great", "great")  
  Expected Output:  

Q8. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that reverses a string.  
  Expected Output:  

Q9. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that concatenates two strings.  
  Concatenate("Go", "Lang")  
  Expected Output:  

Q10. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a number is prime.  
   Expected Output:  

Q11. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that calculates the length of a string.  
   Length("Hello, Go!")  
   Expected Output:  

Q12. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that capitalizes the first letter of a string.  
   Expected Output:  

Q13. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that finds the index of an element in a slice.  
   IndexOf([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, 3)  
   Expected Output:  

Q14. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that removes an element from a slice.  
   Remove([]int{1, 2, 3}, 2)  
   Expected Output:  
   [1, 3]

Q15. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that returns the sum of elements in an array.  
   Sum([1, 2, 3, 4])  
   Expected Output:  

Q16. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a number is a perfect square.  
   Expected Output:  

Q17. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that computes the GCD of two numbers.  
   GCD(48, 180)  
   Expected Output:  

Q18. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that calculates the area of a circle given its radius.  
   Expected Output:  

Q19. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that finds the largest number in an array.  
   Largest([1, 3, 7, 2])  
   Expected Output:  

Q20. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a number is a palindrome.  
   Expected Output:  

Q21. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that adds two integers.  
   Benchmark Add(10, 20)  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 10ns per operation

Q22. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that reverses a string.  
   Benchmark Reverse("testing")  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 50ns per operation

Q23. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that checks if a number is prime.  
   Benchmark IsPrime(23)  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 15ns per operation

Q24. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that computes the sum of an array.  
   Benchmark Sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 20ns per operation

Q25. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that concatenates two strings.  
   Benchmark Concatenate("Go", "Lang")  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 12ns per operation

Q26. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that calculates the length of a string.  
   Benchmark Length("Hello, Go!")  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 10ns per operation

Q27. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that divides two numbers.  
   Divide(10, 2)  
   Expected Output:  

Q28. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a string starts with a certain prefix.  
   StartsWith("GoLang", "Go")  
   Expected Output:  

Q29. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that returns the absolute value of a number.  
   Expected Output:  

Q30. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if an element exists in a slice.  
   Contains([]int{1, 2, 3}, 2)  
   Expected Output:  

Q31. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that calculates the factorial of a number.  
   Benchmark Factorial(5)  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 25ns per operation

Q32. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a number is negative.  
   Expected Output:  

Q33. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that multiplies two numbers.  
   Multiply(3, 4)  
   Expected Output:  

Q34. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a number is divisible by another number.  
   IsDivisible(10, 2)  
   Expected Output:  

Q35. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that removes the last element of a slice.  
   RemoveLast([]int{1, 2, 3})  
   Expected Output:  
   [1, 2]

Q36. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that checks if a string contains another string.  
   Benchmark Contains("Go is great", "great")  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 30ns per operation

Q37. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that calculates the power of a number.  
   Power(2, 3)  
   Expected Output:  

Q38. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that checks if a string is empty.  
   Benchmark IsEmpty("")  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 5ns per operation

Q39. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that calculates the Fibonacci sequence up to `n`.  
   Benchmark Fibonacci(10)  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 45ns per operation

Q40. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a number is an Armstrong number.  
   Expected Output:  

Q41. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that checks if a string is a palindrome.  
   Expected Output:  

Q42. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that returns the first n Fibonacci numbers.  
   Benchmark FibonacciSeries(5)  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 40ns per operation

Q43. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that calculates the area of a rectangle.  
   AreaOfRectangle(5, 7)  
   Expected Output:  

Q44. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that multiplies an array of integers.  
   MultiplyArray([1, 2, 3, 4])  
   Expected Output:  

Q45. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that converts a string to lowercase.  
   Benchmark ToLower("GoLang")  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 10ns per operation

Q46. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that removes an element from an array.  
   RemoveElement([1, 2, 3], 2)  
   Expected Output:  
   [1, 3]

Q47. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that calculates the power of a number.  
   Benchmark Power(2, 10)  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 15ns per operation

Q48. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that calculates the sum of odd numbers in a slice.  
   SumOdd([1, 2, 3, 4])  
   Expected Output:  

Q49. Write a Go program to create a unit test for a function that calculates the product of elements in a slice.  
   Product([1, 2, 3, 4])  
   Expected Output:  

Q50. Write a Go program to create a benchmark for a function that finds the index of an element in a slice.  
   Benchmark IndexOf([1, 2, 3, 4], 3)  
   Expected Output:  
   Benchmark result: 20ns per operation

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