Practice 50 Go Lang Security in Go Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Go Lang Security in Go Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Go program to encrypt and decrypt a string using AES encryption.  
  "hello, world"  
  Expected Output:  
  Encrypted Text: [encrypted string]
  Decrypted Text: hello, world

Q2. Write a Go program to hash a password using bcrypt.  
  Password: "mysecretpassword"  
  Expected Output:  
  Hashed Password: $2a$10$...

Q3. Write a Go program that generates a JWT token.  
  Username: "user1", Role: "admin"  
  Expected Output:  
  JWT Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...

Q4. Write a Go program to securely compare two passwords.  
  Password1: "mypassword", Password2: "mypassword"  
  Expected Output:  
  Passwords match: true

Q5. Write a Go program to generate a random salt for password hashing.  
  Generate salt for hashing.  
  Expected Output:  
  Salt: "random-salt-value"

Q6. Write a Go program to perform HMAC-SHA256 hashing.  
  Message: "secure message", Key: "secretkey"  
  Expected Output:  
  HMAC-SHA256 Hash: [hashed value]

Q7. Write a Go program to generate a secure random number.  
  Generate a random number.  
  Expected Output:  
  Random Number: 25401

Q8. Write a Go program that demonstrates SSL/TLS encryption for a web server.  
  Set up an HTTPS server with a valid SSL certificate.  
  Expected Output:  
  Server is running on https://localhost:443

Q9. Write a Go program to create and verify digital signatures.  
  Message: "This is a signed message", Private Key: "private-key"  
  Expected Output:  
  Signature: [signature]
  Signature verified: true

Q10. Write a Go program to prevent SQL Injection by using parameterized queries.  
   Query: "SELECT  FROM users WHERE username = ?"
   Parameters: "admin"  
   Expected Output:  
   Query executed safely, no SQL injection.

Q11. Write a Go program to sanitize user input to prevent XSS attacks.  
   User Input: "<script>alert('hack');</script>"  
   Expected Output:  
   Sanitized Input: <script>alert('hack');</script>

Q12. Write a Go program to securely store a password in an environment variable.  
   Set environment variable: "PASSWORD=mysecret"  
   Expected Output:  
   Password stored securely in environment variable.

Q13. Write a Go program to encrypt a file using AES encryption.  
   File: "data.txt", Key: "secretkey"  
   Expected Output:  
   File encrypted successfully: data.encrypted

Q14. Write a Go program to securely delete a file.  
   File: "data.txt"  
   Expected Output:  
   File "data.txt" securely deleted.

Q15. Write a Go program that demonstrates how to securely handle sensitive data in memory.  
   Store password in a secure, zeroed-out variable after use.  
   Expected Output:  
   Sensitive data handled securely, memory cleared.

Q16. Write a Go program that checks the strength of a password.  
   Password: "P@ssw0rd123"  
   Expected Output:  
   Password strength: Strong

Q17. Write a Go program to implement basic access control for a web application.  
   User Role: "admin", Action: "delete"  
   Expected Output:  
   Access granted: Admin can delete.

Q18. Write a Go program to generate and verify an OTP (One-Time Password).  
   Generate OTP with key: "secret"  
   Expected Output:  
   OTP: 123456
   OTP verified: true

Q19. Write a Go program to perform input validation and reject unsafe inputs.  
   User Input: "DROP TABLE users;"  
   Expected Output:  
   Invalid input detected: SQL injection attempt.

Q20. Write a Go program that uses AES encryption for file integrity checking.  
   File: "file.txt", Key: "secretkey"  
   Expected Output:  
   File encrypted, integrity checked: [encrypted checksum]

Q21. Write a Go program to implement rate-limiting for a web API to prevent abuse.  
   User makes 5 requests per minute.  
   Expected Output:  
   Rate limit exceeded: Please try again later.

Q22. Write a Go program to use HTTPS with self-signed certificates.  
   Configure a self-signed certificate for HTTPS server.  
   Expected Output:  
   Server running on https://localhost:443 with self-signed certificate.

Q23. Write a Go program that uses TLS to establish a secure client-server communication.  
   TLS handshake between client and server.  
   Expected Output:  
   TLS connection established securely.

Q24. Write a Go program to hash a message with SHA-256.  
   Message: "Hello GoLang"  
   Expected Output:  
   SHA-256 Hash: [hashed value]

Q25. Write a Go program to generate a secure password with a random generator.  
   Password Length: 12  
   Expected Output:  
   Generated Password: lT!4xv9uCzY!

Q26. Write a Go program to secure an HTTP connection using HTTP headers like Content Security Policy (CSP).  
   Set CSP header for HTTP response.  
   Expected Output:  
   CSP Header: default-src 'self'

Q27. Write a Go program that uses the crypto/rand package for generating secure random values.  
   Generate secure random string of 16 characters.  
   Expected Output:  
   Secure Random Value: A9Z0Dg2HqW3j2k8L

Q28. Write a Go program to encrypt and decrypt a string using RSA keys.  
   Message: "Confidential data", Private Key: "private-key", Public Key: "public-key"  
   Expected Output:  
   Encrypted Message: [encrypted data]
   Decrypted Message: Confidential data

Q29. Write a Go program to prevent command injection by sanitizing input.  
   User Input: "rm -rf /"  
   Expected Output:  
   Invalid command detected: Command injection attempt.

Q30. Write a Go program to implement CSRF protection in a web application.  
   Request contains CSRF token and user validation.  
   Expected Output:  
   CSRF token validated: Request processed.

Q31. Write a Go program that generates and validates a secure session ID.  
   Session ID: "session123"  
   Expected Output:  
   Session validated successfully.

Q32. Write a Go program to handle HTTP basic authentication.  
   Username: "admin", Password: "password123"  
   Expected Output:  
   Authentication successful.

Q33. Write a Go program to prevent directory traversal attacks.  
   User Input: "../../etc/passwd"  
   Expected Output:  
   Invalid path detected: Directory traversal attempt.

Q34. Write a Go program that uses crypto/sha512 to hash a string.  
   String: "GoLang Security"  
   Expected Output:  
   SHA-512 Hash: [hashed value]

Q35. Write a Go program to perform input validation for email addresses.  
   Email: ""  
   Expected Output:  
   Valid email address:

Q36. Write a Go program to secure the communication channel with SSH.  
   Set up SSH key authentication for secure login.  
   Expected Output:  
   SSH connection established securely.

Q37. Write a Go program to prevent XSS by encoding HTML special characters.  
   User Input: "<img src=x onerror=alert('XSS')>"  
   Expected Output:  
   Encoded Input: <img src=x onerror=alert('XSS')>

Q38. Write a Go program to generate a unique session ID for each user.  
   User: "JohnDoe"  
   Expected Output:  
   Generated Session ID: 12c34fbc72ad2f38

Q39. Write a Go program to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA).  
   User enters password, then OTP is sent for validation.  
   Expected Output:  
   MFA Successful: User authenticated.

Q40. Write a Go program that uses SSL/TLS to protect HTTP communication.  
   Set up SSL/TLS for HTTP server.  
   Expected Output:  
   Secure connection established over HTTPS.

Q41. Write a Go program to handle the encryption and decryption of database credentials.  
   Database Username: "admin", Password: "dbpass"  
   Expected Output:  
   Encrypted credentials stored securely.

Q42. Write a Go program that implements a CAPTCHA for form submission.  
   User enters CAPTCHA code "AB12CD"  
   Expected Output:  
   CAPTCHA validated: Submission successful.

Q43. Write a Go program to securely generate an API key.  
   Generate API key for "user1".  
   Expected Output:  
   Generated API key: abcd1234xyz

Q44. Write a Go program to store sensitive data in a secure vault (e.g., Vault by HashiCorp).  
   Store API key in secure vault.  
   Expected Output:  
   Sensitive data stored securely in vault.

Q45. Write a Go program to demonstrate key-based encryption and decryption using RSA.  
   Public Key: [public-key], Private Key: [private-key], Message: "Secure Message"  
   Expected Output:  
   RSA Encrypted: [encrypted data]
   RSA Decrypted: Secure Message

Q46. Write a Go program that encrypts a string with the RSA public key and decrypts it using the private key.  
   Message: "GoLang Encryption"  
   Expected Output:  
   RSA Encryption: [encrypted data]
   RSA Decryption: GoLang Encryption

Q47. Write a Go program to perform authentication using OAuth2.  
   User: "admin", OAuth Token: "token123"  
   Expected Output:  
   Authentication successful using OAuth2.

Q48. Write a Go program to securely communicate with a database over SSL.  
   Connect to database with SSL enabled.  
   Expected Output:  
   Database connection secured using SSL.

Q49. Write a Go program to generate a secure encryption key with crypto/rand.  
   Generate a secure key for AES encryption.  
   Expected Output:  
   Generated Key: [random secure key]

Q50. Write a Go program to handle sensitive data storage using a secure vault.  
   Store sensitive information such as passwords in a secure vault.  
   Expected Output:  
   Sensitive data securely stored in the vault.

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