Practice 50 Go Lang Interfaces and Reflection Coding Questions
Q1. Write a Go program to define an interface with a method Speak(), and implement the interface in a Person struct.
Person: John
Expected Output:
John says Hello!
Q2. Write a Go program to define an interface Shape with methods Area() and Perimeter(). Implement this interface for Rectangle and Circle structs.
Rectangle: Length = 4, Width = 5
Circle: Radius = 3
Expected Output:
Rectangle Area: 20, Perimeter: 18
Circle Area: 28.274333882308138, Perimeter: 18.84955592153876
Q3. Write a Go program to create an interface Drawable with a method Draw(), and implement it for Circle and Rectangle structs.
Circle: Radius = 5
Rectangle: Length = 6, Width = 4
Expected Output:
Drawing a Circle
Drawing a Rectangle
Q4. Write a Go program to create an interface Vehicle with a method Drive(). Implement it for Car and Bike structs.
Car: Model = "Sedan"
Bike: Model = "Mountain"
Expected Output:
Driving a Sedan
Riding a Mountain Bike
Q5. Write a Go program to demonstrate type assertion with an interface and check the concrete type.
Interface: Shape, Concrete type: Circle
Expected Output:
Concrete type: Circle
Q6. Write a Go program to define an interface Animal with a method Sound(). Implement it for Dog and Cat structs.
Dog: Breed = "Bulldog"
Cat: Breed = "Siamese"
Expected Output:
Bulldog makes Woof!
Siamese makes Meow!
Q7. Write a Go program to create an interface Operation with methods Add() and Subtract(). Implement this interface for Calculator struct.
Add: 5 + 3
Subtract: 5 - 3
Expected Output:
Addition: 8
Subtraction: 2
Q8. Write a Go program to create an interface Payable with a method Pay(). Implement it for Employee and Freelancer structs.
Employee Salary: 5000
Freelancer Pay: 2000
Expected Output:
Paying Employee 5000
Paying Freelancer 2000
Q9. Write a Go program to implement an empty interface and store different data types in it.
Data types: 42, "Hello", true
Expected Output:
Q10. Write a Go program to define an interface Transport with a method Move(), and implement it for Bus and Train structs.
Bus: Model = "Volvo"
Train: Model = "Express"
Expected Output:
Moving a Bus (Volvo)
Moving a Train (Express)
Q11. Write a Go program to use reflection to inspect the type and value of a variable.
Variable: "GoLang"
Expected Output:
Type: string, Value: GoLang
Q12. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of reflect.TypeOf to check the type of a variable.
Variable: 10
Expected Output:
Type: int
Q13. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of reflect.ValueOf to check the value of a variable.
Variable: true
Expected Output:
Value: true
Q14. Write a Go program to use reflection to change the value of a variable.
Original Value: 5
New Value: 10
Expected Output:
Updated Value: 10
Q15. Write a Go program to create an interface Payment with a method Process(), and implement it for CreditCard and DebitCard structs.
CreditCard Number: 1234-5678
DebitCard Number: 9876-5432
Expected Output:
Processing CreditCard 1234-5678
Processing DebitCard 9876-5432
Q16. Write a Go program to create an interface Shape with a method Area(). Implement it for Rectangle and Triangle structs.
Rectangle: Length = 4, Width = 6
Triangle: Base = 4, Height = 3
Expected Output:
Rectangle Area: 24
Triangle Area: 6
Q17. Write a Go program to use reflection to dynamically call a function.
Function: Add(x, y int) -> x + y
Parameters: 3, 4
Expected Output:
Result: 7
Q18. Write a Go program to use reflection to iterate over the fields of a struct.
Struct: Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 30}
Expected Output:
Name: Alice
Age: 30
Q19. Write a Go program to create an interface User with methods Login() and Logout(). Implement it for Admin and Guest structs.
Admin Username: admin1
Guest Username: guest1
Expected Output:
Admin logged in
Guest logged in
Q20. Write a Go program to create an interface Processor with a method ProcessData(). Implement it for CSVProcessor and JSONProcessor structs.
Data: {"name": "John", "age": 30}
Expected Output:
Processing CSV Data
Processing JSON Data
Q21. Write a Go program to use reflection to inspect a slice's length and type.
Slice: [1, 2, 3]
Expected Output:
Type: slice, Length: 3
Q22. Write a Go program to demonstrate type assertion on an interface that holds a string value.
Interface: "GoLang"
Expected Output:
Concrete type: string
Value: GoLang
Q23. Write a Go program to create an interface Logger with a method LogMessage(). Implement it for ConsoleLogger and FileLogger structs.
Console Logger: "Console Log"
File Logger: "File Log"
Expected Output:
Console Log: Console Log
File Log: File Log
Q24. Write a Go program to use reflection to call a method of a struct dynamically.
Method: Speak(), Struct: Person{Name: "John"}
Expected Output:
John says Hello!
Q25. Write a Go program to create an interface Account with methods Deposit() and Withdraw(). Implement it for SavingAccount and CheckingAccount structs.
Deposit: 100, Withdraw: 50
Expected Output:
Deposited: 100
Withdrawn: 50
Q26. Write a Go program to define an interface Runnable with a method Run(). Implement it for Car and Motorcycle structs.
Car: Model = "Honda"
Motorcycle: Model = "Yamaha"
Expected Output:
Running a Car (Honda)
Running a Motorcycle (Yamaha)
Q27. Write a Go program to create a type FloatValue that implements Stringer interface for printing float values.
Float: 10.75
Expected Output:
Q28. Write a Go program to use reflection to check if a value is a pointer.
Variable: Pointer to int
Expected Output:
Is a pointer: true
Q29. Write a Go program to create an interface Person with a method Introduce(). Implement it for Employee and Student structs.
Employee: "John", Student: "Alice"
Expected Output:
Employee John introduces himself
Student Alice introduces herself
Q30. Write a Go program to create an interface Converter with a method Convert(). Implement it for Temperature and Currency structs.
Temperature: 100°C to Fahrenheit
Currency: 50 USD to EUR
Expected Output:
Temperature: 212°F
Currency: 42 EUR
Q31. Write a Go program to use reflection to set a value of a field dynamically.
Struct: Person{Name: "John"}, Set Name = "Alice"
Expected Output:
Updated Name: Alice
Q32. Write a Go program to create a type Double that implements fmt.Stringer interface to print doubled values.
Value: 5
Expected Output:
Doubled value: 10
Q33. Write a Go program to use reflection to check if a value implements an interface.
Variable: Implements the Stringer interface
Expected Output:
Implements interface: true
Q34. Write a Go program to define an interface Manager with method Supervise(). Implement it for TeamLead and ProjectManager structs.
TeamLead Name: Alice
ProjectManager Name: Bob
Expected Output:
Alice supervises the team
Bob supervises the project
Q35. Write a Go program to use reflection to invoke a method with arguments.
Method: Add(x, y int) -> x + y
Arguments: 4, 3
Expected Output:
Result: 7
Q36. Write a Go program to create an interface Operation with methods Execute() and Undo(). Implement it for Copy and Delete operations.
Copy Action: Copying file
Delete Action: Deleting file
Expected Output:
Executing Copy
Executing Delete
Q37. Write a Go program to use reflection to check if a value is of type struct.
Variable: Person{Name: "John"}
Expected Output:
Is a struct: true
Q38. Write a Go program to create an interface Employee with method Work(). Implement it for Developer and Designer structs.
Developer: "John"
Designer: "Alice"
Expected Output:
Developer John works on code
Designer Alice works on design
Q39. Write a Go program to use reflection to inspect a map and display its keys and values.
Map: {"name": "John", "age": 30}
Expected Output:
Key: name, Value: John
Key: age, Value: 30
Q40. Write a Go program to create an interface Shape with a method Perimeter(). Implement it for Square and Triangle structs.
Square: Side = 4
Triangle: Side1 = 3, Side2 = 4, Side3 = 5
Expected Output:
Square Perimeter: 16
Triangle Perimeter: 12
Q41. Write a Go program to create an interface Account with method GetBalance(). Implement it for CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount.
Checking Account Balance: 1000
Savings Account Balance: 5000
Expected Output:
Checking Account Balance: 1000
Savings Account Balance: 5000
Q42. Write a Go program to use reflection to modify a value in a map.
Map: {"name": "John"}
Key to modify: name, New value: Alice
Expected Output:
Updated Map: {"name": "Alice"}
Q43. Write a Go program to create an interface Worker with method PerformTask(). Implement it for Plumber and Electrician structs.
Plumber: "John"
Electrician: "Alice"
Expected Output:
Plumber John performs plumbing
Electrician Alice performs electrical work
Q44. Write a Go program to use reflection to create a new instance of a struct dynamically.
Struct: Person{Name: "John"}
Expected Output:
New Instance Created: John
Q45. Write a Go program to define an interface Logger with method Log(). Implement it for FileLogger and ConsoleLogger structs.
File Logger: "Logging to file"
Console Logger: "Logging to console"
Expected Output:
Logging to file
Logging to console
Q46. Write a Go program to use reflection to check the number of fields in a struct.
Struct: Person{Name: "John", Age: 30}
Expected Output:
Number of Fields: 2
Q47. Write a Go program to use reflection to check the kind of a value.
Value: 100
Expected Output:
Kind: int
Q48. Write a Go program to use reflection to check if a value implements a specific interface.
Variable: Implements the fmt.Stringer interface
Expected Output:
Implements fmt.Stringer: true
Q49. Write a Go program to create an interface Message with a method Send(). Implement it for Email and SMS structs.
Email: "john@example.com"
SMS: "555-1234"
Expected Output:
Sending Email to john@example.com
Sending SMS to 555-1234
Q50. Write a Go program to use reflection to call a method that accepts parameters.
Method: Multiply(x, y int) -> x * y
Arguments: 3, 4
Expected Output:
Result: 12