Practice 50 Go Lang File Handling and I/O Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Go Lang File Handling and I/O Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Go program to create a file and write "Hello, Go!" into it.  
  File name: hello.txt
  Content: Hello, Go!    
  Expected Output:  
  File hello.txt created with content: Hello, Go!

Q2. Write a Go program to read the content of a text file and print it to the console.  
  File: hello.txt (contains: "Hello, Go!")
  Expected Output:  
  Hello, Go!

Q3. Write a Go program to append text to an existing file.  
  Append: "This is Go programming."
  File: hello.txt
  Expected Output:  
  File hello.txt updated with content: Hello, Go! This is Go programming.

Q4. Write a Go program to create a new file and write multiple lines of text to it.  
  Line 1: Hello
  Line 2: World
  Line 3: Go is great!
  Expected Output:  
  File created with content: 
  Go is great!

Q5. Write a Go program to check if a file exists and print a message accordingly.  
  File: non_existent_file.txt
  Expected Output:  
  File does not exist

Q6. Write a Go program to copy the content of one file to another.  
  Source file: source.txt
  Destination file: destination.txt
  Expected Output:  
  Content from source.txt copied to destination.txt

Q7. Write a Go program to count the number of lines in a file.  
  File: sample.txt (contains: "Hello\nGo\nProgramming")
  Expected Output:  
  Number of lines: 3

Q8. Write a Go program to read a file line by line and print each line.  
  File: sample.txt (contains: "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3")
  Expected Output:  
  Line 1
  Line 2
  Line 3

Q9. Write a Go program to read a file and count the occurrences of a specific word.  
  File: text.txt (contains: "Go Go Go Programming")
  Word: Go
  Expected Output:  
  Word 'Go' occurs 3 times in the file

Q10. Write a Go program to read a file and print only the first 10 characters.  
   File: hello.txt (contains: "Hello, Go programming!")
   Expected Output:  
   First 10 characters: Hello, Go

Q11. Write a Go program to write numbers from 1 to 10 to a file, each on a new line.  
   Numbers: 1, 2, 3, ..., 10
   Expected Output:  
   File content:

Q12. Write a Go program to write a struct to a file using JSON encoding.  
   Struct: { Name: "Alice", Age: 30 }
   Expected Output:  
   File content: {"Name":"Alice","Age":30}

Q13. Write a Go program to read data from a file and print the number of words.  
   File: sample.txt (contains: "Hello Go World")
   Expected Output:  
   Word count: 3

Q14. Write a Go program to write a string to a file in binary format.  
   String: "Go programming"
   Expected Output:  
   Binary file created with the string data

Q15. Write a Go program to open a file and write text in it if it is not empty.  
   File: test.txt (contains: "Hello")
   Expected Output:  
   File is not empty, appending text.

Q16. Write a Go program to read a CSV file and print each record.  
   CSV: Name, Age
   Alice, 30
   Bob, 25
   Expected Output:  
   Name: Alice, Age: 30
   Name: Bob, Age: 25

Q17. Write a Go program to create a temporary file and write data to it.  
   Temporary File content: "Temporary data"
   Expected Output:  
   Temporary file created with content: Temporary data

Q18. Write a Go program to read a file byte by byte and print each byte.  
   File: hello.txt (contains: "Go")
   Expected Output:  
   Byte 1: 71
   Byte 2: 111

Q19. Write a Go program to read a file and print its size.  
   File: hello.txt (size: 15 bytes)
   Expected Output:  
   File size: 15 bytes

Q20. Write a Go program to read a file using ioutil.ReadFile and print the content.  
   File: content.txt (contains: "Go is awesome!")
   Expected Output:  
   Go is awesome!

Q21. Write a Go program to open a file, read its content, and handle errors if the file does not exist.  
   File: non_existent_file.txt
   Expected Output:  
   Error: File does not exist

Q22. Write a Go program to write a file with newline characters.  
   Content: "First line\nSecond line\nThird line"
   Expected Output:  
   File content:
   First line
   Second line
   Third line

Q23. Write a Go program to open a file in write-only mode and write text to it.  
   Text: "Write-only mode"
   Expected Output:  
   File written successfully

Q24. Write a Go program to write a list of numbers to a file and then read them back.  
   Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
   Expected Output:  
   File content: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
   Read content: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Q25. Write a Go program to write a floating-point number to a file.  
   Number: 3.14
   Expected Output:  
   File content: 3.14

Q26. Write a Go program to read and print the first word from a file.  
   File: sample.txt (contains: "Go programming is fun")
   Expected Output:  
   First word: Go

Q27. Write a Go program to read a text file and store its content into a string variable.  
   File: content.txt (contains: "File content example")
   Expected Output:  
   File content: File content example

Q28. Write a Go program to read a file in chunks of 10 bytes and print each chunk.  
   File: hello.txt (contains: "Go programming language")
   Expected Output:  
   Chunk 1: Go program
   Chunk 2: ming langu
   Chunk 3: age

Q29. Write a Go program to remove a file after reading its content.  
   File: temp.txt (contains: "Temporary file")
   Expected Output:  
   File temp.txt deleted

Q30. Write a Go program to read a file and print the content in reverse order.  
   File: sample.txt (contains: "Hello Go World")
   Expected Output:  
   World Go Hello

Q31. Write a Go program to create a new file and write a formatted string to it.  
   File: formatted.txt
   Content: "Name: %s, Age: %d"
   Name: Alice, Age: 25
   Expected Output:  
   File formatted.txt created with content: Name: Alice, Age: 25

Q32. Write a Go program to read a CSV file, parse the data, and store it in a map.  
   CSV: Name, Age
   Alice, 30
   Bob, 25
   Expected Output:  
   Data stored in map: {Alice: 30, Bob: 25}

Q33. Write a Go program to open a file, read data in binary format, and display it as a string.  
   File: binarydata.bin (contains binary data of the string "Go")
   Expected Output:  
   Read binary data as string: Go

Q34. Write a Go program to create a new file and write an integer array to it.  
   Array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
   Expected Output:  
   File content: 1 2 3 4 5

Q35. Write a Go program to read a file and print every third character.  
   File: sample.txt (contains: "ABCDEFGHI")
   Expected Output:  
   Characters: C F I

Q36. Write a Go program to create a log file and write timestamped logs to it.  
   Log message: "Process started"
   Timestamp: Current time
   Expected Output:  
   Log file created with entry: [timestamp] Process started

Q37. Write a Go program to read data from a file, split it into words, and print the words.  
   File: sentence.txt (contains: "Go is amazing")
   Expected Output:  
   Words: Go, is, amazing

Q38. Write a Go program to check if a file is empty and print a message.  
   File: empty.txt
   Expected Output:  
   File is empty

Q39. Write a Go program to read a file in a loop and print each line, stopping after 5 lines.  
   File: multiline.txt (contains 10 lines of text)
   Expected Output:  
   Line 1: Text 1
   Line 2: Text 2
   Line 3: Text 3
   Line 4: Text 4
   Line 5: Text 5

Q40. Write a Go program to read a JSON file and unmarshal it into a struct.  
   File: data.json (contains: {"Name": "Alice", "Age": 25})
   Struct: {Name: string, Age: int}
   Expected Output:  
   Struct: {Name: Alice, Age: 25}

Q41. Write a Go program to read a file and write each word to a new line in another file.  
   File: sentence.txt (contains: "Go is great")
   Expected Output:  
   File output:

Q42. Write a Go program to update a file by replacing a specific word with another word.  
   File: text.txt (contains: "Go is fun")
   Replace "fun" with "awesome"
   Expected Output:  
   File updated: Go is awesome

Q43. Write a Go program to write the square of numbers 1 to 5 in a file.  
   Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
   Output: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25
   Expected Output:  
   File content: 1 4 9 16 25

Q44. Write a Go program to write user input to a file.  
   User input: "Hello Go!"
   Expected Output:  
   File created with content: Hello Go!

Q45. Write a Go program to read a file and print each character's ASCII value.  
   File: hello.txt (contains: "Hi")
   Expected Output:  
   Character H: ASCII 72
   Character i: ASCII 105

Q46. Write a Go program to read a file line by line and count the number of characters in each line.  
   File: lines.txt (contains: "Go\nProgramming\nLanguage")
   Expected Output:  
   Line 1: 2 characters
   Line 2: 11 characters
   Line 3: 8 characters

Q47. Write a Go program to read a file and print lines containing a specific keyword.  
   File: log.txt (contains: "Error: Something went wrong\nInfo: Process started\nError: File not found")
   Keyword: "Error"
   Expected Output:  
   Error: Something went wrong
   Error: File not found

Q48. Write a Go program to write binary data to a file and then read it back.  
   Data: byte slice [0x01, 0x02, 0x03]
   Expected Output:  
   File content in binary: 01 02 03

Q49. Write a Go program to create a file and write a large amount of data to it.  
   Data: 1 million characters "A"
   Expected Output:  
   File created with 1 million characters.

Q50. Write a Go program to rename a file and print a success message.  
   Old file: old_name.txt
   New file: new_name.txt
   Expected Output: 
   File renamed from old_name.txt to new_name.txt

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