Practice 50 Go Lang Error Handling Coding Questions
Q1. Write a Go program that takes a number as input and checks if it is greater than 10. If not, return an error.
Expected Output:
Error: Number must be greater than 10
Q2. Write a Go program to divide two numbers. Handle the division by zero error.
10, 0
Expected Output:
Error: Division by zero
Q3. Write a Go program to read a number from the user and check if it is a valid integer.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid input. Please enter an integer.
Q4. Write a Go program to open a file. Handle errors if the file does not exist.
Expected Output:
Error: File not found
Q5. Write a Go program to check if a string is empty and return an error if it is.
Expected Output:
Error: String is empty
Q6. Write a Go program to check if a user has access to a resource. Return an error if access is denied.
user: guest
Expected Output:
Error: Access denied for guest
Q7. Write a Go program that takes a number and checks if it is positive. If not, return an error.
Expected Output:
Error: Number must be positive
Q8. Write a Go program that reads a file and handles the error if the file cannot be read.
file.txt (which does not exist)
Expected Output:
Error: Unable to read the file
Q9. Write a Go program to perform subtraction of two numbers and return an error if the result is negative.
5 - 8
Expected Output:
Error: Result is negative
Q10. Write a Go program that attempts to connect to a database and returns an error if the connection fails.
Database: example_database
Expected Output:
Error: Failed to connect to the database
Q11. Write a Go program to check if a user is logged in. Return an error if the user is not logged in.
User: anonymous
Expected Output:
Error: User is not logged in
Q12. Write a Go program to validate email input. Return an error if the email is not in the correct format.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid email format
Q13. Write a Go program that attempts to open a file and return an error if the file path is invalid.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid file path
Q14. Write a Go program that accepts a number and checks if it is between 1 and 100. Return an error if it is outside that range.
Expected Output:
Error: Number must be between 1 and 100
Q15. Write a Go program that attempts to open a URL and returns an error if the URL is invalid.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid URL format
Q16. Write a Go program that attempts to delete a file and returns an error if the file does not exist.
Expected Output:
Error: File does not exist
Q17. Write a Go program to check if an array index is valid. Return an error if the index is out of bounds.
Array: [1, 2, 3], Index: 5
Expected Output:
Error: Index out of bounds
Q18. Write a Go program to check if a number is even. Return an error if it is odd.
Expected Output:
Error: Number is odd
Q19. Write a Go program that checks if a user has permission to delete a file. Return an error if the user does not have permission.
User: "guest"
File: "confidential_file.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: Permission denied to delete the file
Q20. Write a Go program to check if a number is divisible by 5. Return an error if it is not.
Expected Output:
Error: Number is not divisible by 5
Q21. Write a Go program that tries to parse a string into an integer. Return an error if parsing fails.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid integer input
Q22. Write a Go program that reads an integer from the user and checks if it is positive. Return an error if it is not.
Expected Output:
Error: Number must be positive
Q23. Write a Go program that checks if a password meets certain criteria (length and characters). Return an error if it doesn't.
Expected Output:
Error: Password must be at least 8 characters long
Q24. Write a Go program that checks if a number is divisible by both 3 and 5. Return an error if it is not.
Expected Output:
Error: Number is not divisible by 3 and 5
Q25. Write a Go program that checks if a file can be written to. Return an error if the file is read-only.
Expected Output:
Error: File is read-only
Q26. Write a Go program that takes user input for age and checks if the age is valid (positive number). Return an error if the age is invalid.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid age
Q27. Write a Go program that checks if a given file has read permissions. Return an error if it does not.
Expected Output:
Error: No read permissions for file.txt
Q28. Write a Go program that checks if a number is prime. Return an error if the number is not prime.
Expected Output:
Error: 4 is not a prime number
Q29. Write a Go program that takes an input number and checks if it's within a specific range (1-50). Return an error if it is not.
Expected Output:
Error: Number out of range (1-50)
Q30. Write a Go program that attempts to connect to a server. Return an error if the connection fails.
Server: "example.com"
Expected Output:
Error: Failed to connect to the server
Q31. Write a Go program to check if a string contains a specific substring. Return an error if the substring is not found.
String: "hello world", Substring: "abc"
Expected Output:
Error: Substring not found
Q32. Write a Go program that attempts to read a file. Return an error if the file is empty.
File: "empty_file.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: File is empty
Q33. Write a Go program to handle errors when opening a file for writing. Return an error if the file cannot be opened.
File: "readonly_file.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: Cannot open file for writing
Q34. Write a Go program to check if a directory exists. Return an error if the directory is not found.
Directory: "my_directory"
Expected Output:
Error: Directory not found
Q35. Write a Go program to handle an error when parsing JSON data. Return an error if the JSON is invalid.
JSON: {"name": "John", age: 30}
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid JSON format
Q36. Write a Go program to check if a number is divisible by 2. Return an error if it is not.
Expected Output:
Error: Number is not divisible by 2
Q37. Write a Go program to check if a given number is within an acceptable limit (e.g., 1 to 100). Return an error if the number is out of bounds.
Expected Output:
Error: Number out of bounds
Q38. Write a Go program that checks if a username is already taken. Return an error if the username is taken.
Username: "admin"
Expected Output:
Error: Username "admin" is already taken
Q39. Write a Go program that takes a string input and checks if it contains any digits. Return an error if it does.
String: "abc123"
Expected Output:
Error: String contains digits
Q40. Write a Go program to check if the input number is within the range of 0 to 100. Return an error if the number is out of range.
Expected Output:
Error: Number out of range
Q41. Write a Go program to check if a file is empty. Return an error if it is empty.
Expected Output:
Error: File is empty
Q42. Write a Go program to check if a file path is valid. Return an error if the path is invalid.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid file path
Q43. Write a Go program to check if a user is eligible for voting. Return an error if the user is under 18.
Age: 16
Expected Output:
Error: User is not eligible to vote
Q44. Write a Go program to check if an input string has at least 5 characters. Return an error if it does not.
Expected Output:
Error: String must have at least 5 characters
Q45. Write a Go program that attempts to open a file. Return an error if the file cannot be opened.
"file.txt" (which does not exist)
Expected Output:
Error: Unable to open file.txt
Q46. Write a Go program to check if a given year is a leap year. Return an error if it is not a leap year.
Expected Output:
Error: 2021 is not a leap year
Q47. Write a Go program that checks if a number is an even number. Return an error if it is not even.
Expected Output:
Error: Number is not even
Q48. Write a Go program that checks if a given integer is a valid positive number. Return an error if it is negative.
Expected Output:
Error: Invalid input. Number must be positive.
Q49. Write a Go program to read a string from the user and check if it contains any whitespace. Return an error if it does.
"hello world"
Expected Output:
Error: String contains whitespace
Q50. Write a Go program that checks if a user has the required permissions to access a resource. Return an error if permissions are denied.
User: "guest", Resource: "confidential_file.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: Insufficient permissions to access confidential_file.txt