Practice 50 Go Lang Error Handling and Logging Coding Questions
Q1. Write a Go program that handles errors in a file opening operation and logs the error if the file does not exist.
Try opening the file "nonexistentfile.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: open nonexistentfile.txt: no such file or directory
Q2. Write a Go program that handles division by zero errors and logs an appropriate message.
Divide 10 by 0
Expected Output:
Error: division by zero
Q3. Write a Go program that checks if a file exists and logs an error if the file is missing.
Check if "config.txt" exists
Expected Output:
Error: config.txt not found
Q4. Write a Go program to handle a situation where an invalid type is provided for an expected integer and log the error.
Parse "abc" as an integer
Expected Output:
Error: strconv.Atoi: parsing "abc": invalid syntax
Q5. Write a Go program that reads a file and logs an error if the file is empty.
Read the file "emptyfile.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: file is empty
Q6. Write a Go program that logs an error if a network connection cannot be established.
Attempt to connect to "http://invalid-url"
Expected Output:
Error: cannot establish connection to http://invalid-url
Q7. Write a Go program that attempts to parse a date string and logs an error if the format is incorrect.
Parse the date string "2025-13-32"
Expected Output:
Error: invalid date format
Q8. Write a Go program that logs an error when trying to access an index outside the range of an array.
Access array[10] where array = [1, 2, 3]
Expected Output:
Error: index out of range
Q9. Write a Go program that attempts to convert a string into a float and logs an error if the string is not valid.
Convert "abc" to float
Expected Output:
Error: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "abc": invalid syntax
Q10. Write a Go program to handle and log errors when trying to connect to a database with wrong credentials.
Attempt database connection with invalid credentials
Expected Output:
Error: unable to connect to database: invalid credentials
Q11. Write a Go program that logs an error when it cannot write to a file due to permission issues.
Attempt to write to "/protected/file.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: permission denied
Q12. Write a Go program that catches and logs a panic when an invalid array index is accessed.
Access array[10] where array = [1, 2, 3]
Expected Output:
Panic: runtime error: index out of range
Q13. Write a Go program that logs an error when it encounters an unsupported file format during file upload.
Attempt to upload a file with extension ".exe"
Expected Output:
Error: unsupported file format
Q14. Write a Go program to handle an HTTP request that fails due to a missing query parameter and logs the error.
Send a GET request to "/search" without the query parameter "term"
Expected Output:
Error: missing required query parameter "term"
Q15. Write a Go program that attempts to read from a closed channel and logs an error.
Read from a closed channel
Expected Output:
Error: cannot read from closed channel
Q16. Write a Go program that logs an error when a user tries to access a route without proper authentication.
Access "/dashboard" without a valid session
Expected Output:
Error: unauthorized access
Q17. Write a Go program that logs an error if the server cannot bind to the specified port.
Start server on port 8080 when port is already in use
Expected Output:
Error: cannot bind to port 8080
Q18. Write a Go program that logs an error when trying to write an invalid JSON object to a file.
Write {name: "John", age: } to a file
Expected Output:
Error: invalid JSON format
Q19. Write a Go program that catches and logs an error when trying to open an unsupported file type.
Open "file.xyz"
Expected Output:
Error: unsupported file type
Q20. Write a Go program that logs an error when an expected environment variable is missing.
Read environment variable "API_KEY"
Expected Output:
Error: API_KEY not set
Q21. Write a Go program that logs an error if the server fails to respond within the timeout period.
Send an HTTP request with a timeout of 1 second
Expected Output:
Error: server response timed out
Q22. Write a Go program that logs an error when the input is not a valid email address.
Validate "invalid-email"
Expected Output:
Error: invalid email address format
Q23. Write a Go program that logs an error when trying to open a non-existent URL using http.Get.
Call http.Get("http://nonexistent-url.com")
Expected Output:
Error: failed to fetch http://nonexistent-url.com
Q24. Write a Go program that logs an error if a database record is not found.
Search for user with ID 9999 in the database
Expected Output:
Error: user with ID 9999 not found
Q25. Write a Go program that logs an error when an API request returns a non-200 status code.
Send a GET request to an API that returns 404
Expected Output:
Error: received non-200 status code 404
Q26. Write a Go program that logs an error when trying to parse invalid JSON data.
Parse "{name: John}" (invalid JSON)
Expected Output:
Error: invalid character 'n' in literal true (expecting 'r')
Q27. Write a Go program that logs an error when file permissions prevent reading from a file.
Try reading from "readonlyfile.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: permission denied
Q28. Write a Go program that logs an error when trying to connect to an unsupported protocol.
Attempt to connect to ftp://example.com
Expected Output:
Error: unsupported protocol "ftp"
Q29. Write a Go program that handles and logs an error when attempting to decode an empty JSON object.
Decode "{}" into a Go struct
Expected Output:
Error: failed to decode empty JSON object
Q30. Write a Go program that catches and logs an error when a panic occurs due to accessing an invalid memory address.
Dereference a nil pointer
Expected Output:
Panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
Q31. Write a Go program that logs an error when trying to parse an invalid URL.
Parse "htp://invalid-url"
Expected Output:
Error: invalid URL format
Q32. Write a Go program that logs an error when attempting to open a file that the program does not have permission to access.
Open "/etc/sensitivefile.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: permission denied to access /etc/sensitivefile.txt
Q33. Write a Go program that handles and logs an error when an API call fails due to timeout.
Call a slow API with a timeout of 2 seconds
Expected Output:
Error: API call timed out
Q34. Write a Go program that handles a missing file path error and logs it.
Try opening "path/to/nonexistentfile.txt"
Expected Output:
Error: file not found at path/to/nonexistentfile.txt
Q35. Write a Go program that handles an error when trying to connect to a MySQL database with incorrect credentials.
Try connecting to a MySQL database with invalid username/password
Expected Output:
Error: MySQL authentication failed: incorrect username or password
Q36. Write a Go program that logs an error when a specific API endpoint is not found.
Access "http://localhost:8080/invalidendpoint"
Expected Output:
Error: 404 Not Found for /invalidendpoint
Q37. Write a Go program that logs an error when the server cannot write to the response due to a network issue.
Send data to the client but the connection is closed unexpectedly
Expected Output:
Error: failed to write response due to network issue
Q38. Write a Go program that logs an error when a user tries to delete a record that does not exist in the database.
Attempt to delete user with ID 9999
Expected Output:
Error: record with ID 9999 not found for deletion
Q39. Write a Go program that logs an error when an unsupported HTTP method is used.
Send a PATCH request to http://localhost:8080/resource
Expected Output:
Error: unsupported HTTP method PATCH
Q40. Write a Go program that logs an error when an invalid response is returned from a web service.
Call a web service and receive an unexpected status code 500
Expected Output:
Error: received unexpected status code 500 from web service
Q41. Write a Go program that logs an error when an invalid file extension is uploaded by the user.
Upload file "image.exe"
Expected Output:
Error: invalid file type uploaded
Q42. Write a Go program that logs an error when a JSON response contains unexpected data types.
Receive JSON response: {"age": "twenty"}
Expected Output:
Error: invalid type for "age" field, expected integer
Q43. Write a Go program that logs an error when trying to read an unsupported image file format.
Read image file "photo.xyz"
Expected Output:
Error: unsupported image file format
Q44. Write a Go program that logs an error when a required field is missing in the input data.
POST request with data: {"name": "Alice"}
Expected Output:
Error: missing required field "email"
Q45. Write a Go program that logs an error when an invalid API token is used in the request.
Make API request with invalid token
Expected Output:
Error: invalid API token
Q46. Write a Go program that logs an error when it fails to load a configuration file.
Try loading the "config.yaml" file
Expected Output:
Error: failed to load configuration file
Q47. Write a Go program that logs an error when a system resource limit is exceeded.
Attempt to allocate too much memory
Expected Output:
Error: resource limit exceeded
Q48. Write a Go program that logs an error when the request body exceeds the maximum allowed size.
Send a large payload exceeding 10MB
Expected Output:
Error: request body exceeds the maximum allowed size
Q49. Write a Go program that logs an error when an invalid HTTP status code is received in response to an API call.
API call returns status code 400
Expected Output:
Error: unexpected status code 400 received
Q50. Write a Go program that logs an error when the file path is not absolute.
Attempt to open the file "myfile.txt" from a relative path
Expected Output:
Error: invalid file path, expected absolute path