Practice 50 Go Lang Deployment and DevOps Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Go Lang Deployment and DevOps Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Go program that demonstrates how to package a Go application for deployment.  
  Use go build to compile a simple "Hello, World!" program.
  Expected Output:  
  Executable file: hello-world (binary file)

Q2. Write a Go program that uses environment variables for configuration.  
  Set an environment variable DB_HOST=localhost and retrieve it in your Go program.
  Expected Output:  
  DB_HOST: localhost

Q3. Write a Go program that logs application errors to a file.  
  Log an error message to a file "app.log" with the content "Database connection failed."
  Expected Output:  
  Content written to "app.log": Database connection failed.

Q4. Write a Go program that uses os/exec to execute a shell command during deployment.  
  Execute the shell command echo Hello World using os/exec
  Expected Output:  
  Hello World

Q5. Write a Go program that sets up a simple HTTP server for deployment.  
  Start an HTTP server on port 8080 that responds with "Hello, World!"
  Expected Output:  
  HTTP Server started on http://localhost:8080

Q6. Write a Go program that uses logrus for structured logging in production.  
  Log a message with structured fields using logrus (e.g., "error", "message").
  Expected Output:  
  {"level":"error","msg":"Message logging","time":"2025-01-14T12:00:00Z"}

Q7. Write a Go program that generates a Dockerfile for containerizing a Go application.  
  Generate a Dockerfile to build a Go application into a Docker container.
  Expected Output:  
  FROM golang:alpine
  WORKDIR /app
  COPY . .
  RUN go build -o myapp .
  CMD ["./myapp"]

Q8. Write a Go program that uploads application logs to a cloud storage service.  
  Upload a file "app.log" to an S3 bucket using Go's AWS SDK.
  Expected Output:  
  File "app.log" uploaded to S3 successfully.

Q9. Write a Go program that uses os and os/exec to deploy a web app with CI/CD pipelines.  
  Use os/exec to automate git pull and deployment steps on a remote server.
  Expected Output:  
  Code pulled from repository, deployment started.

Q10. Write a Go program that interacts with Kubernetes using the Go client.  
   Use Kubernetes Go client to list the pods in a cluster.
   Expected Output:  
   Pods: ["pod-1", "pod-2", "pod-3"]

Q11. Write a Go program that monitors CPU usage in real-time during deployment.  
   Use Go to monitor CPU usage during the deployment of an application.
   Expected Output:  
   CPU Usage: 25%

Q12. Write a Go program that configures a continuous integration tool to automatically run tests after a code push.  
   Set up a CI/CD pipeline in GitHub Actions or Jenkins to run tests on push events.
   Expected Output:  
   Tests completed successfully after code push.

Q13. Write a Go program that packages your Go app into a .tar.gz file for deployment.  
   Create a .tar.gz archive containing your Go app and dependencies.
   Expected Output:  
   File app.tar.gz created successfully.

Q14. Write a Go program that checks the health of your deployment using HTTP requests.  
   Send a GET request to http://localhost:8080/health and check for a 200 OK status.
   Expected Output:  
   Health check: OK

Q15. Write a Go program that handles the graceful shutdown of a web server during deployment.  
   Use http.Server with a context to shutdown gracefully when the deployment ends.
   Expected Output:  
   Server shutdown completed successfully.

Q16. Write a Go program that sends a deployment status update to Slack using a webhook.  
   Send a message "Deployment successful" to Slack via a webhook.
   Expected Output:  
   Message sent to Slack: Deployment successful

Q17. Write a Go program that integrates with Docker Compose for multi-container deployment.  
   Set up Docker Compose to run both a Go app and a database container.
   Expected Output:  
   Containers started successfully: app, db

Q18. Write a Go program that manages multiple environment configurations for deployment.  
   Load environment-specific configurations using godotenv package.
   Expected Output:  
   Configuration loaded for Production.

Q19. Write a Go program that builds and pushes a Go application Docker image to a registry.  
   Build and push Docker image myapp:latest to DockerHub.
   Expected Output:  
   Image pushed successfully to DockerHub.

Q20. Write a Go program that configures monitoring and alerting for your deployed application using Prometheus.  
   Set up Prometheus to collect metrics and alert if CPU usage exceeds 80%.
   Expected Output:  
   Alert triggered: CPU usage > 80%

Q21. Write a Go program that uses Git to deploy code to a remote server automatically.  
   Use Go to clone a Git repository and deploy the app on a remote server.
   Expected Output:  
   Code deployed from GitHub repository to server.

Q22. Write a Go program that sends an email notification when deployment is successful.  
   Send an email to "" when deployment completes.
   Expected Output:  
   Email sent to Deployment successful

Q23. Write a Go program that configures a reverse proxy using http.ServeMux for deployment.  
   Set up a reverse proxy in Go to forward requests from /api to a backend service.
   Expected Output:  
   Reverse proxy set up to forward /api requests.

Q24. Write a Go program that automatically installs dependencies before deployment using go mod.  
   Run go mod tidy to install dependencies before starting the application.
   Expected Output:  
   Dependencies installed successfully.

Q25. Write a Go program that deploys a Go application to a cloud provider like AWS or GCP.  
   Deploy the application to AWS EC2 instance using Go SDK.
   Expected Output:  
   Application deployed to AWS EC2 instance.

Q26. Write a Go program that uses net/http to serve a simple API in a production environment.  
   Set up a REST API that responds to GET requests with a JSON payload.
   Expected Output:  
   Response: {"status": "success"}

Q27. Write a Go program that sets up a basic SSL configuration for an HTTPS server.  
   Configure your Go server to serve HTTPS using an SSL certificate.
   Expected Output:  
   HTTPS Server running on https://localhost:443

Q28. Write a Go program that runs automated tests as part of your deployment pipeline.  
   Run go test on a Go project before deploying to production.
   Expected Output:  
   Tests passed successfully.

Q29. Write a Go program that uses os/exec to restart a service after deployment.  
   Restart the service myapp using systemctl command after deployment.
   Expected Output:  
   Service myapp restarted successfully.

Q30. Write a Go program that automatically scales a deployed service based on load using Kubernetes.  
   Use Go Kubernetes client to scale pods based on CPU usage.
   Expected Output:  
   Pods scaled to 3 replicas.

Q31. Write a Go program that integrates with AWS Lambda for serverless deployment.  
   Deploy a simple Go function as AWS Lambda.
   Expected Output:  
   Lambda function deployed successfully.

Q32. Write a Go program that manages different versions of the Go application using Git tags.  
   Tag the current commit with v1.0.0 and push to the remote repository.
   Expected Output:  
   Git tag v1.0.0 created and pushed.

Q33. Write a Go program that demonstrates zero-downtime deployment using Blue-Green strategy.  
   Deploy a new version of the app without downtime using a Blue-Green deployment.
   Expected Output:  
   Blue-Green deployment completed.

Q34. Write a Go program that integrates with a cloud logging system (e.g., AWS CloudWatch) for log aggregation.  
   Send logs to AWS CloudWatch after application startup.
   Expected Output:  
   Log sent to AWS CloudWatch successfully.

Q35. Write a Go program that checks disk space usage on the server during deployment.  
   Check disk space and warn if it's above 80% usage.
   Expected Output:  
   Disk space usage: 85%
   Warning: Disk space usage is high.

Q36. Write a Go program that verifies the integrity of files before deployment using hash checking.  
   Verify file integrity by comparing SHA256 hash before deployment.
   Expected Output:  
   File integrity verified: hashes match.

Q37. Write a Go program that demonstrates rolling deployment by updating one instance at a time.  
   Deploy new code to one instance, then proceed to others.
   Expected Output:  
   Rolling update completed.

Q38. Write a Go program that configures and deploys an application with Helm charts.  
   Deploy a Go app using Helm on a Kubernetes cluster.
   Expected Output:  
   Application deployed using Helm chart.

Q39. Write a Go program that demonstrates deployment monitoring with Grafana.  
   Set up Grafana dashboards to monitor the app's deployment.
   Expected Output:  
   Grafana dashboard configured successfully.

Q40. Write a Go program that handles versioning of deployed applications using Docker tags.  
   Tag your Docker image with v1.0.0 before pushing it to Docker Hub.
   Expected Output:  
   Docker image tagged: v1.0.0

Q41. Write a Go program that updates the application configuration in production using Consul.  
   Update app settings using Consul and propagate changes without restarting the app.
   Expected Output:  
   App configuration updated successfully.

Q42. Write a Go program that monitors deployment health with alerting via Slack.  
   Send an alert to Slack if deployment fails.
   Expected Output:  
   Alert sent to Slack: Deployment failed.

Q43. Write a Go program that scales a Go web app based on incoming traffic using AWS Auto Scaling.  
   Set up auto scaling for your web app based on traffic volume.
   Expected Output:  
   Auto scaling triggered: 5 instances running.

Q44. Write a Go program that demonstrates setting up CI/CD pipelines with GitLab CI.  
   Configure .gitlab-ci.yml for automatic testing and deployment.
   Expected Output:  
   Pipeline executed successfully.

Q45. Write a Go program that demonstrates serverless deployment with Google Cloud Functions.  
   Deploy a Go function to Google Cloud Functions.
   Expected Output:  
   Function deployed to Google Cloud Functions.

Q46. Write a Go program that demonstrates log rotation for deployed applications.  
   Rotate logs daily for the application using logrotate config.
   Expected Output:  
   Logs rotated successfully.

Q47. Write a Go program that checks for orphaned containers after a deployment using Docker.  
   List and remove orphaned Docker containers after deployment.
   Expected Output:  
   Orphaned container removed: mycontainer

Q48. Write a Go program that configures a monitoring agent for a deployed app using Datadog.  
   Install and configure Datadog monitoring agent for your Go app.
   Expected Output:  
   Datadog agent configured and sending metrics.

Q49. Write a Go program that handles load balancing during deployment using NGINX.  
   Set up NGINX as a load balancer for multiple instances of your Go app.
   Expected Output:  
   Load balancing set up successfully.

Q50. Write a Go program that demonstrates version management using Git and GitLab.  
   Create a Git tag v2.0 for a new release and push it to GitLab.
   Expected Output:  
   Git tag v2.0 created and pushed to GitLab.

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