Practice 50 Go Lang Concurrency Coding Questions, TechnoVlogs

Practice 50 Go Lang Concurrency Coding Questions

Q1. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of goroutines.  
  Goroutine prints "Hello from Goroutine"
  Expected Output: 
  Hello from Goroutine

Q2. Write a Go program to execute two goroutines concurrently and wait for their completion.  
  Goroutine 1 prints "First"
  Goroutine 2 prints "Second"
  Expected Output:  

Q3. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of channels to send and receive data between goroutines.  
  Channel passes "Hello from main"
  Expected Output:  
  Hello from main

Q4. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `select` to handle multiple channels.  
  Channel 1 sends "Message 1"
  Channel 2 sends "Message 2"
  Expected Output:  
  Message 1
  Message 2

Q5. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `sync.WaitGroup` to wait for multiple goroutines to complete.  
  Goroutines print "Task completed"
  Expected Output:  
  Task completed
  Task completed
  Task completed

Q6. Write a Go program to create a buffered channel and send data into it.  
  Channel buffer size = 3
  Send "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" into the channel
  Expected Output: 
  Item 1
  Item 2
  Item 3

Q7. Write a Go program to use `defer` in goroutines.  
  Defer print statement inside a goroutine
  Expected Output:  
  Deferred message from goroutine

Q8. Write a Go program to send a struct over a channel and print its fields in a goroutine.  
  struct { Name: "Alice", Age: 30 }
  Expected Output:  
  Name: Alice, Age: 30

Q9. Write a Go program to demonstrate a simple worker pool using goroutines.  
  Worker 1, Worker 2 processes tasks "Task 1", "Task 2"
  Expected Output:  
  Task 1 processed
  Task 2 processed

Q10. Write a Go program to send and receive a string using channels in goroutines.  
   Channel sends "Hello"
   Expected Output:  
   Received: Hello

Q11. Write a Go program to use multiple goroutines and channels to sum the elements of a slice.  
   Slice: [1, 2, 3, 4]
   Expected Output:  
   Sum: 10

Q12. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `sync.Mutex` to avoid race conditions.  
   Two goroutines increment the shared counter variable
   Expected Output:  
   Counter: 2

Q13. Write a Go program to demonstrate the `sync.Once` functionality.  
   Function should only be called once, even if invoked multiple times.
   Expected Output:  

Q14. Write a Go program to use channels to synchronize the completion of tasks between multiple goroutines.  
   Goroutines complete tasks: "Task A", "Task B", "Task C"
   Expected Output:  
   Task A completed
   Task B completed
   Task C completed

Q15. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of a `time.Timer` in a goroutine.  
   Timer expires after 2 seconds and prints "Timeout"
   Expected Output:  

Q16. Write a Go program to use `sync.Cond` to synchronize goroutines.  
   Condition variable is used to notify goroutines to proceed
   Expected Output:  
   Goroutine started

Q17. Write a Go program to demonstrate how goroutines can communicate using channels.  
   Main goroutine sends "Hello" to another goroutine via a channel
   Expected Output:  
   Hello from the other goroutine

Q18. Write a Go program to implement a producer-consumer problem using goroutines and channels.  
   Producer produces "item 1", "item 2", and "item 3"
   Consumer consumes the items
   Expected Output:  
   Consumed: item 1
   Consumed: item 2
   Consumed: item 3

Q19. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `select` to handle multiple channels with different timeouts.  
   Channel 1 sends "Message A"
   Channel 2 sends "Message B"
   Timeout is set to 1 second
   Expected Output:  
   Message A

Q20. Write a Go program to use goroutines to calculate the factorial of a number concurrently.  
   Calculate factorial of 5
   Expected Output:  
   Factorial of 5: 120

Q21. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `time.Sleep` to introduce a delay in a goroutine.  
   Sleep for 3 seconds and then print "Done"
   Expected Output:  

Q22. Write a Go program to create multiple goroutines that each print their own index in a loop.  
   Create 5 goroutines, each printing its index
   Expected Output:  

Q23. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of a `time.After` channel to trigger an action after a specified delay.  
   Action triggered after 2 seconds
   Expected Output:  
   Action executed after timeout

Q24. Write a Go program to implement a simple gossip protocol with goroutines.  
   Node 1 gossips to Node 2 and Node 3
   Expected Output:  
   Node 1: Gossiped to Node 2
   Node 1: Gossiped to Node 3

Q25. Write a Go program to create a goroutine that simulates a clock and sends the current time every second.  
   Current time printed every second
   Expected Output:  

Q26. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `sync.WaitGroup` to wait for multiple goroutines to complete.  
   3 goroutines perform different tasks
   Expected Output:  
   Task 1 completed
   Task 2 completed
   Task 3 completed

Q27. Write a Go program to send an integer over a channel and receive it in a separate goroutine.  
   Send value 10 via channel
   Expected Output:  
   Received: 10

Q28. Write a Go program to implement the producer-consumer problem with a single shared buffer using goroutines and channels.  
   Producer produces 3 items, consumer consumes them
   Expected Output:  
   Consumed: Item 1
   Consumed: Item 2
   Consumed: Item 3

Q29. Write a Go program that launches multiple goroutines and prints a message from each.  
   5 goroutines print a message concurrently
   Expected Output:  
   Message from goroutine 1
   Message from goroutine 2
   Message from goroutine 3
   Message from goroutine 4
   Message from goroutine 5

Q30. Write a Go program to use a `defer` statement in a goroutine to print a message after completion.  
   Print "Task started" and defer "Task finished"
   Expected Output:  
   Task started
   Task finished

Q31. Write a Go program to implement a counter that uses goroutines and channels to increment the value concurrently.  
   Increment counter concurrently by 1 in multiple goroutines
   Expected Output:  
   Counter: 5

Q32. Write a Go program to create a goroutine that simulates a countdown timer.  
   Countdown from 5 to 1
   Expected Output:  

Q33. Write a Go program to use a channel to collect the results of multiple goroutines concurrently performing different calculations.  
   Goroutines calculate 10*2, 5+3, and 6/2
   Expected Output:  
   Results: 20, 8, 3

Q34. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `sync.Mutex` to ensure that only one goroutine accesses a shared resource at a time.  
   Mutex protects the shared variable during increments
   Expected Output:  
   Final value: 10

Q35. Write a Go program that uses a `select` statement to handle multiple channel operations.  
   Channels send "A", "B", and "C"
   Expected Output:  

Q36. Write a Go program to use `sync.Once` to ensure a function is executed only once.  
   Execute the initialization function only once
   Expected Output:  
   Initialization complete

Q37. Write a Go program to launch multiple goroutines that each increment a shared variable.  
   Shared variable increments 5 times
   Expected Output:  
   Final shared value: 5

Q38. Write a Go program that demonstrates the use of `sync/atomic` to safely increment a variable in multiple goroutines.  
   Use atomic.AddInt32 to increment the variable
   Expected Output:  
   Final value: 100

Q39. Write a Go program to show the differences between buffered and unbuffered channels.  
   Unbuffered channel sends "Message" and receives it
   Buffered channel sends "Buffered Message"
   Expected Output:  
   Buffered Message

Q40. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `time.Tick` to trigger periodic actions in a goroutine.  
   Print message every 1 second
   Expected Output:  

Q41. Write a Go program to simulate a simple job scheduler using goroutines.  
   Schedule 3 tasks: "Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3"
   Expected Output:  
   Task 1 executed
   Task 2 executed
   Task 3 executed

Q42. Write a Go program that demonstrates the concept of deadlock using goroutines.  
   Goroutines lock two resources and wait indefinitely
   Expected Output:  
   Deadlock occurred

Q43. Write a Go program to implement a "ping-pong" system with two goroutines sending messages to each other.  
   Goroutine 1 sends "Ping", Goroutine 2 replies "Pong"
   Expected Output:  

Q44. Write a Go program to demonstrate the use of `time.AfterFunc` to schedule a function execution after a delay.  
   Print message after 2 seconds
   Expected Output:  
   Function executed after delay

Q45. Write a Go program that shows how a goroutine waits for a signal from another goroutine before it proceeds.  
   Goroutine waits for "Start Signal"
   Expected Output:  
   Proceeding after signal received

Q46. Write a Go program that uses a goroutine to process items in a queue.  
   Queue contains ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
   Expected Output:  
   Processing: Item 1
   Processing: Item 2
   Processing: Item 3

Q47. Write a Go program to demonstrate using a worker pool to process multiple jobs concurrently.  
   Worker pool processes jobs "Job 1", "Job 2", "Job 3"
   Expected Output:  
   Job 1 processed
   Job 2 processed
   Job 3 processed

Q48. Write a Go program to send a message to a goroutine and have it respond asynchronously.  
   Send "Hello" to the goroutine
   Expected Output:  
   Response: Hello

Q49. Write a Go program that demonstrates the use of a `sync.Pool` to manage temporary objects.  
   Use sync.Pool to create and reuse an integer
   Expected Output:  
   Reused object: 42

Q50. Write a Go program that uses `context` to manage cancellation in goroutines.  
   Goroutine cancels operation after 2 seconds
   Expected Output:  
   Operation canceled

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